Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 66: Survival in the End of the World 6

Not to mention, being fully armed in this way makes this group of people much more courageous. After all, as long as they are not afraid of being bitten by monsters, they can just wave their sticks and rush forward. As long as there are not many zombies and will not surround them, they will not If you love fighting and just rush forward, can you still fail to get through?

This time everyone's action can be said to be very successful, except for one who may be too greedy. He carries too many things and cannot run fast. He is surrounded by several zombies. Everyone can't save him easily because they are afraid of killing those zombies. The time will attract more zombies, and then they will be unable to escape, so they will not save the person, and the person will be eaten by the zombies because he did not escape. The others have brought back the supplies properly.

Ning's mother couldn't help but feel moved after seeing it, and said, "Dad, this is a good method. Why don't we take advantage of the fact that there aren't many zombies outside and there are still a lot of things to go find some things and bring them back?"

Ning's father looked at the man who turned into a zombie after being surrounded by several zombies, and said hesitantly: "Let's wait for a while, and let's get some results. Although they had a near miss this time, they are still in danger after all. Someone has died, and our family cannot allow such a thing to happen."

Ning's mother said worriedly: "I'm just afraid that the things in front will be wiped out."

An Ran smiled and said: "Mom, you don't have to worry about this. You won't be able to get it all in a while. Think about it, so many people have turned into zombies now, and there are so many people who dare not go out. Only those who dare to go out to look for things are How can a small group of people move all the items from so many large and small supermarkets around?"

Unless someone has the kind of unlimited storage space written in novels, and can sweep it all away when entering a supermarket, otherwise it depends on how much these people can carry with their hands and shoulders; even if it is loaded in a car, as long as it is not a big truck, it cannot be loaded how much.

An Ran's words made sense, and Ning's mother felt relieved after hearing her words.

However, she was afraid that others would destroy all her things and she would not be able to get them, so Ning's mother still felt that she should exercise harder, get some results earlier, and go out earlier to find food.

Ning's father thought so too.

An Ran was satisfied to see Ning's father and Ning's mother working harder and harder in martial arts.

The aptitude of this body is not bad. She has developed a sense of energy in the past few days due to her familiarity with the road. I believe that before she runs out of ammunition and food, she can achieve some success. Not to mention how powerful it is, but to deal with such ordinary zombies , as long as you don’t get surrounded, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Two days later, An Ran was still teaching Ning's father and Ning's mother to practice martial arts, and there was a knock on the door.

When Ning's father saw Ning's mother walking toward the door, he stopped her and said, "Don't open the door."

Ning's mother rolled her eyes at him and said, "I know, I'll just see who it is."

Anyway, it shouldn't be zombies. Zombies don't knock in such a rhythm. Besides, I've seen it before. There are no zombies in the corridor of their building.

Since it's not a zombie, it's a human being. But at this moment, with so much chaos outside, who would knock on her door and look for her? It's no wonder Ning's mother is curious.

When Ning's father heard what Ning's mother said, he felt relieved and followed Ning's mother to take a look.

Not long after, Ning’s mother came back quietly—for fear of being heard by people outside—and whispered: “It’s the old lady next door to us.”

Father Ning said in surprise: "Why is she knocking on our door?"

In the city, there is not much communication between neighbors, so although they live together and see each other from time to time, so they are not strangers, the two families have probably spoken less than ten sentences, and it is basically Ning's mother. Sometimes I see the old lady taking her grandson out to play and praising the little boy.

Ning's mother shook her head and said, "I don't know." Then she discussed with Ning's father: "She doesn't seem to be in danger. Should I let her in?"

Ning's father thought for a moment and said, "It's better to have one less problem than one more thing. It's better not to let go, so as not to cause trouble."

In his opinion, if there is any communication, it is not necessary at all. If there is any news, just watch TV - now the national TV station can also see it. If there is any important news, it will be broadcast on it. If that doesn't work, you can still talk to relatives My friend is asking for news. After all, the communication has not been broken yet. If it were not for communication but for borrowing food, their family would not be able to survive for long. Their family is too timid to go out to collect supplies. They have to go out by themselves every day. He had to save food. In this case, he would definitely not borrow food.

There is no need to exchange news, and there are no supplies to borrow, so there is no benefit except opening the door, except taking risks.

After hearing Ning's father's words, Ning's mother nodded and said, "That's right."

As for An Ran, she will not express her opinion. Her mission is to listen to the wish of the wisher, stay at home honestly, and take care of her father and mother, and try to live as long as possible. As long as she does not violate these two rules, she will She won't say too much nonsense. After all, she can't even protect herself. Why should she worry so much?

The knocking on the door lasted for a while and then disappeared, and then there was a knocking on the door from other people's houses.

Ning's mother went over to look at it, and after looking for a long time, she came back and reported: "The old lady went to knock on other people's doors. One of them opened the door. She didn't know what she said to the other person. The other person gave her two bottles of yogurt. She She just went home and stopped knocking. Why, she asked someone to borrow food instead of yogurt?"

"Maybe her grandson wants to drink yogurt." An Ran said.

Ning’s mother felt that her daughter might have told the truth, but she felt quite speechless and said: "...What time of day is it now? I still drink yogurt. The adults let him go and didn't reason with him, saying that he can't find yogurt now. Is it over? The old lady is going to borrow it now. If she doesn’t explain the truth, her little grandson will definitely think that there is yogurt to drink. What will he do after he drinks it? He can’t ask others for it every day, right? "

The little boy is five years old. He should be able to understand if he talks seriously.

An Ran said: "It's okay. When we can't borrow it anymore, we won't make trouble."

Ning's mother nodded and said, "This is also true."

Ning's mother's words came true. The next day, the old lady knocked on the door of the house where she had borrowed the money yesterday, hoping that they would borrow it again.

Hearing the noise, Ning's mother ran to see her and came back after looking for a while and said: "It's her again, but this time the house didn't open the door. She also beat her hard several times and scolded them for being stingy and not lending them any yogurt. It's a pity." They just didn't open the door, so she had no choice but to knock on other people's doors. I guess other people had already seen her scolding her when she couldn't borrow something. No one opened the door, and no one lent her anything, so she had to be unhappy. gone back."

An Ran was speechless after hearing this.

Ning's mother was obviously speechless. She shook her head and said: "Then the old lady is really like this. Whose things are not valuable? She is good. I gave her two bottles yesterday. She can make her grandson drink them all in one day." , came here to borrow it again today, do you think that all the things from other people’s homes were blown by the strong wind? If you don’t borrow them and you scold them, who deserves it?”

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