Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 604 Reborn Girl 42

After a while, the young lady said angrily: "My orange is not good, can't you give me a better one? Does such a trivial matter require Mrs. Labour?"

She couldn't let Mrs. Chengyi come over, because once Mrs. Chengyi came, her reputation would be unheard of, so after thinking about it, the young lady could only say this.

An Ran nodded when she heard what she said, and asked the servant to get another plate of oranges for the lady, and then said, "You might as well try this to see if it's still sour."

The lady was stared at by An Ran. She seemed to be refusing to leave until she said it was delicious. She had no choice but to pick it up, peel it off and eat it. Then she reluctantly said: "It's not bad."

An Ran saw that she was honest and continued to entertain others.

When the people around saw this scene, they originally wanted to find trouble with the young lady. Seeing An Ran calmed down the young lady, they withered and stopped talking. After all, what's the use of saying it? Grandma Luo Er is so treacherous. What if she asks Mrs. Cheng to come over and deal with it? Since no matter what they say, she will blame Mrs. Cheng Yi, so what's the point of finding trouble like that.

Those who can't turn their heads think that this Grandma Luo is incompetent and shrinks from the smallest thing, asking Madam Chengyi to settle matters; those with smart minds have discovered that this Grandma Luo of Earl Chengyi's Mansion is not simple. After all, she is an ordinary bastard daughter-in-law. In response to the difficult situation just now, many people would panic and fear, shrinking back and forth, not knowing how to handle it well, and looking like they could not stand up to the challenge, but this Grandma Luo didn't show any panic when things happened, and she easily handled a difficult situation. The matter was settled, and no matter what, she could not be said to be incompetent.

What happened next further confirmed their thoughts.

After a while, everyone no longer sat there all the time, but began to sit in small groups while admiring the chrysanthemums and talking.

While everyone was walking in the garden, a young lady accidentally bumped into a servant who happened to be carrying tea. The collision made the lady's clothes wet. The servant was frightened and quickly knelt down to apologize, and then said that he would take the young lady to change clothes.

Usually when these young ladies go out, in case of accidents, the maids and mothers-in-law around them always bring spare clothes, just in case, so although the other party is angry that she was splashed with water, she sees that the person is already there. After apologizing, I didn't know how to offend the other person, so as not to appear too mean. Instead, under the leadership of the other party, I went to the dressing room and prepared to change clothes.

Needless to say, this servant was arranged by Mrs. Li.

Of course Granny Li didn't dare to pick someone she couldn't mess with, lest she offend someone she shouldn't have messed with. The problem would be too big and Uncle Chengyi's house couldn't afford it, so the person she found was a lady from a down-and-out family. In this way, Come on, even if something happens, I don't dare to cause trouble to Uncle Chengyi's house. At the same time, I can make Grandma Luo make a big mistake. From now on, she will just stay in her own yard and don't go out and embarrass herself.

Although An Ran was constantly entertaining guests and could not pay attention to every place, he had already made plans for such unexpected events, so when he saw a servant taking a young lady to change clothes, he was immediately surprised. The servants arranged by An Ran followed.

The servant who bumped into someone couldn't help but be surprised and a little panicked when he saw someone was with him, and said, "Why are you following me?"

If someone is following them, how can they start?

But I heard the maid say: "Second Grandma asked me to go with you."

"I can handle this little thing by myself, you don't have to follow me."

"Second Grandma has ordered that no matter how big or small, when leaving the garden, two people must walk together. One person is not allowed to act alone, so as not to cause any trouble. If you feel that it is not possible, then you can tell Second Grandma. Anyway, this is what Second Grandma ordered me to do. Yes, if I don’t do what I’m told, what should I do if something goes wrong and I’m the only one asked by Second Grandma?”

An Ran arranged it this way because the garden was full of chrysanthemums. She could see them clearly at a glance. There was no pond or anything like that, so she didn't have to worry about any lady being pushed into the pond.

But things are different outside the garden. There is a pond outside and some remote room. What if a lady falls into the water or an accident happens in a remote room?

An Ran, who had lived in many ancient worlds and had rich experience, naturally gave such an order.

Although these people are not her people and may not necessarily obey her orders, she has set a dead line: she divides people into responsibilities. If someone fails to follow this, if something goes wrong, she will cause trouble for them. In this way First of all, even if someone doesn't want to listen to her instructions, they still have to worry about something happening on their own film. An Ran will put the responsibility on them, which will be bad luck, so she obeys her orders honestly.

When the man said this, the maid who had done bad things immediately found it hard to refuse, but when she thought about how hard it would be to do something next, she couldn't help but look ugly.

But it was too late to get off, and she couldn't do it without taking him with her, so she had no choice but to follow the maid to the dressing room.

After entering the dressing room, the other party's maid followed him in to wait. The person who arranged for An Ran thought that there would be no problem with so many people inside, so he stood outside to prevent anyone from breaking in - this was arranged by An Ran before. An Ran has explained these precautions when handling matters.

Sure enough, she stood outside and refused to leave. The maid became anxious, rolled her eyes a few times, and said: "Now that the place has arrived, you should be relieved, why don't you leave?"

The maid arranged by An Ran said: "I have to go back with that grandma. This is what the second grandma told me."

Second Grandma, Second Grandma, that maid almost vomited blood after hearing this, wondering why this Second Grandma Luo was so difficult to deal with.

Since the people arranged by An Ran would not leave alive or dead, the maid sent by Mrs. Li had no choice.

Not long after, a man arranged by Mrs. Li came over as agreed. When he saw two maids standing at the door, he couldn't help but thought to himself that this was different from what was promised. It didn't mean that there was only one maid. Wait for that maid. After Huan left, he just pretended not to know anything and pushed the door in. Why were there two maids?

He didn't notice any difference in the situation, and thought that Mrs. Li had made a mistake and said it was just two maids, so he came over and motioned for the two of them to leave.

Mrs. Li's maid was afraid that this man would say something unpleasant, so she quickly winked at him and motioned them to go aside to talk.

The man saw it clearly and followed the maid. When the person arranged by An Ran saw that the maid had left with the man, he knew something was wrong. He wrote down the appearance of the maid and the man and prepared to follow him later. The second grandmother said that she didn't dare to leave the door at this time, for fear that something would happen if she left.

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