Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 603 Reborn Girl 41

"That's natural." An Ran saw that he still cared about her, so she naturally wouldn't brush off his kindness and nodded.

Luo Li asked another question and said, "My grandma hasn't asked us for money during this period of time. Have we saved some money? If so, let's buy more fields. I didn't think so before. That time my uncle and the others came It feels really bad to ask for money but not be able to get it. Moreover, since we have a child, we have to plan for the future of the child and save more money, so that the child will not be like us in the future, without money and miserable."

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised after hearing this. You must know that in the original world, the cheap husband of the original person had never considered this. He only knew how to fool around with the women arranged by the Crown Prince's wife all day long. He had no idea about the hardships of the world. Why did he change his mind now? Lost your temper? It seems that the environment affects people? Without the influence of those messy women around him and those messy relatives in his uncle's family, Luo Li's outlook on life is much more normal than in his original world?

That's right. Speaking of which, Luo Li is just a young man who has just turned 20. He was not yet 20 years old before, and was only in his teens. This is the period when three views are formed. Different three views will be formed due to different environments. , which is also normal.

So An Ran nodded and said: "You are right, I have saved some money. After a while, I have one hundred taels, so I will buy some fields. The money is too little, and it is inconvenient to buy too little. "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, if you need me to handle it, just tell me."

"Okay." An Ran said.

It is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and there will soon be a flower-viewing banquet in the house, and it is necessary to safely receive the young ladies from various families who come to visit the house.

Mrs. Shizi would definitely not watch An Ran receive everyone honestly, and beautifully complete the tasks assigned by Madam Chengcheng, so that others could not criticize An Ran, so she immediately said to Mrs. Li: "You do something to make it easier for An Ran." Something happens to Second Grandma Luo. If this happens, although Second Grandma Luo can no longer do her job, the wife will also be laughed at, saying that she has changed her job to a bastard daughter-in-law. Now it’s better, has something happened? "

Mrs. Li had just become the confidant of Mrs. Shizi, and it was just when she needed to curry favor. At this time, after listening to her instructions, she naturally agreed without saying a word.

She couldn't think of the previous method of treating Mrs. Chengyi, but she had to do something to Luo Er's grandmother. She had previous experience to draw on, and she knew how to do it, so she naturally agreed without any problems.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that when dealing with Mrs. Chengyi, An Ran secretly helped her, so she could successfully complete it; but when dealing with An Ran, no one helped her, so it was uncertain whether she could deal with An Ran.

An Ran had known that if he took over this matter, the Crown Prince's wife would secretly cause trouble. At this time, he occasionally checked through the puppet and found that Mrs. Li was indeed ordering people to do this and that. She couldn't help but sneered, thinking that she would disappoint you all because she didn't They will get what they want - although she was forced to take this job, she did not want to cause a scandal. After all, even if she was not afraid of embarrassment, and even if she did not consider Madam Chengyi, she did not want to harm the guests because of her. ah.

At the moment, An Ran just pretended not to know and received the visitors in a normal manner.

Since it was her first appearance, Mrs. Chengyi was accompanying her because she wanted to make an introduction.

Faced with the puzzled looks in the eyes of the young ladies from each family when An Ran came out to receive them, Mrs. Chengyi smiled and said: "The eldest daughter-in-law has done something wrong recently, and I asked her to think about it behind closed doors, so I asked the second daughter-in-law to entertain her on her behalf. I hope Don’t mind, everyone.”

Although those young ladies didn't say everything, most of them looked down on An Ran, so even though they said they didn't mind, it was still clear from the look in their eyes that they didn't want to have any contact with An Ran.

That's right. Generally speaking, the guests received by the Crown Prince's wife are those who have a good relationship with her, and they are also the legitimate sons and wives of various families. Many of them are even the eldest sons and wives who can inherit the title just like the Crown Prince's wife.

They are future aristocratic ladies. Their status is completely different from that of An Ran, who will be a rich man's wife in the future and a concubine's daughter-in-law who will barely even have enough to eat. In other words, they are people from two different worlds. In this way , it’s strange that they can look up to her.

In addition, many of them are friends of the Crown Prince's wife - they usually come only if they are good friends with the Crown Prince. If they are not good friends with the Crown Prince's wife, they will not be able to attend the flower viewing banquet hosted by the Crown Prince's wife at the Earl's Mansion - Seeing her taking the place of the Crown Prince’s wife to entertain guests will make her even more hostile to her. Even if she is not a friend, seeing a concubine’s daughter-in-law take the place of her legitimate daughter-in-law to entertain guests, because she has a pitiful mentality, thinking that if her own concubine’s daughter-in-law takes the place of herself, What would he think of entertaining the guests? He could not help but sympathize with the Crown Prince's wife, so he had no good feelings towards An Ran.

An Ran knew what these people were thinking without asking, so there was nothing strange on her face and she kept arranging various matters calmly. Anyway, she was not rich and could not be liked by everyone, so if others did not like her, they would not like her. Well, it doesn’t matter.

Although these ladies were very unhappy with An Ran, most of them maintained their status as aristocratic ladies and did not care much about An Ran. However, this was only the majority. There were always one or two who were JPs and would find fault. This is also normal, people If there are more, the base number will be larger, and the probability of getting JP will naturally be greater.

So while An Ran was busy entertaining, there was a voice: "Grandma Luo, other people's fruits are good, why are mine sour? What's the matter, you are looking down on me, so Are you neglecting me?"

When An Ran looked, he saw a rather domineering-looking young lady throwing a few orange segments on the table and looking at her with raised eyebrows, asking her to give her an explanation.

This is just unreasonable. That orange is sour, so why can’t you switch to one that’s not sour and continue to eat it? Before you eat a fruit like this, you probably don’t even know who sells it, which ones are sour and which ones are not. Moreover, oranges are more or less sour. As long as others want to find fault, they can always find fault with the oranges because they are sour.

An Ran saw her nitpicking and said calmly: "That's right, I already told you that I can't do this, and my wife insists on me to do it. So, wait a moment, I'll send someone to ask my wife to handle it, but I won't handle it."

The young lady thought that if she made a quarrel with the other party's bastard daughter-in-law, she would be frightened to death. But when the other party said this, she didn't know how to answer the conversation. After all, she originally wanted to slay this Luo Er. Grandma was looking for trouble because of her dignity, but if Mrs. Chengyi was really found, how could she be so embarrassed to say this to Mrs. Chengyi?

When it comes to finding fault with Second Grandma Luo, people outside won’t say anything about me. They will only say that they are unhappy about being received by a concubine’s daughter-in-law, so they have fits, which is normal. But if they want to find fault with Mrs. Chengyi, outsiders will say that they are uneducated. So as soon as An Ran said this, the young lady didn't know how to answer it.

Thank you ShariC for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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