Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3813 Cheating on the old man 33

Although the situation in Cousin Wang's family was better, because his wife had not worked for ten years, when his two sons were admitted to college and the accompanying assignment was over, and Cousin Wang's wife went to work again, she had to find a job because of her age. There were no good jobs anymore, and Cousin Wang at that time also had his salary reduced because of his old age. So although Cousin Wang’s wife later also worked, the income they earned from working together was not as much as Cousin Wang’s when he was young. The income of one person is about the same, which is only enough to pay the mortgage. In addition, the son needs money for schooling and living expenses. Not only can the two of them not save money, but they also have to spend money from their capital, so their savings are actually reduced.

This is also the reason why Cousin Wang later learned the hard way and no longer decided to buy a house for his son in the capital, because the mortgage plus interest rate in the capital was too high, which wasted a lot of money they earned and was not cost-effective.

They wouldn't be worried if houses in the capital were rising fast. The key was that the place they bought at the time wasn't a very good place. It hadn't increased much over the years. Anyway, they couldn't keep up with the interest rates, so after all, they were still losing money. Yes, there is no other way. When housing prices rise to a certain level, it is impossible to maintain rapid growth. If it can rise but not fall, it would be good.

At this time, because he had two sons who needed a down payment, Cousin Wang could only sell the house in the capital and buy two houses for the two of them in the core area of ​​the provincial capital. The remaining money was no longer enough for them to live in the capital. They want to buy an apartment, but they are younger than Cousin Wang and have not yet retired. What if they still want to live in the capital, so they can only rent a house.

This adds another expense. After all, when you own a house, this expense can be saved.

Fortunately, their income, after deducting their rent, is a little higher than working in the provincial capital. Otherwise, they might have to go to the provincial capital to work. After all, they paid down payments for two houses in the provincial capital. Their son is still young and they have not yet talked about it. They can use their girlfriend first, and when their son gets married, they will go back to their hometown and live in their parents' house. After all, their parents will be old by then and they will need their care.

Therefore, the property of the two grandsons of Uncle Wang's family is not as large as that of An Ran's children, but they are pretty good among so many relatives. It is mainly a matter of Cousin Wang's family, which has sounded the alarm to Cousin Wang, so this is the reason results.

An Ran can also feel that among relatives and friends, some are envious of their children, but this is normal. Who has not envy those who have a good life?

In the original world, the original body is gone now, so I don’t know what the future development will be, but An Ran feels that in the original world, Cousin Wang’s family will always be envied by others.

Because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars of help from the Tang family, Cousin Wang must have survived the crisis of cutting off the supply of money and found a better job than in the Enron world. In that way, the supply of the house will not be cut off and the salary will be good. The child should Didn't send it back either.

Even when the next time Wang Cousin's wife loses her job and the payment is cut off, because the money given by the Tang family has not been spent, she can continue to pay for it again, so that Wang Cousin's wife can also find a suitable job, so that the two of them can earn more. More and more, not less.

Later, when Cousin Wang got older and lost his job again, Uncle Wang was able to sell the house in his hometown to help them with hundreds of thousands. I guess at that time, the house in his hometown started to fall. By selling it, he could not only escape from the top, but also earn money. Help your son, why not do it.

You must know that in Enron's world, Uncle Wang also indirectly helped Cousin Wang by selling his house - Uncle Wang repaid the debts he borrowed for Cousin Wang by selling his house - I think in his original world, Uncle Wang also I can do this, and because I have never helped Cousin Wang before, it is my first time to help, and I have money to help.

In this way, even if he loses his job again in the future, Uncle Wang will have no money to help him. Because he has gone through several supply cutoff crises in the past, if Cousin Wang sells this house, at most he will be able to exchange it for the money that Cousin Wang bought the house in the first place. place, they can survive because they did not sell the house at the very beginning, but waited so long to sell it. After all, they have paid off the mortgage for a long time, and then the value of the house has increased a lot. After selling it, they can buy it. Cousin Wang's house should be almost fully paid for, and with a small loan, Cousin Wang and his wife will be able to handle it in the future.

And the son has always been with the couple, so he won't be that bad in school. He has been in the capital and is familiar with this place. It should be easier to find a job. In this way, his future development should be much better than in the world of Enron.

When the time comes, his son will strive for success. When he needs a house, Cousin Wang sells the house in the capital and gives each of his two sons a down payment for a house in a remote place. As for himself, because he has no shame in his original world, he can return to his hometown. Living in my parents' house for the rest of my life, I don't have to spend more money to buy a house elsewhere. This can also save some money to help my son pay the down payment.

In this way, Cousin Wang and his wife, who can buy a house for their two sons, are probably looked up to by people in their hometown, because most people cannot afford to buy two houses in the capital.

Life after retirement, because no one laughs at him, on the contrary, he is a being that others look up to, I am afraid he can live a pleasant life, so that he can continue to brag everywhere, and he will never be like now, where the whole family is in trouble. Jump, my reputation is completely ruined in my hometown.

Therefore, after An Ran prevented Tang's father and Tang's mother from giving money, Cousin Wang's future development changed drastically.

So sometimes, all it takes to change your destiny is a small fork in the road.

Cousin Wang naturally doesn't know that the reason why his life has been so rough is because the Tang family didn't "borrow" him hundreds of thousands of dollars. If he knew the situation in his original world, he would have hated the Tang family for not "borrowing" him hundreds of thousands of dollars. "Lent" so much money to him.

Although the Tang family has no obligation to sponsor him hundreds of thousands for free when he laughs at their daughter, but judging from Cousin Wang's selfish character, he will not care so much and will only make a mess of himself. , blamed the Tang family, and felt that it was the Tang family's fault for not "lending" money to him, and that was why he was in such misery.

Fortunately, he didn't know anything about his original world, so although he hated the Tang family at the moment, this disgust stemmed from jealousy - he was jealous of the people who had been compared with him when he was young, and now they are messing around. Better than him, it's not because he found that the Tang family didn't lend him hundreds of thousands like they did in his original world, which caused him to fail to develop well and live in such a miserable life, which gave rise to resentment.

Although the two kinds of hatred are different, they are still hatred, so to the Tang family, there is no difference.

Fortunately, cousin Wang did not dare to go back to his hometown, and Anran was not in the provincial capital, so the two of them could not meet each other. Therefore, no matter how jealous Cousin Wang was of Anran, after hearing how well the Anran family was developing, he would get into a weird mood with others from time to time. You can say a few mean words, but unlike before when you laughed at the original person, you said it directly in front of the original person, so for An Ran, if you can't hear it, you can just keep out of sight.

It doesn't matter if he has heard about it. Anyway, his family attends plays every day. From time to time, he hears from relatives about the good things going on in their family. Cousin Wang has completely become a joke among relatives. Such Wang Biao Brother, even if she knew that he hated her, An Ran would only treat him as a joke.

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