Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3812 Cheating on the old man 32

Since both of Cousin Wang's sons have mortgages, unlike Enron's house which does not have mortgages, it is natural that Enron has the best conditions. It's no wonder that everyone envies Anran's daughter. At least she has a house in the core area of ​​the provincial capital and does not have to bear a mortgage. Who doesn't like this?

Uncle Wang and others felt a little uncomfortable when they saw that the third generation was envied by others, not their own children, but the children of the people they had laughed at and nibbled on. They thought that it had been thirty years since Hedong. Thirty years in Hexi, An Ran's child would one day be envied by others. Who would have thought that she had been the one who was ridiculed among all her relatives and friends before.

Because his son was not doing well and he was not respectable in his hometown, Cousin Wang and his wife did not want to go back to their hometown. So although they no longer had a house in the capital, they did not go back to their hometown. Instead, they took the money and bought a house in the provincial capital. Living in a house.

They are now old and no longer work in the capital. Of course, the main reason is that they are old and cannot find the jobs they want. After all, they cannot work as cleaning and janitors like some elderly people do. They I think those jobs are not decent and I don’t want to do them.

There is no job, there is no house in the capital, and renting a house is expensive, so I don’t have to go to the provincial capital to buy an apartment and live a retirement life.

Moreover, because they have been used to spending money lavishly throughout their lives, the houses they buy in the provincial capital are definitely not houses in core areas, but houses far away from the city center. The houses in these places are not only cheap, but they do not maintain their value and can easily be destroyed. fell.

But they have no choice, because they can't afford a house in a place that won't fall, so they can only make do with what they have.

They took the remaining money in their hands and prepared to use it themselves. After all, the pension money was not enough for two people.

Yes, even if they have money, they don't plan to pay a down payment for their two sons.

First of all, they have been selfish since they were young. How could they suddenly change for the better when they get older? The situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Secondly, it’s also because they don’t have enough money on hand to help their two sons pay the down payment. Now this little money is their last resort. They definitely can’t give this little coffin to their two sons because they want to keep the old couple. Flower slowly.

Thirdly, they often quarreled with their son because his son was not doing well, had a bad relationship with his son, and were unwilling to pay his son a down payment.

Of course, they didn't want their sons to say that they were penniless, so they told their two sons that if they wanted to buy a house, they could give each of them a subsidy of 100,000 yuan. If they didn't want to, forget it.

And this money naturally made their two sons angry. After all, their grandparents gave them more than four million back then. Now that they are parents, they only give them one hundred thousand. Are they still called parents?

So because of this, a new round of scolding war started again at Cousin Wang's house.

In this scene of "father is kind and son is filial", An Ran has already predicted that Cousin Wang will have a miserable life in his old age, because the relationship with his two sons has been strained. By then, the old one will be unable to move, so how can he expect his sons to support them?

The elderly Uncle Wang and his wife saw that their children and grandchildren were constantly quarreling among themselves, and they wanted to persuade them, but they could not do so.

On the one hand, they were really distressed when they saw that their grandson had no money to buy a house. After all, when their son bought a house, they gave him so much money so that he could afford to buy a house. Now it is the grandson's turn, but the son has no money to buy a house for his grandson. Can they not feel distressed that their grandchildren have no house to live in?

But on the other hand, they also feel sorry for their son. After all, he is their own flesh and blood. The son only has so much money on hand now. If they have no money to pay for the down payment for their two grandchildren, then they will rely on that little pension in the future. , they can’t live the good life they used to, and they will also feel bad that their son can’t bear the hardship. After all, they use the pension very loosely, but their son and his wife have never used such a small amount of money. The quality has declined, and they really can't bear to see their son suffer, so when they see their children and grandchildren quarreling, they feel distressed for both sides, and they don't know which side to help.

But they themselves have no money to use. After all, they are old, often sick, and their pensions have to be used to buy medicine. They can't save money and can't help. So although they feel distressed, there is nothing they can do.

Not only Uncle Wang and his wife are in trouble, but other families are also in trouble.

When Tang's father and Tang's mother saw this situation, they couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect that their family would also have such a day. I think back then, it was so embarrassing for us."

Tang's father said: "God has eyes, evil will be punished."

Tang's mother felt the same and said, "That's not it. This person should not be too wicked, otherwise he will suffer retribution sooner or later."

It's not surprising that the two of them were talking like this, because it seemed like overnight, their relatives' lives were getting worse and worse. If their own family hadn't been getting better and better, they would have thought that the economic environment was getting worse now. .

In fact, the country has been developing over the years, and the people's lives have become better and better. The only ones who are in trouble are a few of my relatives.

A closer look shows that the conditions of these families are not getting worse, but are caused by human factors.

Take Uncle Wang's family for example. Did Cousin Wang and his wife earn little before? Quite a few, it's just that they spent it all and didn't save any money. If they had saved money honestly like their generation, they would have become rich long ago. If they had such high wages, they would probably have two houses in the capital now.

As for the second aunt's family, it's also their own reasons - the daughter-in-law doesn't go to work, and the son, for the most part, doesn't go to work either. It's almost the same as their daughter Ran Ran used to do. If she were as honest as their daughter used to be and didn't spend much money, then the old couple would The money she saved while working meant she wouldn't have to worry about having a grandson in the future and living a hard life. However, her son not only didn't make any money, he also spent a lot, which eventually led to the family bankruptcy. Not to mention having no money to buy a house for his grandson. His son almost sold the only house he lived in, so it wasn't his own fault? Can't blame society.

In my aunt's house, my son is a good person. He works hard and makes money. However, his wife doesn't work and relies on him to support him. She also has two sons. She can support a whole family by herself and can't save any money. And the son has no future either. Counting on him to help, what can he do as a person who raises a large family, so this is also caused by himself, if nothing else, the situation will be different if his wife can go to work, after all, there is an extra job From the income, I can always save some money. Now my son wants to buy a house, so I can give him more or less money.

The one that is slightly better is my brother-in-law's family. Because of the situation of Uncle Wang's family, Cousin Wang and his wife are more careful. Moreover, they are not as face-conscious as Cousin Wang, who buys brand-name clothes, bags, shoes, etc. to show off their face. , so I was able to save some money. If it hadn't been for the fact that my two sons entered junior high school and went to college, cousin Wang's wife was delayed for almost ten years and had no job. Cousin Wang was like his aunt's son, supporting the whole family by himself and supporting the family. A huge mortgage loan will reduce your income, otherwise you would have to save more.

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