Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3731 A controlled life 31

Seeing that Miss Li contacted them, not by voice, but by video, Tang Anxin and Qin Ye were both surprised, but because they were down and out now, it was not easy to refuse Miss Li's call, so they answered it anyway - and then they heard news that they could not accept.

Miss Li contacted Tang Anxin first.

"What?! Tang Anran... No, my sister is not dead?" Tang Anxin couldn't help but lose her voice.

Fortunately, she reacted immediately and stopped calling Anran by name, so as not to give people the impression that she had a bad relationship with her sister, otherwise why would she call her sister by name, so she immediately changed her words and called Anran sister.

Miss Li watched the video and saw Tang Anxin's face suddenly change. She was surprised and thought to herself, this doesn't look like a surprise. She thought that Tang Anxin should be happy when she heard that her sister was not dead. After all, they were sisters. She should be happy to hear that her sister was not dead. Then she should change her face when she heard that she had a lot of money and thought about her own lack of money. Why did Tang Anxin's face change at the beginning, and she didn't look happy at all. Why didn't Tang Anxin want to see Tang Anran alive?

Unfortunately, Tang Anxin obviously found that her reaction was wrong, and immediately changed it, pretending to be surprised, and said: "Is your news true?"

Although Miss Li was puzzled by her reaction, she still said: "Of course it's true. I just met her and talked to her. It's her."

Hearing Miss Li say it was true, she smiled and said: "Really, that's great."

Then she couldn't laugh anymore, because she heard Miss Li continue: "Not only is she not dead, but she seems to be quite rich and lives in a five-star hotel."

Miss Li knew that Tang Anxin was now poor and couldn't afford to live in a five-star hotel, so she deliberately said this.

Sure enough, Tang Anxin almost couldn't control the jealous look on her face when she heard Miss Li say this, and barely kept a smile and said: "Ah, why is she staying in a hotel and not going home?"

Although the Tang family went bankrupt and liquidated, Tang's father, like Qin Ye before, also divorced Tang's mother before realizing that things were not going well. At least he saved the property under Tang's mother's name, and now they still have a place to live.

Fortunately, Qin Ye and Tang's father acted quickly. After all, if they divorced when the company went bankrupt, they would not be able to transfer part of the property, and the creditors would come after them.

But because they divorced before things got worse, Tang Anxin and her mother were able to keep some of the property.

Of course, it was only a little bit. At that time, they were afraid that transferring too much would alert the creditors, so they did not dare to make a big move.

Although they managed to save a little, because of Qin Ye, Tang's father, and their own spending, they spent all their money and their money was running out. Now if it doesn't work out, they have to sell the house. Then they will have no place to live. After all, when Tang Anxin divorced, she didn't get a house from Qin Ye. Qin Ye was too busy at that time and didn't have time to accompany her to transfer the house. He was also afraid that it would take time to transfer the house and apply for a new real estate certificate. So he didn't transfer the house. Tang Anxin only had an ordinary house that her parents bought for her. It was not a villa. Although it was worth some money, it was definitely not as valuable as a villa. The money from the sale would not last long for Tang Anxin's lavish spending personality.

And now, she heard from Miss Li that Tang Anran still had money to live in a five-star hotel. She felt unbalanced and naturally couldn't hold on.

She knew that Tang Anran had money. After all, Tang Anran had taken so much money from Qin Ye and Tang's father and mother. Her parents said that they deposited it all in the Neutral Bank. So much money made Tang Anxin jealous just thinking about it. She thought how good it would be if the money was hers. She could spend it for a long time. This was also Tang Anxin's fantasy. With her way of spending money like water, she would spend all the money quickly, because if she had more money, she would spend more. It was impossible for her to spend as much as she was spending now. So when she heard Miss Li say that Tang Anran had money, she asked this question, thinking that she would wait until she came home and see if her parents would ask her for money! If she wants to not take out the money and give it to everyone, it will be impossible. Apart from other things, as long as her mother is willing to lose face and go to relatives and friends every day to say that Tang Anran is unfilial and does not give money to her parents, Tang Anran will be in trouble. After all, didn't she say that she missed China, so she came back? Now that she is back and living in this environment, how can she not care about the gossips of relatives and friends around her? She doesn't want to be muttered about by others wherever she goes.

Some may not mutter in private, but will listen to Tang's father and mother's crying and call her to scold her directly. After all, some relatives like to take advantage of their seniority. Anyway, they don't need to rely on Anran to do anything. In this way, it is not that they can call and scold Anran just because they don't like her. In the past, Tang Anran always did ridiculous things, and some relatives called to scold her. Now that she doesn't support her parents, I'm afraid that more people will scold her. She knows those relatives at home very well. Let's see what Tang Anran will do then.

If she didn't give the money, people around her would scold her. If she gave it, the money she saved would probably be spent soon. Just thinking about this scene made her happy, thinking, sister, sister, what's the use of saving more money? In the end, it will be used by us.

She was immersed in the fantasy that An Ran would be unlucky if she went back, but Miss Li listened to her inquiry and said with a strange look on her face: "She said... Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang issued her death certificate. She has nothing to do with you now, so she doesn't want to go back."

Naturally, she couldn't say that An Ran didn't want to go back because she saw Tang Anxin poaching her, and Tang's father and mother were not good to her, so she could only say this.

But saying this would probably make Tang Anxin and the others angry to death. After all, the Tang family had a very bad life, and finally the richest one in the family came back, just waiting to suck her blood. As a result, because of the After passing the death certificate, the other party no longer intends to recognize them, and they will no longer be able to benefit from her. Can you not be angry?

Miss Li was right. Tang Anxin was stunned when she heard what Miss Li said.

She fantasized a lot about Tang Anran being asked for money by her parents after she came back, but she never thought that Tang Anran was dead in a legal sense and had nothing to do with them now. In other words, her father Mom can't rely on her status as a parent to ask her for money.

This naturally stunned Tang Anxin. After all, she was still thinking about Anran's money. If Tang Anran didn't recognize her parents, how could she get money from her? After all, who can ask for money from a stranger?

Thinking of this, Tang Anxin was stunned, and then thought, if Tang Anran's money couldn't be taken away, wouldn't Tang Anran always have money?

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