Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3730 A controlled life 30

Tang Anxin couldn't help but feel bored when she thought that Qin Ye was entangled with her and she couldn't get rid of him.

An Ran watched the development of Qin Ye and Tang Anxin and couldn't help but secretly thought, it seems that she has escaped the control of the plot, otherwise she would not be able to succeed in cleaning up the Qin and Tang families.

I don’t know if she has completed her mission if she gets rid of plot control after the main plot is over.

If it didn't count, there was nothing she could do. After all, she didn't have the ability to rewind the plot. If she found that the task was not completed, she could rewind it and redo the task again.

However, An Ran felt that now that she was out of the plot, it was time for her to reappear and give these people a little cannon fodder shock. Thinking about it, the return of the dead soul should be shocking enough.

Especially this dead soul, who is doing quite well, is probably going to be even more shocked.

There is no need to worry about the down-and-out Tang’s father thinking that he is rich and asking for money, because as far as An Ran knows, Tang’s father and Tang’s mother went to get a death certificate in order to inherit his money. In this case, she and Tang There is no relationship between father and mother. She is a stranger now. As long as she does not admit it and does not cooperate with the paternity test, father and mother cannot prove that they are parent-child, so they want to ask for money from me. That is impossible.

Even if she can prove the parent-child relationship, she can give alimony, but she doesn't need to pay much, because after she cleaned up the Tang family, she deposited the money in a neutral country bank. Tang's father and Tang's mother can't go to a neutral country bank to check how much money they have. , the lawsuit went to court, and the court could only order her to have the most basic support obligation, which was a few hundred yuan a month. She couldn't get more than that, so what was she afraid of?

At that moment, An Ran packed up her things and returned to the country.

Naturally, An Ran would not go home directly. After all, he did not intend to recognize Tang's father and Tang's mother, so how could he return home? So when An Ran came back, he did not go to Tang's house, but stayed in a hotel.

An Ran did not plan to redo the lost identity. Although it was not difficult for her to redo the identity, An Ran did not plan to do it in order to prevent her from getting involved with the Tang family. Anyway, Tang's father Tang My mother has already issued her death certificate, so her identity here can just disappear.

An Ran deliberately stayed in a five-star hotel so that she could contact people who knew the Tang family, Qin family and others, so that they could pass the news that she was alive to the Tang family, Qin family and others.

Not only did An Ran deliberately stay in a five-star hotel, but An Ran also deliberately stayed in a hotel where there were people who knew him, the Tang family, the Qin family, etc., and planned to rely on the hotel surveillance to meet them by chance, so as not to miss him. She had to wait and see how long it would take for these people to be informed of her news by the Qin family and the Tang family.

Under An Ran's careful arrangement, she naturally ran into an acquaintance who was familiar with both the Qin and Tang families, and also knew the original person.

When the other party saw Anran, he was startled and said, "You, you, you...are you Tang Anran?"

An Ran listened to her surprised inquiry and greeted the other party enthusiastically, saying: "It turns out to be Miss Li. If you say I am, I am indeed, but my father opened all my death certificates back then. I will call her now." Tang Anran is no longer suitable, just call me Anran."

Miss Li said: "It's really you. Didn't your family talk about you...then what?"

An Ran said calmly: "It is true that he fell into the sea, but he was rescued."

"Since you're not dead, then...why haven't you come back yet?" Miss Li asked strangely.

An Ran said the words she had thought of before and said: "I lost my memory at that time, and it took two or three months to get better. When I got better, when I was about to go back, I heard someone said that my sister and I My ex-husband got together, and I felt a little uncomfortable when I remembered that they had been having an affair before. In addition, I later heard that my family had issued my death certificate without waiting, and I felt even more uncomfortable, so I haven’t come back and have been staying abroad. I just miss life in China. After all, I’m not used to eating abroad, so I went back to China.”

Anyway, there wasn't much surveillance in that country. Whether what she said was true, even if the Qin and Tang families sent people to investigate, they wouldn't be able to find out the reason.

Miss Li couldn't help but be surprised after hearing An Ran's words, and secretly thought that Tang Anran actually knew that there was an affair between Qin Ye and Tang Anxin? She thought she didn't know.

Yes, although Qin Ye and Tang Anxin had never talked before, people who knew them could see the ambiguity between the two. However, due to their identities, the two parties did not talk about being together, so they were embarrassed to talk about it. Just a joke.

In fact, this Miss Li met An Ran through Qin Ye and Qin Ye after they got married. She did not know this Miss Li before, either. If you want to get to know each other, you may be able to hear some rumors about Qin Ye and Tang Anxin from others. But you haven't heard anything. Naturally, it is because the original person is not Miss Li's friend.

Because of this, An Ran let Miss Li discover her so that she could tell Qin Ye and Tang Anxin about it. After all, if she knew him, was a friend, and had a normal relationship with those two people, she might not tell them.

Since Anran knew that Qin Ye and Tang Anxin were ambiguous before her divorce, and Tang's father and Tang's mother couldn't wait to issue the death certificate, it was normal that Tang Anran had recovered her memory and didn't want to return to this sad place.

However, when Tang Anran came back, she could still afford to stay in such an expensive hotel. It seemed that she was rich, unlike Qin Ye, Tang Anxin and others who were now in dire straits.

At that moment, Miss Li nodded in understanding, left with a lot of gossip, and began to tell others about it.

In addition to gossiping with others, Miss Li naturally told Tang Anxin and Qin Ye that An Ran was not dead and came back alive and seemed to be rich, just as An Ran expected.

As for Tang's father and Tang's mother, she was not of the same generation as them, so naturally she couldn't communicate with them. However, she believed that after she talked about it everywhere, the news would definitely reach the ears of Tang's father and Tang's mother.

When they are in despair, what will their expressions be when they hear that Tang Anran is still rich? I really wanted to see it, but it was a pity that I couldn't stand by and watch their expressions carefully when they heard it for the first time.

Although it was a pity that she couldn't see Tang's father and Tang's mother's reaction when they heard that Tang Anran was still alive and had money, it was okay. At least she saw the reactions of Qin Ye and Tang Anxin, which was worth it.

Yes, Miss Li informed Qin Ye and Tang Anxin herself because she wanted to see their reactions. Naturally, she had to notify them in person, otherwise she would not be able to see their reactions. After all, through other people's reports, what happened? The immersive feeling is missing.

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