Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3577 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 24

She had hated Lu Anran before, but before, she just hated him, but now, she hates him. After all, it is normal for Lu Anran to hate someone when she thinks of someone she can't get.

As for He Qiao, she didn't hate him originally, but now, seeing that he refused to admit that he liked her, and then took revenge on Miss Cao and others, and told her that he had never written a love letter to her and that he didn't like her, She was disgraced and completely lost in the circle. It would be difficult for her to go out and face people in the circle in the future. He Qiao was also hated by Lu Cha, as much as he hated Lu Anran.

After all, one of them robbed her of the person she loved, and the other made her lose face. It would be strange if she didn't hate these two people.

After hatred, she must take revenge, but with her ability, how can she take revenge on He Qiao and Lu Anran?

If she didn't know that He Qiao didn't like her and had never written a love letter to herself, she had thought before that if Lu Anran was unwilling to leave He Qiao, the way to get revenge on Lu Anran was to find Lu Anran directly and tell her what He Qiao had written to her back then. Show the love letter to Lu Anran, make Lu Anran give up, recognize the identity of the substitute, and then let her fulfill her. I believe this way, she should have no shame to continue to pester He Qiao, right? ——This is also the method Lu Cha used in his original world.

But in this world, He Qiao said directly that he didn't like Lu Cha and never wrote that love letter, which made this method of revenge against Lu Anran useless. After all, He Qiao said that the love letter was fake. If she didn't like her, how could she persuade Lu Anran to leave and make her and He Qiao happy? There’s nothing I can say.

In this way, Lu Cha would have to think of another way to take revenge on Lu Anran.

Not only should we think of ways to retaliate against Lu Anran, we should also think carefully about ways to retaliate against He Qiao.

In the past, she didn't know that He Qiao had never written a love letter to her. She didn't like her, so she didn't hate him. She never thought of a way to retaliate against him. Now she suddenly wanted to take revenge on He Qiao, which was even more difficult to deal with.

Lu Cha couldn't think of a better way, so one day he saw a TV series in which the main character's method of revenge was to make the target of his hatred lose the woman he loved.

This inspired her, and she thought, since He Qiao liked Lu Anran, then if he killed Lu Anran, wouldn't it be revenge on Lu Anran and He Qiao, making He Qiao miserable?

Thinking of this, Lu Cha couldn't help but feel that she was really a clever little girl. She could think of such a way to kill two birds with one stone.

He Qiao is surrounded by a large number of bodyguards all year round, which is difficult to deal with, but his wife is not surrounded by so many bodyguards, so if she wants to deal with him, there is still a chance.

Moreover, it is not necessarily necessary to use hard methods. Put down her bodyguards before taking action. You can also use soft methods, such as deceiving the bodyguards around her and letting the people she arranged to take action. Wouldn't this be enough to deal with her? After all, she Is it difficult to deal with a weak woman without bodyguards?

Lu Cha knew that murder was illegal, but if he wanted to take revenge on these two people, even if he didn't kill anyone, he would just do some other small things, such as sending someone to take a short video of Lu Anran, etc. This was also illegal. If he wanted to take revenge on these two people without breaking the law, It is not an easy task for people. After all, not everyone has He Qiao's strength. He can deal with the Cao family and other families without doing anything illegal.

So without the ability, she could only retaliate directly physically.

As long as you handle it well, no one will notice it.

Of course, just in case, she would still leave the country and go abroad before something happens.

In this way, once she is discovered and exposed, she does not have to worry about her personal safety while abroad.

The more Lu Cha thought about it, the more he thought his idea was good, so he immediately made arrangements.

She thought that the method she designed was perfect, and that she would not be in much danger. After all, she planned to go abroad after arranging things, so no matter what happened to Lu Anran, what could she do to her?

Little did she know that An Ran had already found out about her plan through monitoring her through her communication tool.

When An Ran saw Lu Cha preparing to kill him, he secretly thought, in the world of his original body, it was indeed Lu Cha who killed him. Isn't it an accident?

But whether it is the way of death in the memory depends on the situation. If Lu Cha arranged something other than the way of death in the original memory, it can only be said that the murderer of the death in the original memory is someone else.

Of course, An Ran doesn't need to worry about Lu Cha's trouble for the time being, because she wants to do something big and must make good arrangements. She doesn't want to do it right away. After all, she has never done such a thing before. To know how to do it, she definitely needs to gain experience and find someone who can help her.

So what An Ran needs to pay most attention to right now is He Qiao's pursuit of her, and... the mission of revenge on He Qiao that the original person told him.

Since He Qiao is not a scumbag, she definitely can't take revenge on him. So, what will happen to this mission?

An Ran had made speculations, and the result was that not everyone's outlook on life would be as good as his own. Therefore, most people would probably take the mission as the criterion. Regardless of whether He Qiao was a scumbag or not, they would take revenge first.

Then the failure of this mission, does it mean that the original person has three views? Seeing that He Qiao is not a scumbag, he does not want to take revenge on him. Therefore, looking at those who did the mission, they did not care about anything else, only looked at the mission, and took revenge on He Qiao. Joe, so what if the mission is judged to have failed?

But there is a paradox here: the content of the mission is to retaliate against He Qiao. If she has a correct outlook on life and does not retaliate against He Qiao, can the original body bypass the restrictions of the system and ensure that her mission is completed?

You know, since the content of the task has been determined and the tasker failed to achieve the goal in the end, I am afraid that it is not possible for the original person to judge that the tasker has completed the task, because An Ran estimates that even the wish-maker must act according to the rules of the system. Otherwise, for some tasks, the wisher may not like the way the tasker completes the task, but as long as the task is completed, the system will consider the tasker to have passed.

Since the system will not consider whether the wisher likes the way the tasker completes the task, similarly, if the tasker fails to complete the task, the wisher will not be able to violate the task regulations and judge the tasker as successful.

Therefore, if a person with upright views does not deal with He Qiao, he may not be able to complete the task.

In other words, the task taker, no matter whether his three views are correct or not, may not be able to complete the task.

This is probably because this task is not difficult, but no one has completed it until now, so it has become a purple task.

So other things, such as Lu Cha trying to make trouble for her, He Qiao pursuing her, etc., were really trivial matters. What troubled An Ran the most was this task. She didn't know what the right choice was.

If it doesn't work, An Ran plans to act according to his own three views, so that even if the mission fails, he can still say that he is not a person with incorrect three views.

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