Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3576 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 23

The reason why Lu Cha didn't tell her parents about this was because she didn't want her parents to scold her if they found out and scolded her for not understanding the situation at the beginning and marrying such a family. Anyway, at that time, she felt that she could marry He Qiao right away. There is no need to tell your parents about this to avoid getting scolded.

But Father Lu and Mother Lu didn’t know that the people who came to them asking for money did.

Of course, they didn't know it at first, so they went back and planned to ask Lu Cha's ex-husband's family for money.

When they returned home and mentioned this, their children were very surprised and immediately said that Lu Cha was divorced. How else could he approach them and say such things to Mrs. He? He just wanted to squeeze out Mrs. He and take the position himself. .

As soon as they heard that Lu Cha had divorced, the parents of Miss Cao and others naturally went back to the Lu family and continued to demand money.

Only then did Father Lu and Mother Lu find out that their daughter was divorced. They were shocked and then became angry.

Don't blame them for being angry that Lu Cha divorced his son-in-law, because they still don't know the specific situation of the son-in-law's family. Although the rumors outside are indeed not very good, there are such rumors in many companies, especially in the real estate industry. Everyone has been in a downturn recently, so they didn't take it seriously and just thought it was a normal situation.

Since it was an ordinary situation, they would naturally be unhappy if their daughter divorced such a wealthy family.

She immediately said that she wanted to ask about her daughter's situation. After sending away the various bosses from the Cao family and others, Mother Lu began to call Lu Cha.

When Lu Cha saw his parents calling, he didn't know what was going on.

In fact, she has been in a lot of trouble recently because since He Qiao suppressed Miss Cao and others, everyone knew that her love letter was fake.

The reason why I know this is because He Qiao suppressed Miss Cao and others, and Miss Cao and others came to him for an explanation. He Qiao said that Miss Cao and others insulted and laughed at his wife, so he couldn't fight back?

Then the parents of each family went to Miss Cao and others to understand the situation, and they told them about Lu Cha's visit. Then each family went to ask He Qiao if he liked Lu Cha, etc. He Qiao told the real situation and said He didn't write any love letters.

Now, Lu Cha’s fake love letter was exposed.

As soon as this incident was exposed, Miss Cao and others stopped working. After all, they thought that if He Qiao really liked Lu Cha and helped her, they would benefit from it if she became Mrs. He in the future.

As a result, this matter turned out to be false, which means that He Qiao will not divorce Lu Anran and marry Lu Cha. When the time comes, Lu Cha will not become Mrs. He, and Lu Anran will still be Mrs. He, and they , offended the real Mrs. He, no, not only offended the real Mrs. He, but also offended He Qiao.

Miss Cao and others couldn't help but feel numb when they thought about how they had insulted He Qiao's wife. They couldn't contact An Ran or He Qiao to apologize to each other and restore their relationship, so they could only turn to Lu Cha and scold her for not doing so. It’s time to deceive them and harm them.

Lu Cha has also been in a state of distress recently because he was scolded by Miss Cao and other bad friends.

At this time, when she saw her parents calling her, she couldn't help but look a little subtle. Her family was a bit patriarchal. She had an older brother. They planned to give everything to her brother and were stingy with everything in the family.

Because of this, she doesn't have a deep relationship with her parents. Either the name of the daughter of the Lu family is helpful, or else, if the Lu family is an ordinary family and she is an ordinary person, she will graduate from college and find a job. Will be separated from the family.

So when Lu Cha saw her parents calling her, she was not in a good mood, and her tone when she answered the phone was not very good.

As a result, her tone was bad, and her parents' tone was even worse.

At that moment, Father Lu scolded her severely and asked her why she wanted to make trouble for Lu Anran, which caused He Qiao's revenge and caused the Cao family and others to go bankrupt. The Cao family and others were unwilling to go bankrupt. Ask them for damages.

Lu Cha saw that his parents called him because of this matter. Lu Cha, who was already worried, became even more unhappy. He said impatiently: "Why don't you just give it to me? Such a small thing is worth it. explain?"

After hearing this, Mother Lu couldn't help but became furious and raised her voice: "This is a trivial matter, so tell me, why did you get divorced? Your husband's family is so famous, why did you divorce? Divorced from such a family. Well, what kind of family can you find? If you can't find a better one, won't we be implicated in the future and be laughed at?"

Lu Cha saw that when they heard that he was divorced, they didn't care about why he was divorced, but only cared about their face. He couldn't help but said impatiently: "You are also an insider after all, haven't you heard that their family is going to collapse? I just know their family. It’s no longer possible, I have a lot of debts, so I just left. If it hadn’t failed, do you think I would have left? I’m not stupid.”

Only then did Father Lu and Mother Lu know the reason.

Since the son-in-law's family is in trouble, then the daughter can just divorce her. After all, even if they don't divorce now, they will still be laughed at in the future if the situation in the son-in-law's family is exposed.

So Father Lu and Mother Lu stopped talking about it, and just asked her to find a new home quickly. It was best to find someone whose conditions were not inferior to those of her ex-husband's family. Otherwise, the more she married, the worse she would become, and she would be laughed at in the future.

Then he hung up the phone.

After all, as Lu Cha said, if Miss Cao and others ask them for money, they can just refuse to give it. What are they afraid of?

The reason why they called Lu Cha was not to blame her for attracting a bunch of people asking for money, but to blame her for divorcing her husband who had such good conditions.

Now that we know that the son-in-law's family is in trouble, it's better to leave the daughter. While she's still young, she can still find a family whose conditions are not inferior to theirs.

Lu Cha couldn't help but smile bitterly after listening to her parents' request, secretly thinking that if it was so easy, how could she still pursue He Qiao? She didn't think that He Qiao liked her before and it would be easy to marry him.

Who knew she didn't like her at all?

Now it’s better, I don’t know who to look for anymore.

It's not that she couldn't find her. You have to know that there were still many people who liked her back then, many of them rich. However, after this first experience, she really couldn't believe those people who looked glamorous.

What if I find someone who is similar to my ex-husband’s family again, will we get divorced then? It becomes even more difficult to find a third marriage.

But if you want to avoid stepping into the trap, you need to know the true situation of the other party's family. However, this kind of situation will usually be kept hidden by those people until the last moment and will not be exposed easily, so she even finds someone to investigate. , I am afraid that the investigation will not produce any results.

What was foreseeable was that if she found another bad family and left, her parents would definitely scold her. Thinking of this, Lu Cha couldn't help but become more and more anxious. At the same time, he couldn't help but hate He Qiao and He Qiao. Lu Anran.

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