Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 305 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 22

But sometimes, they themselves have experienced battles before and have few superpowers. At this time, even if someone is in danger, they can't help. After all, even if they save people, they have to do what they can. Except for saints, no one can help. Anyone who is willing to risk his life for a stranger is already doing well to help when he is able.

Under normal circumstances, An Ran would not take action unless necessary. This was a requirement of the entire team, including Lei Qing, because she had space to prevent accidents, so everyone asked her to keep her supernatural energy in order to prevent accidents. Just in case everyone is in danger and her powers are exhausted in the battle and cannot protect her, she still has her own powers to protect herself.

In fact, even if others don't ask for it, An Ran will try not to use powers, because she has to keep full of powers at all times to protect Tiantian.

In the past, people didn't know she had space, so they had to use support as an excuse to not use her powers. Now that everyone knows she has space, there is no need to make excuses. Everyone will take the initiative to tell her not to use her powers.

However, as her level of cultivation improves, it doesn't matter if she consumes it, because she can recover after meditating for a while, so sometimes she will occasionally help others when they are in danger. After all, if she can't do anything, she will not help and wait for others to die. , I can’t stand it anymore, and secondly, when a teammate dies, from a small perspective, it means that the team’s combat effectiveness has dropped. From a large perspective, it means that our fellow human beings have lost one combat effectiveness, which is not a good thing, so Enron Naturally, I will help if I can.

And Tiantian, who is protected by her, can be said to be a very well-behaved and good child.

Some adults have been staying in the base before and have never faced monsters directly. Therefore, when they see those monsters when they first come out of the base, they will scream in fright. Some are even so frightened that they become emotionally disturbed and cannot recover for a long time.

Adults are like this, let alone children, so some children are so frightened that the adults can't coax them for a long time, which makes the adults run for their lives and add these burdens, which is unspeakable misery.

For example, the two children in Sister-in-law Ji's family, although they are both boys, and the eldest child is older than Tiantian, are still scared and scream, and Sister-in-law Ji has to coax them for a long time every time. Now is the end of the world, and the adults themselves are afraid. , how can I be in the mood to coax them slowly, so sometimes when I feel upset, I don't bother to care about it, and just let them cry, sometimes when I get upset, I will beat them up, which makes Chen Xinran speechless. Sometimes she will tell An Ran that she is glad that she is in the end of the world. I didn’t have children before, otherwise it wouldn’t matter if I ran away for my life now, and I would have to take care of the children, which would be too hard.

But she also said that if she was as well-behaved as Tiantian, that would be okay.

Because Tiantian never does this.

Although she was also scared, when An Ran said that if she was scared, she should bury her head in her mother's arms and not look at it, so every time she saw a monster, she would at most bury her head deeply in An Ran's arms, not like some children. , I was so frightened that I cried for a long time, and it took a lot of effort from the adults to coax him away. Therefore, he was not a very well-behaved child. He seemed to know how to be considerate of An Ran, so An Ran didn't worry about it at all.

The more this happens, the more An Ran feels sorry for this child who was unlucky enough to encounter the apocalypse at a young age. He thinks that if possible, he hopes that the apocalypse will end in the future so that this child can live in a world without fear.

Although their team has grown in number, it has not been smooth sailing along the way.

Now is the end of the world, the law has become waste paper, and the law of survival has become the law of the jungle. Therefore, there are always some people who do not fight monsters, but fight fellow human beings. They have never thought that you have killed other human beings. Do you think Can you survive alone in this world filled with monsters?

For this kind of scum who raises the butcher's knife to his own people, if the other party wants to attack their convoy, An Ran and Lei Qing discuss it and insist on killing them. Firstly, there is no need to be merciful to the enemy, and secondly, it saves these people from harming them again. Others, keep as much fire as possible for humanity.

Lei Qing naturally agreed to An Ran's proposal. After all, he couldn't tolerate someone robbing him without taking care of him.

That day they encountered a group of robbers.

There are dozens of people in this group, all of whom are young and middle-aged people with super powers. They are not burdened by family members, so their fighting ability is naturally strong. Seeing their convoy of two hundred people, they dare to rob - it is just to see their convoy dragging their families, even if they have super powers. There were more soldiers than them, so some of them had to be left for defense. In this way, the remaining people would not be as many as them. So seeing the large amount of supplies in An Ran's convoy, he naturally became greedy and wanted to rob them.

Not only did he want to rob, seeing how beautiful Chen Xinran, An Ran, and Sister Ji were, he also wanted to rob someone - Ji Lei's family used to be from wealthy families, and the wives they married could not be ugly, so An Ran and the others were all beautiful. , it’s no wonder that people who have never seen such a beautiful woman want to snatch her away.

At that moment, the group of people said with evil intentions: "Keep the supplies, and then take those women..." They nodded at An Ran and others, "Stay, and I will spare your lives, otherwise, hum!"

An ice arrow suddenly appeared. Obviously, the person speaking should have ice power.

Not only did they need supplies, they also needed people. Except for An Ran, who was named by that person, the other people, including Chen Xinran, Sister Ji, and another beautiful woman in the team who was named, were all angry. Stare.

And their husbands were naturally unhappy when they saw that their wives were being targeted. Unfortunately, Lei Cang and Brother Ji didn't have any powers. Even if they were angry, they couldn't do anything but stare.

That is to say, the husband of another beautiful woman has superpowers - the two of them got together after the end of the world. After the man got superpowers, he wanted to find a beautiful woman, and the woman also wanted to find a powerful man to be with her, so they hit it off immediately. Together - a young man, and unlike Lei Qing before the end of the world, he was the boss of a big company and had a palace. This man was an ordinary person before the end of the world, so now he can't control it when he sees that the other party dares to covet his woman. Holding the fire, a fireball passed by, hitting the ice arrow in the middle, melting the ice arrow, and sneered: "What else? Is it great to get some ice? I want to see if we are not willing to give it, can you how!"

The man saw that the people on Lei Qing's side had destroyed his ice arrows, and felt that the other party was provoking him, so he said sullenly: "If it doesn't work, I'll hit you until you are willing to give it!"

If they can get what they want by intimidation, they naturally don't want to take action. After all, if they take action, there will be casualties on the one hand, and their powers will be consumed on the other. In case they encounter a large group of monsters later, and they don't have many powers. Don't be in any danger.

But if the other party is ignorant and annoys them, or if the other party has a lot of supplies that they covet, they don't mind taking action.

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