Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 304 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 21

After all, he has left the base, and when it comes to space, he doesn't have to worry about forces competing with him for his safety.

Moreover, if you need to take things out of An Ran's space in the future, if you don't tell everyone clearly, it will be difficult to explain the source of the things, so Lei Qing simply took advantage of this incident to tell An Ran about the space.

"In the future, as long as we learn the lessons from this time and have sufficient supplies, we don't have to worry about not being able to reach our destination. We don't have to worry about running out of gas. In addition to the gas in Enron space, it's convenient if we see gas along the way. Store, we will continue to store." Lei Qing said.

An Ran cooperated and took out a large barrel of gasoline from the space.

As time passed, An Ran told Lei Qing that she already had two cubic meters of space, one cubic meter of which was dedicated to storing the most important material, gasoline. Needless to say, the other cubic meter was reserved for food. for drink.

Seeing that An Ran turned out to be a dual-type superpower, and also a space superpower, everyone couldn't help but be shocked. At the same time, their morale really cheered up as Lei Qing thought. After all, there is such a person in the team. The least everyone can do is... There is no need to worry about the shortage of supplies. After all, they can replenish them at any time. It is not like there is no space. If the supplies are collected from somewhere and put on the truck, if the truck collapses, the items will be gone. Now, they only need to protect Ji Anran. Not having to worry about running out of food or oil is not a great relief.

Seeing that everyone's morale had cheered up, and seeing that everyone had almost rested, Lei Qing ordered the car to turn around and continue walking out of the city - yes, after they walked back just now, the car kept driving and they didn't dare to stop. , afraid that if we stop, another monster will surround us.

However, in case the monster was still on the previous road, everyone changed their way. Anyway, there can't be only one road in the city.

When they came to the exit of the city again, the wind and wood superpowers moved the remaining cars, and everyone left the city smoothly.

After this painful experience, everyone no longer stayed in place for more than ten minutes every time the road was cleared, lest they be attacked by unexpected monsters and find it difficult to escape.

After learning a lesson, the trip went smoothly for the next three days. Everyone collected supplies while walking.

On the fourth day, they encountered a large group of people, more than a hundred people.

Meeting so many people, both sides were a little wary at first. After all, these days, we not only have to guard against monsters, but also people. Sometimes guarding against people is more serious than guarding against monsters. After all, everyone knows that monsters hide far away. But some people seem nice and you make good friends with them, but it would be terrible if they stab you unintentionally.

After careful contact between the two parties, An Ran realized that this group of people had escaped from a nearby base.

"Yesterday, the earth-boring insects attacked the base in a large scale. The base fell and many people died. We also managed to escape with great difficulty." The other team's captain introduced it this way.

The reason why these people were able to escape smoothly was because they were also superpowers and happened to live near the base gate. After the accident, when everyone fled, they were lucky enough to escape from the underground base earlier than others. Those who did not dare to live there before At the gate, I feel that the depths of the base are the safest, so the people living in the deepest parts of the base have suffered this time.

"I guess none of those people escaped." The captain named Wanquan, who was very safe, sighed.

Then he talked about the news he heard from the base's ongoing communication: "Most of the bases across the country have been breached by these ground-boring insects, and we cannot stay underground."

"Do you know if anything happened at our base?" Lei Qing asked.

Captain Wanquan, who had just heard the name of Lei Qing's previous base, said: "Your base is near our base, and it's a big base, so I heard about it, but I didn't stick to it."

If everyone originally complained that Lei Qing shouldn't leave, now that they heard Wan Quan's words, everyone had no complaints at all. After all, compared to death, they still wanted to live one more day, secretly thinking that they were lucky to have escaped. , I didn’t expect that the base would be breached so quickly. It had only been a few days.

Then Na Wanquan said again: "So many bases have been breached, and people in all bases are fleeing. We are afraid that we will encounter more and more people in the future. Captain Lei, why don't we two teams go together? We need to take care of you, otherwise we will be in chaos in the future, and it will be unsafe if there are too few people."

Lei Qing smiled and said, "I'll ask my team members if they are willing."

Wanquan said: "Okay, I'll wait for news about Captain Lei."

Lei Qing then asked the team members if they wanted to go with Wan Quan and his group.

Because the composition of Wanquan's team is similar to that of An Ran's team, they are also people with superpowers and their families, and the number of people is almost the same. There will be no situation where their team will be bullied by them because of the small number of people in their team, so everyone naturally willing.

Then Lei Qing asked An Ran for his opinion.

"After we join the team, they will probably know that you have space powers. Do you have any concerns? If you do, then we won't join the team," Lei Qing said.

He has nothing to worry about. As long as he is not in a large base like that, he is afraid that his power will not be able to fight against the official power of the base. When the official base wants to take away An Ran, he is afraid that he will not be able to protect An Ran. Outside, he I am not afraid of anyone, so I have no worries.

He thought Anron wouldn't have any worries if he was just like him, but he still had to ask. After all, it was a matter of Anran's personal safety and he couldn't make a decision in private.

An Ran was just as he thought. He had no worries and immediately said: "It's okay to join the team."

Since everyone and An Ran were willing, Lei Qing told him to go together.

The two teams walked together, doubling the number of superpowers and making them safer. This made the team, which had been a bit quiet along the way, gradually become more active, and everyone was in a much better mood.

And sure enough, as Wan Quan said, because people from all the major bases have run out, they can meet people from time to time. It is completely different from when An Ran and the others first left the base, and the outside was completely empty. Now, it seems that the outside is suddenly lively. got up.

However, this kind of liveliness is forced to be lively, and people coming and going are in a hurry or on guard. It is completely different from the lively and bustling life before the end of the world.

Rather than saying it was lively, it was more like a group of frightened birds.

The increasing number of people also caused the monsters to no longer gather around the major bases, but spread out and pounce on the people on their way.

Because there were more and more monsters on the road, An Ran found humans fighting monsters from time to time.

Sometimes they have many powers and the other party is dangerous, so they will lend a hand and help. After all, we are all human beings and we cannot just watch others die.

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