Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2995 Desperate Counterattack 33

Coupled with the fact that An Ran secretly sent people to deliver weapons and equipment, the resistance of the people in the south became much stronger. The imperial court sent people to suppress and suppress them, but it was not able to cause many casualties to them for a while.

Soon An Ran took advantage of the fact that the southern court was busy suppressing the uprisings one after another, and sent troops across the river to the south.

Crossing the river was the most difficult step. Fortunately, the troops on the riverside that were supposed to prevent people from escaping were withdrawn to suppress the people's uprising, and the number was reduced a lot. Therefore, An Ran's people were able to successfully cross the river.

After passing this most difficult step, the next step will be much easier.

The southern rebels cooperated with each other, and the war did not last long before the southern court was defeated.

This is normal. After all, they relied on the dangerous nature of the river to resist before. Now that An Ran and others have come, when they think of An Ran's army, even the Xihu people have been driven away. They are afraid. There is no morale that can defeat An Ran. It is normal for people to fail quickly.

At that moment, An Ran took the Emperor of the Southern Dynasty, Empress Dowager Liu, Marquis Anyang and Mrs. Marquis Anyang, who had enmity with himself, Princess Anyang and others, to the north to prepare for trial.

Of course, they did not forget to take away the original body's husband. This man was in the original body's world, but he was the direct murderer who tortured the original body to death. It was impossible for An Ran not to take him with him.

It just so happened that the other party had canceled her marriage, so if she wanted to hate him and deal with him because of it, others wouldn't think anything was wrong.

Of course, without this reason, no one else would say anything if she punished him, because her husband's family was a family of military commanders, and they also participated in the battle this time, so they could take him as a prisoner.

The reason why Marquis Anyang agreed to the marriage was firstly because it was proposed by Mrs. Marquis Anyang and he could not refute it; secondly, he also liked the fact that the other party was from a family of military commanders. At that time, the Xihu people were frequently harassing the Central Plains. It is normal for him to want to make friends with a family of military commanders to provide him with more protection in the future.

So now it is reasonable for An Ran to arrest her former husband.

Even if some people think that An Ran may be avenging himself for personal reasons, on the surface, he has captured the other party and must deal with him in an honest and fair manner.

Fortunately, this man has not married a wife after so many years, mainly because he has a reputation of being violent and lustful. Except for people like Mrs. Anyang Hou, who would be willing to marry their daughter to him?

Coupled with the Nandu and other matters, this man's family has no time to find a wife for him. As a result, this man still does not have a wife. It is more convenient for An Ran to deal with it.

An Ran had already moved into the capital. In order to save some money, he did not build another residence and lived in the previous palace.

Now that Empress Dowager Liu and others have been arrested in the capital, there is no need to say more. In what name did they deal with Concubine Liu, Concubine Liu's family, and the third prince's family? An Ran is now also dealing with Empress Dowager Liu, the emperor, and others in the same way. .

Before killing this group of people, An Ran met them. After all, he wanted the original body to see this scene and feel relieved. Otherwise, the original body did not see them die, and the feeling was not enough. Don't leave a five-star review.

As soon as they met, Anyang Hou knelt down shamelessly and cried loudly: "I am your father after all, you can't kill your father! This is not good for your reputation! And back then, I was the deposed emperor (An Ran deposed He killed the emperor of the Southern Dynasties, so he is now called the deposed emperor). I can’t help it.”

Marquis Anyang knew that meeting An Ran was his only chance to survive, so he quickly begged for mercy.

Before An Ran caught them and came to the north, he had always let his subordinates take care of things and never met them in person. So Anyang Marquis wanted to find a chance to beg for mercy, but failed to find one. Now that he has a chance, he naturally wants to speak, otherwise He is about to die. Isn’t it an injustice?

An Ran said calmly: "As far as I am concerned, of course I will not kill you, but if you kill my mother, my mother is a princess and a king, and you are just a minister. You, a human minister, can kill the king." , this is a capital crime for treason, even if my grandfather were here, he would kill you directly, so if I kill you, the traitor, on behalf of my grandfather, no one in the world will say anything."

Marquis Anyang was initially happy to hear her say that she would not kill him. But later, when he heard An Ran say that he had plotted a treason and wanted to kill him on behalf of the late emperor, he was speechless. Because in doing so, There is indeed nothing to criticize. He did commit treason when he killed the princess.

He really wanted not to admit that he had killed the princess, but there were too many people he had dealt with. Now these people would definitely turn him in in order to survive. It was impossible for him to deny it.

Seeing that his begging for mercy was unsuccessful, Marquis Anyang couldn't help but feel exhausted.

He wanted to curse loudly, but he was afraid that if he cursed, An Ran would be angered and he would be dragged down and beheaded immediately. Wouldn't that be even more depressing? He still wants to live for one more day, after all, what if things turn around? Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if you died early?

At the moment, he couldn't help but regret not taking care of An Ran. If he had killed this cheap daughter together with Princess Anyang, such a thing would not have happened now, and he could still continue to enjoy the glory and wealth in the south. .

You really shouldn't feel compassion. As expected, the grass will be cut without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth. Who knew that Tang Anran, a girl, could cause such a big thing.

In fact, when he spared the original person's life, it was not out of compassion at all, but because he thought that the original person had no ability and could get married in the future, which would be good for him, so he didn't kill him.

Little did he know that he would bring such a disaster to himself.

——Anyang Hou only regretted not killing the original person in the first place. From beginning to end, he never regretted what he had done. Obviously, he did not feel that what he did in the first place was wrong.

Seeing that An Ran didn't even spare his biological father, the others knew that begging for mercy was useless, and no one begged for mercy at that moment. They only cowered together in fear of death.

At that moment, Mrs. Anyang Hou couldn't help but regret, thinking that she shouldn't have tortured and bullied Tang Anran like that in order to please her aunt, Queen Mother Liu, who lived next door. If she hadn't done such a thing, she wouldn't have ended up like this now.

The emperor, Queen Mother Liu and others thought the same as Marquis Anyang, thinking that they should remember the words of the ancients and eradicate the roots. They did not regret that they did not kill Concubine Liu, the only bloodline, and caused such a big trouble. ?

They thought the same as Marquis Anyang at the beginning. They felt that she was just a girl who could not cause any trouble, so they did not kill her. After all, she was the daughter of a married woman. Most people would not even kill a married woman, let alone a married woman. What's more, they would not attack the daughters of married women. They also thought this way. They were afraid that if they killed the daughters of married women, history books or the people would have a bad evaluation of them, so they spared the original life. , I was thinking that the other person was just a little girl, so it would be fine.

Who knew it would be like this? They regretted it so much. If they had known that Tang Anran was so powerful, they should have killed her in the first place.

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