Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2994 Desperate Counterattack 32

Therefore, seeing that no one was causing trouble for An Ran, the Southern Dynasty began to prepare for war, and they were ready to fight when An Ran wanted to fight them.

From the beginning to the end, no one mentioned counterattacking the north, because they couldn't even defeat the Xihu people, so how could they have the courage to attack Anron.

Their guess was not wrong. Anron would indeed use troops against the South. On the contrary, the use of troops against Xihu would be put on hold.

The reason why we deal with Jiangnan first is not that we want to make peace at home first and then fight against the outside world, but because we are afraid that Queen Mother Liu is too old and she will not be able to take revenge if she dies, so naturally we have to deal with them first.

However, there is a big river across the south, so if you want to use troops, you still need to be well-organized. Otherwise, it is not impossible to fight, but the soldiers will definitely lose a lot of people, and she certainly doesn't want too many people to die.

Also, she didn't want to turn the south upside down and make the people in the south suffer, so she still had to think of a way to see if she could dismantle the southern court without any blood like the north.

This is not difficult for An Ran. You must know that these people in the north always have relatives and friends who have fled to the south. An Ran asked some people to sneak into Jiangnan secretly, and then told their relatives and friends in Jiangnan about the beauty of the north.

Many people missed their homeland and heard that it was better there, so they followed their relatives and friends to the north.

And when these people come to the north, they will secretly tell their new friends in the south about the good things about the north.

As this spread spread, coupled with Enron's propaganda, many people from Jiangnan who could not survive came to the north, causing the population of the south to drop sharply.

——This is one of Enron's methods. First, lure most of the people in the south to the north. Then even if there is a fight, fewer people will die.

The remaining ones who didn't leave were those who were living a good life and were from Jiangnan. They didn't want to leave their homeland and go to make a living in distant places, so they didn't leave.

But these people will leave at any time, because it is very simple. The population of the lower class in the south has dropped sharply, but the high-ranking officials in the court still have people to wait on them. What will happen if there are no lower class people to wait on them? It's very simple. The former middle-class people will fall into the new bottom-class people to support the upper-class people.

It is also easy for people in the middle class to fall into the ranks of those at the bottom.

No, people at the bottom are fleeing in large numbers, and the court's tax revenue is low and insufficient. In order to maintain the operation of the court and the high-level squanderers, it is natural to increase taxes.

As a result, some people who originally had a good life will naturally have a worse life after the tax increases.

Seeing that the taxes in the South are increasing and the bureaucrats are becoming more and more corrupt, and people say that the North is very good, some people continue to flee.

At first, the Southern Dynasty did not notice that the people below were escaping, because everyone left secretly. After all, if they ran to the north, they would be discovered. The court should not accuse them of having liaison with the north and punish them. In this case, who would dare Even if they leave openly, they all leave secretly.

Fortunately, An Ran arranged for someone to pick them up, so their departure went smoothly.

Because they left secretly, the Southern Dynasty court did not notice that they were missing at first. Of course, the main reason was that the Southern Dynasty court had only been in Jiangnan for a short time, did not put down roots, and did not understand the local conditions. Especially the locals in the south did not know how many people had come. They are from the north, so many people have sneaked back now, and the locals in the south will naturally not notice.

Later, when the people in the south who couldn't survive left their hometown and went to the north, the people in the south who had not left would not tell the superiors, lest the imperial court would sit together and harm themselves.

Because the foundation of the Southern Dynasty was unstable, they were not aware of the changes below.

It wasn't until the tax revenue became less and less sufficient that the Southern Dynasties discovered that something was wrong.

At this time, many people in the south had already fled. Even if they found out, it was too late, because most of the people at the bottom, as well as those who fell from the middle to the bottom, ran away to the north. The remaining people were less than It used to be much less.

When the Southern Dynasty court saw this situation, they couldn't help but panic, and quickly promulgated the "Fugitive Law" to prevent people from leaving.

They also knew that there were too few people, and they would not be able to survive without Tang Anran calling them.

And the more this happens, the more people want to escape, because there are fewer people in the south and taxes have increased. After all, there are fewer people, but there are still so many dignitaries from the north. With so many people to support, it will be divided equally among the people below. The burden of the common people who are officials will naturally be heavier. When the burden becomes heavier and life becomes worse, who doesn't want to escape.

Many people even began to regret, thinking that they shouldn't have missed their homeland before, and they felt that their income was not bad and they couldn't bear to leave. But now they are better, their lives are worse, and it is harder to escape than before. They really shouldn't stay.

Although it was difficult to leave due to the "Escape Law", seeing that the situation in the Southern Dynasty was not good, many people still found ways to leave. The Southern Dynasty court couldn't control it even if they wanted to. There was no way. They just came here and they were trying to screw them. However, local people have a lot of friends and relatives here. If you really want to leave, someone will definitely cover it up and won't let the people above know.

In this way, officials from the north would not know how many people had fled to the countryside. Sometimes they would not know what had happened until all the people in a village below were gone.

Seeing that even the "Fugitive Law" could not control those who wanted to leave, the emperor of the Southern Dynasties was naturally anxious. He immediately sent a large army to garrison the riverside and pulled a net to prevent people from escaping Jiangnan.

Their thinking is very "simple": I can't beat Tang Anran on the opposite side, so why can't I deal with you guys who are struggling? !

By the way, the army was hoarded by the river to prevent attacks from the other side, and I didn't notice it here.

Needless to say, this method is really effective. After all, ordinary people would not dare to fight against the imperial army. Seeing that the riverside was blocked by people from the imperial court, the speed of the population's escape quickly slowed down.

This phenomenon naturally satisfied the senior officials of the Southern Dynasty. After all, all the people were going to run away, so who would they rule? Who should I turn to to collect taxes?

But they never thought that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, and human nature is like this. The more you stop them, the more people want to run away. Once you are caught and killed, hatred will come.

Coupled with the increase in taxes, the common people's hatred towards the senior officials of the Southern Dynasties became even deeper.

Soon, an uprising broke out in the south because it could not bear the harsh rule of the Southern Dynasty.

An Ran, who has been paying attention to the situation here for a long time, saw that the people in the south were revolting, and she would be stupid if she didn't take action. After all, if she didn't take action and followed the people in the south, she was afraid that the people would not be able to defeat the southern army and would not be killed. A lot of people.

Even if the combat effectiveness becomes stronger and stronger in the future, it will definitely not work at the beginning.

Naturally, she didn't want to see many people die in the south, so she immediately issued a message, saying that she wanted to uphold justice for heaven and defeat the tyrant.

With the support of the north, the southern rebels, who were originally a little afraid of not being able to defeat the imperial court, became bolder.

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