Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2965 Desperate Counterattack 3

According to the order, An Ran had to go to pay his respects to Mrs. Anyanghou, who was more senior, so she went to Mrs. Anyanghou's yard first.

Yesterday when she went to say hello to Mrs. Anyanghou, Mrs. Anyanghou saw that she came late and didn't say anything at the time. Anyway, she just came to say hello in the morning. Later, when Mrs. Anyanghou had an attack on her, she started to lick the dog too. , followed by an attack on her.

Today, Mrs. Anyang Hou didn't need to attack An Ran first, she automatically knew that she was going to cause trouble for An Ran.

Seeing that An Ran came as late as yesterday, he cursed: "What did I tell you yesterday, but you came so late? How can you be so unfilial to your elders?"

An Ran pretended to be innocent and said: "I told you, I didn't feel well, that's why I got up late."

"Can't you ask the maid to remind you to get up early?"

"I can't stand getting up early. My eyes are dizzy. I'm afraid that I will pass out in front of my mother and grandmother. If people say that my mother and grandmother forced me to faint, it will bring bad reputation to my mother and grandmother, so I would rather have a worse reputation."

These words were a bit glib. Mrs. Anyanghou couldn't help but look at An Ran suspiciously, secretly wondering why this girl has become so glib? Could this be her true nature? She thought she was getting married and was no longer afraid, so she exposed it?

So Mrs. Hou Anyang said at that moment: "Glib talk! Anyway, I said yesterday that if you are late again today, I will punish you. I gave you a chance, but you still do it again, then I will punish you today, and you can't blame me." .”

Immediately, An Ran was asked to stand in the yard for an hour - it was almost time to eat - before going back.

An Ran wished for such a punishment, where she could just stand there and practice, which was better than having her copy scriptures, etc., which took up time and prevented her from practicing.

Immediately, he stood honestly in the yard. People coming and going saw An Ran standing there under the bright sun, and they couldn't help but whisper. Some were gloating, some were sympathetic, and some were just gossiping.

In the next few days, no matter how Mrs. Anyang Hou and Mrs. Anyang Hou punished An Ran, An Ran would practice martial arts according to her own schedule without any intention of catering to the other party's schedule. Of course, the main reason was to sleep more and spend less time with them. touch.

Mrs. Anyang Hou saw An Ran repeatedly delaying her greetings. No matter how she and Mrs. Anyang Hou punished her, she still came late the next day. The excuse was that she was not feeling well. She couldn't help frowning at the moment, wondering if An Ran was really uncomfortable. If this was the case, then she would have to find a doctor to take a look at her. After all, she couldn't continue to be weak like this and die. After all, she still wanted to use An Ran as a tool.

So he immediately asked the doctor to treat An Ran.

Naturally, there is a purpose for finding a doctor to treat An Ran.

See if An Ran is really sick. If she is really sick, then she must be treated to avoid dying and then she will have no tools. If An Ran pretends to be sick in order not to come to ask for permission, then she will cause trouble for her. .

However, Mrs. Anyang Hou felt that An Ran was not pretending to be ill. After all, she had punished her so many times and she had not repented. Moreover, she did not think that An Ran dared to pretend to be ill. After all, pretending to be ill could be easily exposed, so she preferred , An Ran is really sick.

An Ran saw Mrs. Anyang Hou looking for a doctor to see a doctor for her. She couldn't help but feel moved at that moment, so she made some medicine to pretend to be weak and took it. When the doctor showed An Ran, she found that An Ran was indeed weak, so she told Mrs. Anyang Hou. , saying that An Ran's foundation is not good, he is indeed weak, and it is normal for him to become drowsy due to weakness.

Mrs. Anyang Hou saw that it was just as she expected, so she asked the doctor to prescribe some tonics, and planned to let An Ran take a tonic, so as not to die and make herself without a tool.

In fact, as far as An Ran knew, Concubine Liu did not have much interest in Queen Mother Liu back then, because Queen Mother Liu was not favored at all back then and was not Concubine Liu's rival. In this case, how could Concubine Liu find trouble with the transparent Queen Mother Liu? In other words, In fact, there is no deep hatred between the two.

Just seeing Concubine Liu being favored made Empress Dowager Liu extremely jealous, so she wanted to vent her hatred by bullying her. However, she was the Empress Dowager now and could not take action herself, so Mrs. Anyang Hou took action. It couldn't be better, which is why Empress Dowager Liu is very satisfied with Mrs. Anyang Hou's behavior.

The Empress Dowager Liu liked to watch Mrs. Anyang Hou bully her original body. Under the butterfly effect, Mrs. Anyang Hou did not dare to let An Ran die and let herself lose the tool that could win the favor of the Empress Dowager Liu. It was at this moment that she discovered that An Ran was really She was so weak that Mrs. Anyang Hou even gave her some medicine because she didn't dare to let her die.

And because An Ran was really weak, after An Ran continued to greet her very late, Mrs. Anyang Hou did not continue to worry about this matter.

Even after that, he didn't punish her much. He was afraid that An Ran would be in bad health, so he continued to punish her. Don't torture her to death. At most, he would just curse her a few times.

If there is no punishment, just abuse, An Ran doesn't care at all.

Enron's situation has improved a lot, which makes some people dissatisfied.

But he said that in addition to Mrs. Anyanghou and Mrs. Anyanghou who bullied the original person, there were also many other people in the house who bullied the original person.

I won’t talk about the servants, but they must have watched others play the game, and they must have bullied the original person.

In addition to the servants, there are also some masters who also bully the original body.

The population of the Anyang Marquis Mansion itself was relatively simple and not large. When Anyang Marquis married Princess Anyang, he had no other concubines, so there were no concubines. Later, when he married Empress Dowager Liu's niece, there were no other concubines, and there were no concubines.

It's not that Marquis Anyang is different from men nowadays and is very dedicated, but it's just the situation.

The princess he married before was favored and he didn't dare to offend him; the niece of Empress Dowager Liu who he married now needs to be fawning, but he doesn't dare to offend her. So even if he has other ideas in his heart, he doesn't dare to go too far. Back then, he was afraid of accepting her. Concubine, he made his wife angry and the late emperor brought him trouble. Now he is afraid that his wife will be unhappy, which will also make Empress Dowager Liu dissatisfied with him.

Because of this, he has always been very honest.

In this way, apart from the original daughter, the Anyang Marquis only has two sons and one daughter born to the current Anyang Marquis wife.

The two sons and one daughter are the husband's son, then the daughter, and then another son, with an interval of two years in between.

The son is three years younger than the original person, and the girl in the middle is five years younger than the original person. He is only nine years old now, and is still a child.

Although I also realized that everyone in the house was not good to the original body, and then supported her and raised her to be a bit arrogant, at most, like all children who were raised badly by their parents and were somewhat self-centered, they felt that Others have to listen to themselves in everything and satisfy themselves. Sometimes they follow others to bully the original person, but they don't deliberately cause harm and frame the original person.

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