Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2964 Desperate Counterattack 2

Soon the original meal was brought over.

The original food was really bad, but it was not rancid food, just of poor quality, because someone once gave the original food rancid food to please Mrs. Anyang Hou. The original body was still young at that time, and she got sick after eating it. High fever, almost died.

From then on, Mrs. Anyang Hou gave strict orders to her servants to deny the original body good food, but they were not allowed to do so, lest the original body would die.

Don’t think that Mrs. Anyanghou was kind to the original body, but that the original body almost died at that time and frightened Mrs. Anyanghou. After all, the original body was a tool she used to abuse and please the Queen Mother. If this was gone, she would be gone. Now that the tool man is available, how can he get the praise of the Queen Mother by abusing the original body? Without the Queen Mother's praise, her status in the palace would not be as high as it is now, and she would not be as prestigious outside as she is now.

In order to get the praise of Empress Dowager Liu by abusing the original body, the original body naturally cannot die, so Mrs. Anyang Hou did this for fear that the original body would be gone.

Fortunately, Mrs. Anyang Hou wanted to use her original body as a tool, so An Ran didn't have to eat rancid food now and could eat normal food.

Of course, if he kept eating sour food, he would probably be dead long ago.

After hastily eating the unpleasant meal, I continued to sleep peacefully. Of course, it was actually cultivation.

Then I slept until very late in the morning before getting up.

Those servant girls didn't call them An Ran. Anyway, An Ran got up late, so it would be her who would be scolded, not them, so what were they afraid of?

After waking up, An Ran called for food. After eating, he went to the main courtyard to pay his respects to Mrs. Anyanghou and Mrs. Anyanghou.

Sure enough, she got up late, and Mrs. Anyang Hou scolded her as soon as she entered.

"Which family's children are you here to pay your respects at this time?! It's almost noon!"

An Ran pretended to be weak and said: "I don't feel well, I overslept."

Mrs. Marquis Anyang slapped the table and cursed: "You eat and sleep all day long, you eat even after sleeping, you don't do anything, and you are still feeling unwell. How precious are you! I think you have slept too much. Go outside and bask in the sun." Sun, wake up!"

An Ran pretended to be scared and went outside to bask in the sun.

It's early summer at this time, and although the sun isn't very strong yet, it's uncomfortable to stay in the sun for a long time.

Of course An Ran didn't feel uncomfortable, and she wished Mrs. Anyanghou would ignore her, so she sat on a stone chair outside, basking in the sun and practicing at the same time.

Occasionally make a look of discomfort, let Mrs. Anyanghou know her eyeliner, be happy and let yourself bask in the sun for a while (practice for a while longer).

It was not until noon that Mrs. Anyang asked An Ran to go back to eat.

If the original body hadn't almost died before, Mrs. Anyang Hou knew not to deal with her too hard, so as not to kill her, and she would have no tool, otherwise Mrs. Anyang Hou would not let her go back to eat at noon. , maybe he will let her bask in the sun for a while longer.

But Mrs. Anyang Hou was afraid that An Ran would get into trouble if she was hungry and hot after being exposed to the sun for a long time, so she let An Ran go back. It was a blessing that she almost died.

An Ran went back to eat and was about to continue sleeping (cultivating), but she saw the servants from the courtyard of Mrs. Anyanghou coming over and calling her, saying that the old lady was looking for her.

An Ran knew that Mrs. Anyanghou was looking for her and scolding her, so she couldn't help but frown, and secretly thought that she had to practice quickly to get some results and kill Mrs. Anyanghou. At least there would be one less person who would cause trouble for her, otherwise this would happen. The two of them would take turns, and she would be annoyed to death.

An Ran's prediction was correct. As soon as he went to Mrs. Anyanghou's place, he saw Mrs. Anyanghou bringing up old matters again and scolding her for saying hello too late in the morning.

"Your mother is considerate of you children and doesn't let you get up early in the morning to say hello to her. You can go there after dinner to say hello, but that doesn't mean you can stay up so late and sleep until almost noon before going to say hello to your mother. , so unfilial!”

In fact, the reason why Mrs. Anyang Hou asked everyone to come to say hello later was because she went to bed late and wanted to have breakfast directly after getting up. She did not have time to accept everyone's greetings, so she asked everyone to say hello after dinner to avoid being late. Not eating breakfast, accepting everyone's greetings, and being hungry, this is not a sign of consideration for the child at all. It's just that Mrs. Anyang Hou dressed up like this in order to please her daughter-in-law.

An Ran used the reason he told Mrs. Anyanghou before and said, "I'm not feeling well, that's why I got up late."

Just like Mrs. Anyanghou would not accept this reason, Mrs. Anyanghou also did not accept this reason. At that moment, Mrs. Anyanghou lowered her face and said: "If you are a filial person, no matter how uncomfortable you are, you can crawl over to your mother." Say hello, but I'm still not filial enough to sleep until noon before going over to say hello. I have to say hello to your mother on time tomorrow, otherwise, hum! I'm as good-looking as you!"

Mrs. Anyang Hou was also warned by Mrs. Anyang Hou not to go too far, lest she kill An Ran, so Mrs. Anyang Hou would not punish An Ran today. After all, Mrs. Anyang Hou had already punished her in the morning.

No wonder Madam Anyang Hou bullied the original person like this.

Mrs. Anyang Hou wants to please the Queen Mother Liu by torturing her original body, and Mrs. Anyang Hou wants to please Mrs. Anyang Hou by torturing her original body, so that Mrs. Anyang Hou can enter the palace and help her talk to the Queen Mother to see if she can recover. The title of her eldest son.

As mentioned before, Marquis Anyang is the second son of the Xungui family, so he naturally has an older brother who inherits the title.

This older brother was not on the side of the third prince. After all, his younger brother married Princess Anyang and was on the side of the third prince. In order to share the risk, he, the older brother, had to choose another person to side with him.

It's a pity that Anyanghou's brother also has no vision and chose someone other than the current emperor. So Conglong failed and was deprived of his title by the new emperor. This is why Mrs. Anyanghou was supposed to live with Chengjue's eldest son, but ended up living with her second son. The reason why Anyang Hou lived together.

Since her eldest son had become a commoner, it was naturally inappropriate for Madam Anyang Hou to live with him. After all, she still wanted to be a member of the upper class and did not want to disappear from the upper class, so she lived with her younger son who had a title.

Because she should not live with her youngest son, in order to prevent Mrs. Anyanghou from being unhappy, and because she still wanted to beg Mrs. Anyanghou, Mrs. Anyanghou tortured her original body to please Mrs. Anyanghou.

The original person is also in bad luck, and there are people everywhere who want to use her as a tool.

After giving An Ran a lesson, Mrs. Anyang Hou let An Ran go back. However, she told An Ran that she would teach An Ran a lesson if An Ran had not come to Mrs. Anyang early the next day to greet Mrs. Anyang Hou.

An Ran was not afraid of her. He went back to sleep (cultivated) and didn't get up until the evening. After eating, he slept until very late the next day before getting up. Then he dressed up, had dinner, and slowly went to Mrs. Anyang and Mrs. Anyang. Mrs. Hou went to greet them.

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