Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2891 Lord Game 40

Aunt Jiang and others were right. In fact, the original body could only accept sixteen people at that time, but there were still many relatives and friends who could not survive and wanted to find the original body to accept them, but the original body could not accept them, so Those people can only go to the county-level guild to buy a house and live in it.

The guild is not like a territory, where you can make money by logging, quarrying, etc. The guild is empty. If you want to live there, you have to find a job, otherwise eating will be a problem.

Of course, those who are brave can participate in the guild defense battle, obtain drops, and make money to live.

It's just that ordinary people who can't survive are afraid that their equipment is not very good. It is dangerous to participate in the guild defense battle, so most people don't dare to go unless they have no other choice.

Therefore, it is better to go to the territory of relatives and friends. Although it costs a hundred gold coins to teleport, once you go there, as long as the territory of relatives and friends is okay, life will be very easy.

However, although it is good to live in the territory of relatives and friends, it requires the strength of the relatives and friends. Otherwise, there is no guarantee of safety in life in the past, so it is better to go to the guild. At least, the official guild is more secure than the private territory, even at the county level. As for a guild, it has more people than a private domain, right?

So whether to go to the official guild or go to private territory depends on everyone's choice.

But it is said that the fifth-level territory has a radius of two kilometers, but the range covered by the arrow tower is limited. Even if it is upgraded to the fifth-level arrow tower, it will only increase the attack and defense, but not the coverage. In other words, if Anron wants to build a fifth-level wall, it will It is necessary to build more arrow towers and place them in different places in the territory to ensure that they can cover all parts of the territory. Otherwise, if there are places that cannot be attacked, land monsters will not be able to enter, but flying monsters may come in and wreak havoc. .

So Enron is now thinking about protective shields.

Of course, there is no need to worry yet, because she will not upgrade the fifth-level fence yet. In this way, the fourth-level arrow tower can still cover the range of the fourth-level fence.

But when the five-level fence is upgraded in the future, or even six or seven levels, more arrow towers will need to be built. The combined cost of these arrow towers may be more cost-effective to buy a protective shield.

Then there is no need to place arrow towers everywhere in the territory. Just place some at the wall and kill the land monsters outside the wall and the flying monsters flying over.

If a flying monster is not killed and the opponent runs in, there is a protective shield, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the residents in the territory.

Then the patrol soldiers arranged by Anron will deal with the opponent. This is not only safer but also more economical than building arrow towers everywhere. Anyway, there are two thousand residents in the fifth-level territory. It is not necessary to raise any NPC. You can definitely have more. Raise some soldiers.

After all, maybe there aren't many arrow towers needed for a level 5 fence, and you can still build arrow towers, but the area covered by a level 6 or higher fence is too large, and it won't be able to cover it at all without building more arrow towers. If you have the money then, you might as well buy a protective shield.

That's why An Ran thought about buying a protective shield.

It was just a protective shield and energy stone, but they were very expensive. Even after a year, they were still expensive and unavailable, so An Ran only had this plan in mind and did not plan to buy them immediately.

The original person had no money at the time, and of course no connections, so he didn't buy a protective shield. Instead, he relied on building an arrow tower to cover it. Protective shields and energy stones were impossible to obtain, but as long as there were arrow towers, It’s quite convenient that the money can keep piling up.

Of course, it was mainly related to the fact that the original body only had a fifth-level territory at that time.

If there are only five levels of walls, there is no need to build too many arrow towers, but it is still feasible.

After the original body was upgraded to the fourth level territory, it continued to be used for a long time, until two and a half years in the game world. After that, the fourth level fence could no longer withstand the increasingly powerful beast tide, so it was upgraded to the fifth level territory.

Then it lasted until the expiration of five years.

This is also normal, because the fifth-level territory requires so many gold coins and to support so many people. Without the European Emperor's adventure, how could the original person have so much money to upgrade to the fifth-level territory, or even raise so many fifth-level territories? As for the residents, it is normal for them to hold on until the fourth-level fence can no longer bear it before upgrading to the fifth-level territory.

It’s difficult to upgrade to level five, and it’s even harder to upgrade to level six—it only requires five thousand gold coins. How can ordinary people save five thousand gold coins! ——So after that, the original body kept using the fifth-level territory and carried it to the end, which was normal.

After An Ran was promoted to the fifth-level territory, she also planned not to be promoted again in the near future. Firstly, it was safe enough, and secondly, because she wanted to maintain the number of people she originally accepted so as not to affect the plot.

She will wait until those people she has not accepted find a place to receive them, or it is too hard to carry the beast tide in the fifth-level territory, then she will consider upgrading.

In the following days, An Ran started to accumulate more and more gold coins because he did not have much expenses.

Then the people who came to seek refuge came one after another just like they did in the original world.

Because from time to time, An Ran would add some arrow towers, upgrade the walls, purchase equipment or weapons after the beast tide or guild defense battle, giving outsiders the impression that she had spent all her money and had no money, which caused Aunt Jiang to Others did not ask her to borrow money.

Slowly, Lu's father, Lu's mother, and his original parents also came over.

After a while, Aunt Lu's daughter and son-in-law, cousin Jiang, and cousin sister-in-law came over.

Of course, Lu Fang also came over.

That’s thirteen people, and the last three places were quickly filled by Uncle Lu’s family of three.

At this point, all sixteen people from the original world have gathered. If there are others who want to come over later, An Ran will no longer accept them on the grounds that they are full.

So Jiang's father's sister's family, Jiang's mother's brother's and sister's family, Lu's mother's brother's and sister's family, and Lu's father's sister's family were all unable to come even if they wanted to.

There are also cousins ​​from two parents, so there are even more cousins, and even more so if you think about it.

These people saw that Anron's place was full, so they either found other powerful territories or found guilds to defect to.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, the next step is for An Ran to investigate which of these people is the murderer.

But before that, she still had to resolve Lu Fang's application for a roommate.

It is said that men are animals with lower body parts. This is really true. They had not met each other for several years. Lu Fang was obviously holding back his emotions. On the first night after arriving, he wanted to have sex with her.

But how could An Ran be willing to sleep with such a disgusting person? She had to spend a lot of gold coins to buy props similar to the Dream Art in the game store, making Lu Fang think that she was sleeping with him, but in fact, An Ran was not sleeping with him.

Afterwards, An Ran discussed with him, saying that he snored while sleeping, which affected her sleep, and that it would not affect her fight with monsters, so she wanted to sleep in a separate room with him - if he needed it, he could come to her, but he usually slept in separate rooms.

An Ran is not afraid of the plot. After all, her suggestion will only make Lu Fang angry. In this way, if Lu Fang is the murderer, he will only become more unhappy and want to kill her more and more, so there will be no plot.

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