Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2890 Lord Game 39

Because they came to live in An Ran's territory, Aunt Jiang, Aunt Lu and others often had a natural united front with An Ran.

No, that day Lu's mother came to An Ran to ask for money. Aunt Lu, the eldest sister-in-law, took the initiative to persuade Lu's mother and said: "Of course, we are about to upgrade our territory to the fifth level. If we don't have any extra money, just ask Lu Fang to give you some." .”

After hearing this, Aunt Jiang could not help but nod her head and said: "Anyway, Lu Fang is your son, so I should give it to you. However, I am just a daughter-in-law, so there is no reason to keep giving it to you. After all, I have never seen Lu Fang, my son-in-law, give money to my brother and sister-in-law." Pass."

Aunt Jiang deliberately spoke loudly, so it was naturally heard by Mother Lu who was on a voice call with An Ran.

Mother Lu's face turned red when she said this. She knew that this voice must have been mentioned to her by An Ran. The voice of her in-laws' sister-in-law could not help but feel angry at the moment, but because An Ran said she had no money, Aunt Jiang and others also persuaded her. Don't ask An Ran for money, just hang up the phone bitterly.

Aunt Jiang, Aunt Lu and others, like An Ran, don't want to give money to Mother Lu, which is normal. After all, they now live in An Ran's territory. Naturally, they hope that An Ran's territory will be upgraded to a higher level, so that their safety will be the best. ensure.

As for whether Lu Mu and other people who want money will be unhappy, that's none of their business. People are not good for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy them. Why should they please Lu Mu and others, and then put themselves in danger?

So when Aunt Lu and others came to An Ran's place, it wasn't entirely a bad thing. At least, there were more people on the same front, which made it easier for her to refuse.

However, An Ran said that she would be promoted to the fifth level territory, so she would definitely be promoted, because many people have come now. Everyone knows that when they came, she was in the fourth level territory, which was similar to the original territory level at that time. On the surface, she maintained the same level. , that’s it.

At present, An Ran took advantage of the fact that the guild defense war had not yet started and had time to deal with these matters, so he began to build a large number of various buildings in order to purchase various NPCs and increase the number of NPC residents.

Seeing more buildings and residents popping up in the territory, Aunt Jiang and others knew that An Ran was about to be upgraded, and they couldn't help but rush to ask her if this was the case.

An Ran said: "Yes, I have been upgrading to the fourth level territory for a long time, but upgrading to the fifth level territory requires two thousand gold coins, and I need to support two thousand residents. I don't have enough money, so I haven't been upgrading, and I have been saving money. I gained something from a beast wave, and I also borrowed some money from someone. I scraped it together and prepared to upgrade to the fifth-level territory first, so that the Lord's Mansion will be safer and you can live with more peace of mind."

An Ran did not say that she had all the money, but said that she had borrowed some money to avoid participating in the guild defense war later. These people knew that she had made money again, so they reached out to ask for money. She was taking a precaution.

In the world of the original body, the original body is not as rich as themselves, so they don't ask the original body for money, but it does not mean that they will not ask for it from themselves. After all, once they know that they have extra money, they will not ask for money from themselves, but it is not certain.

After hearing An Ran's words, Aunt Jiang and others couldn't help but be happy, saying: "It's true that the fifth-level lord's mansion is safer, it's hard work."

Although this is Enron's territory, whether it is good or not has nothing to do with them. But now that they live here, they naturally hope that Enron's territory will get better and better, so that they will be safer. They also want to rely on Enron to survive. Five years to go back safely.

With materials, gold coins, and residents prepared, the fifth-level territory appeared quickly.

Then An Ran bought materials from the official - she had money now, so naturally she didn't need to borrow it, she could just buy it - and upgraded the fourth-level tailor shop and the fourth-level blacksmith shop to the fifth level.

Level 5 tailor shops and level 5 blacksmith shops can create orange equipment and weapons, and have a certain chance of creating dark gold equipment and weapons.

But you must have these materials. If not, the functions of the fifth-level tailor shop and the fifth-level blacksmith shop are no different from those of the fourth level. In other words, you can only create purple armor and purple weapons.

An Ran still has some materials for orange equipment and orange weapons. After all, the fourth-level tailor shop and the fourth-level blacksmith shop also needed these materials in order to create orange equipment and orange weapons. However, An Ran has real materials for dark gold equipment and weapons. No.

It's not that after so many beast tides and so many guild defense battles, An Ran's luck can be so bad that he hasn't picked up any dark gold equipment or materials needed for weapons. The initial price was high, so it was sold to the official.

After all, the prices of these things will definitely drop as time goes by, so after she gets them, she won't be able to use them for the time being. What will she do if she doesn't sell them? The government happens to need these things, so just sell them to them.

But that was in the past. Now she has a level 5 tailor shop and a level 5 blacksmith shop. If she gets these materials from the beast tide or the guild defense battle in the future, she will definitely not sell them anymore, but plans to make dark gold equipment herself. Or weapons.

The fifth-level Lord's Mansion is a castle with four floors above ground and one underground floor. It looks even more gorgeous.

Yes, the fifth-level lord's mansion looks like a castle and is no longer a villa.

Because there are five floors inside, in case it is inconvenient for everyone to go up and down the stairs, there is also an elevator installed, which can be said to be very convenient.

After reaching level five, the Lord's Mansion will have more rooms, so even if more people come in the future, they will still be able to accommodate them.

Aunt Jiang and others are very satisfied with this lord's mansion, because they checked the defense and health of this fifth-level lord's mansion, and felt that in the next beast wave, even if the monsters break through the wall, the monsters in this lord's mansion will not survive for a while. The meeting cannot be captured, and during this time, An Ran, the soldier NPC and the arrow tower should be able to eliminate the monsters. In other words, they don't have to worry about safety issues. This made them feel very satisfied, thinking It's the right time to come to Anran. If you survive for five years, you should be able to survive and go back smoothly.

In addition, there are other benefits to coming early. Let’s not talk about anything else, just one point – the game system allows each player to accept a limit on the number of other players in the territory. For example, in a fourth-level territory, the maximum number can be It can accept eight other players, and the fifth-level territory can accept up to sixteen players.

It's normal to have restrictions. Otherwise, if there were no restrictions, wouldn't the most powerful players be able to take all the players who can't play and keep them in their own territory? What else is there to play in the game system, so the number of players each territory can receive is naturally limited.

Aunt Jiang and others thought that it would be increasingly difficult to increase the territory level in the future. Maybe Anron would be able to upgrade to a fifth-level territory. This was indeed the case for her original self. At that time, she could only accept sixteen relatives and friends at most. Friends, and An Ran has more than sixteen relatives and friends. If he and others arrive too late, they might not be able to get a spot, so it would be wrong for them to come early.

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