Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2877 Lord Game 26

Not to mention, the Jin Kingdom established official guilds in this way, and the results were quite good. Therefore, many countries followed suit and formed official guilds based on each administrative unit of their own country, and the results were also good.

At this moment, An Ran teleported to the official guild residence of the Kingdom of Jin.

Then he discovered that the layout of the municipal guild station was similar to the original memory, but the various buildings may not have had time to be built, so the guild station appeared empty. For example, just as he was talking, An Ran discovered that the guild mission hall was in People appeared next to them. Apparently, the guild had just been established and someone was busy building various buildings.

This guild station looks different from An Ran's territory.

The landform will be what it is like when it lands on the territory. It is absolutely impossible that after building the territory, there will be wide roads in the territory, which need to be built by the players.

Like many farming management games, players must first collect trees or stones on the ground and turn them into open space, and then find an NPC worker to clear the grass, shrubs or tree roots above and turn them into flat land. Build buildings such as farmhouses, and pave roads using stones or bricks, etc.

However, the guild station is different.

The guild station looks like a small town. There is a wall in the distance. The ground has been laid out very flat for a long time. It is clean and refreshing. You don't have to do it slowly like the territory.

Then there are buildings with various systems everywhere, such as the guild mission hall, guild office building, guild shop, etc., standing in various places of the guild, and some places are empty, obviously waiting for the guild to start building.

When the original person joined the guild, there were many old people in it, so she was the only one who found it strange, and the others didn't find it new.

But it's different now, because this is the first time for everyone to see the guild station, so no matter who they are at this time, it's quite novel. When they see a new building popping up, some people run to see it to see what it is for. use.

On the other hand, An Ran has the memory of his original body, so he is not that excited. However, in order not to make people suspicious, and also to see it again and compare it with his memory, An Ran will also look around with everyone.

At this moment, a young but upright-looking man came over and said to Anran, "Excuse me, are you Miss Jiang Anran?"

On the official side, An Ran didn't know anyone else except Li Wentao. When someone asked, he nodded and said, "I am, are you Li Wentao?"

Li Wentao nodded and said, "It's me. Miss Jiang, do you want to come over and register your information?"

An Ran nodded, and while following Li Wentao to the guild office building, he asked curiously: "How do you know me?"

Li Wentao smiled and said: "You are the only woman I don't know. I guess you are the one."

So that's it.

Yes, there don't seem to be many women in the guild.

There is a reason for this, because the official has been concentrating its efforts on big things and has been recruiting military masters. As for the military, as everyone knows, most of the military camp is male, so now the guild resident masters are mostly male. It's normal.

At that moment, An Ran and Li Wentao came to a room in the office building with a registration office sign, and registered their current combat effectiveness with the staff inside.

It's impossible to do otherwise, because although the guild has a list of members, you can only see the names, not even the names of the territories, and you can't check the other party's information. Therefore, if the official wants to know the actual combat effectiveness level of the guild members, they have to register themselves. material.

The military's own information has long been available, so most of the people registered at the registration office are civilian experts invited by the government like Enron.

At that moment, An Ran took a number plate and waited, and heard the person in front of him telling the official staff about his situation.

The official asked the other party's name, level, profession, skill level, combat effectiveness, equipment, weapons, etc., and verified it by showing the personal attributes page of the other party.

Although the status of each person cannot be seen in the guild list, in face-to-face situations, players can show their information to others by clicking Share.

An Ran listened for a while, compared it with his own, and then found that the other party's level and skill level were much higher than his own, but their combat effectiveness was similar because the other party's equipment and weapons were not as good as his own.

Soon it was An Ran's turn. Like the previous master, An Ran reported all his information and then displayed his personal attributes page for the staff to verify.

An Ran is now dressed in purple, and his weapon is even an orange weapon, which is rare among the people. After all, the materials for orange weapons are rare, and the fourth-level blacksmith shop has only a one-tenth chance of making an orange weapon, so he wants to have one. It is not easy to get an orange weapon. Like the master just now, the weapon is still a purple weapon.

Orange weapons have levels. Currently, there are very few players who have reached level 60, and the top masters are only over level 50. Therefore, the current top orange weapons are level 50, because the levels of equipment, weapons, and skills cannot be Beyond the player level.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about the level rising. The weapons of the previous level will be eliminated. You can add some more materials to upgrade to a higher level, such as level 60. This is better than directly building a level 60 orange weapon. The cost is much smaller.

And An Ran had exactly this level 50 orange weapon in his hand.

An Ran is now over level 50, so he can use level 50 orange weapons.

It is difficult to see Chengwu on the market at present. For example, the Chengwu produced by Enron is directly traded with the official.

Sometimes an orange weapon pops up, which basically costs more than two thousand gold coins. Orange weapons from popular professions, such as the mage profession like An Ran, are even more expensive.

Therefore, An Ran was dressed in a suit worth more than three thousand gold coins. She was not a rich man and could not afford to wear it. The staff who recorded the records couldn't help but praise her and said that she was rich.

An Ran was not afraid that these people knew she was rich and would not go to her territory anyway, so she did not have to worry about them coveting her and then killing her.

As for the guild station, killing is not allowed - otherwise the guild station can kill people, who would dare to come. After all, once someone kills someone to seize the treasure, even if the official wants to stop it, they probably can't.

So after listening to the praises of the staff and other players present, she just smiled and was not worried that anyone would covet her equipment and weapons.

After the registration was completed, Li Wentao took An Ran to the city wall where the guild was stationed to have a look so that she could know the environment of the battlefield for the guild's defense battle in the future.

Li Wentao took her there and said, "It's still under construction and it's very crude."

An Ran followed him and asked: "Do you need my combat power? I'm thinking that your military should be wearing orange uniforms and orange weapons. They are top-notch and have high combat power. They probably don't need me."

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