Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2876 Lord Game 25

Naturally, the original person had never participated in a guild war, because she was timid and afraid of death, so naturally she did not dare to take this risk.

But An Ran actually wanted to participate, because she could get good things, and she didn't want to be too different from others. In the future, the beast tide would become more and more powerful, and she would be like her original self because she didn't seek progress, and then her advantage would slowly disappear, and she would have to Then it was hard work.

But she didn't want to take risks, lest something happen, and if the task was not completed, her health would be deducted twice, which would not be cost-effective.

So whether to participate or not, An Ran was hesitant at the moment, so she said so. After all, she was a low-level person and didn't know whether they wanted to participate or not. If they didn't want to, she didn't have to think about whether to go or not.

Unexpectedly, Li Wentao said: "You join the guild first, and we will see your strength. If your strength is high, it doesn't matter if your level is low. After all, level does not determine everything."

For example, no matter how high the level and skill level are, if the equipment is not good, the combat effectiveness will not be good.

An Ran thought for a while and decided to join a guild first to see what the guild is like. As for whether to participate in the guild war, we'll decide later. It's still early anyway, and we have to wait for the next beast wave to end, and another thirty days have passed. Rest before starting the first guild battle, giving you plenty of time to think about it.

So I agreed immediately, and through the connection provided by Li Wentao, I joined the official guild of the Kingdom of Jin - called the Kingdom of Jin.

This game is also interesting. Ordinary people can't send links to add friends. For example, she can't create a link to Jiang's mother and let Jiang's mother join Jiang's father, but the guild can send links.

It is estimated that because guild wars are needed, this function is opened to allow players to join guilds, so that the name of the guild cannot be spread, no one can join the guild, and few players can participate in guild wars.

Not allowing ordinary people to connect and add friends is probably to prevent ordinary people from helping each other as much as possible, so it was deliberately controlled this way.

Speaking of which, this really caused some trouble for the Jin Kingdom. If it weren't for this restriction, the Jin Kingdom would have concentrated its efforts on big things and wouldn't be afraid of this game.

In fact, An Ran could find it even if Li Wentao didn't give him a connection. She had an all-knowing eye. As long as she was given the name of the guild, she could find it.

In addition, it will appear on the guild rankings, but you have to wait for a day before it appears. After all, this thing just came out, was seconded, and then was officially acquired by the Kingdom of Jin. In other words, this guild has just been established, so naturally it will not It's on the leaderboard right now, it won't show up until tomorrow.

An Ran applied to join the guild and was approved quickly.

This is also normal, because the Jin Guild has just been established, and those who are added now are all selected elites. They are probably not added casually, so the number should not be large, so the review will naturally be faster.

After joining the guild, An Ran's game panel will have an additional guild panel.

Click to enter the guild panel. It is not much different from the guild panel in the Blue Star game. It is divided into several sections.

The personnel list is the names of the guild owners.

The chat channel is where people from the guild chat together. There are quite a lot of people talking at the moment, and most of them are talking about adding each other as friends.

In the guild store, you can redeem things based on guild points. Guild points are obtained from guild publishing tasks, helping in guild wars, etc.

The items in the guild store include both those listed by the guild and those listed by the system. In other words, if you want to buy a rare item, and the inventory in the store outside is gone, if it is still available in the guild store, you can also buy it with gold coins.

This is the benefit of joining a guild, which ordinary people do not have.

Yes, you have to spend points to buy things in the guild store that are put on the shelves by the guild. This is a setting made by the guild to unite people. But for things that are put on the system in the guild store, players have to spend gold coins to buy them. This is also normal. After all, what if we don't set it up like this, and the guild takes advantage of the loopholes, gives out a lot of points to people, and ends up using the worthless points to buy rare things on the system?

The system is willing to put good things on the guild store, which are all good benefits of joining a guild. It can attract people to join the guild, and also allows you to use worthless points to buy things for free. How is it possible?

Then there are the guild welfare projects, which include various benefits.

One is the system sign-in benefit. There are benefits for signing in every day. If you sign in on the first day, it will be 100 copper coins. Don’t underestimate it. On the second day, it will increase by 100 copper coins. In this way, it will increase by 100 copper coins every day, once a month. That is He said that if you sign in continuously, you can get a lot of copper coins. Although copper coins are not valuable, to ordinary people, mosquito meat is also meat, and it is natural to harvest the wool of the system.

There is also a benefit set by the guild itself.

This depends on each guild's own settings.

The Jin Guo Guild has just been established, and I haven’t seen any benefits yet, but there will definitely be benefits in the future.

The other is the guild garrison. Guild members can teleport to the guild garrison for free. However, during the period when the beasts are defending the city, they cannot enter the guild garrison. They can only enter when they are out of battle. This is obviously to prevent someone from running away if they see that the territory cannot be defended. Come in and take shelter.

In addition, guilds have levels, and you can upgrade the guild by spending gold coins.

The first-level guild can only accommodate one hundred people, and the second-level guild can accommodate five hundred people.

The higher the guild level, the better the benefits. Just like the previous sign-in benefits, the sign-in benefits of a first-level guild are only half of those of a second-level guild.

Currently, the Jin Guild is a second-level guild, and the 500 people it accommodates are basically full. They are all combat experts and high-level officials from the government, the military, and the Academy of Sciences.

Li Wentao told An Ran that the guild might be upgraded soon because it still needed to bring in some people. The second-level guild was not equipped enough, so he asked her not to receive the sign-in benefits for the time being, because the higher the promotion, the better the sign-in benefits, but you have to be at the lower level. If you sign in during level up and your guild level increases, your benefits will not be compensated. You will have to wait until tomorrow to receive new benefits.

Although the sign-in benefits were just mosquito meat, Li Wentao also dutifully told her the information. It must be said that he is a person who works hard.

At that moment, An Ran clicked on the guild station, preparing to see what the official guild station in the Kingdom of Jin looked like, and to see if it was similar to the guild station in the original memory.

Although the original person did not dare to participate in the guild war, the guild also participated in it a long time later.

At that time, the Kingdom of Jin had a lot of guild tokens, so it started to build guilds at all levels like a country.

The guild of the Kingdom of Jin is naturally equivalent to the original national level, and then each province and city will form a guild in each province and city according to the original name of each province and city.

Although she was originally a European emperor, she was just average. As a result, she couldn't get into the official national and provincial guilds that only accepted masters. The last one she got into was the municipal guild, but it was not bad, and As for county-level guilds, the threshold for recruiting people is even lower. I originally joined the city-level guild because of several European emperors, whose territory level was not low, the equipment was not bad, and the combat effectiveness was not bad.

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