Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2868 Lord Game 17

However, as the wall expands, the corresponding arrow towers must also be upgraded. Otherwise, the first-level arrow towers can only control a radius of 100 meters. Unless Anron builds several more first-level arrow towers, otherwise the previous so many arrow towers cannot completely cover the entire area. The territory within the secondary wall does not cover the entire territory within the secondary wall. Once a flying monster flies from the sky into the territory within the secondary wall, wouldn't the residents living within the secondary wall, including An Ran, still be in danger? Doesn’t that mean that building a wall is useless?

Therefore, walls must be built to protect against land monsters, and arrow towers must be upgraded to protect against air monsters. Both aspects must be done well. The territory within the second-level wall is truly safe. After all, this is not the novice protection period. Monsters fly to You can't fly in if you are above the territory. Now that there is no novice protection period, the arrow tower is the protective cover of the territory, and it is to protect the safety of the territory.

Fortunately, Enron had money and wood, so he immediately upgraded the previous first-level ordinary arrow tower and first-level ice arrow tower to the second level and moved them to the edge of the second-level wall. They were still placed in the same rice-shaped shape as before.

In this way, with so many arrow towers covering a 200-meter radius with full firepower, not only was it safe for her to work within the secondary fence, but she also didn't have to worry about monster attacks when working outside the secondary fence.

As for the third-level arrow tower, it is still placed next to the first-level wall.

It has an attack power of 500 meters in radius. If it is placed next to the first-level fence, it can cover any place within the current second-level fence. It can even control places outside the second-level fence without moving it for the time being.

The reason why there is such a good thing and other arrow towers are upgraded is naturally because no matter how powerful it is, it is still "an" arrow tower. If there are many monsters coming, it will be difficult for it to defeat four hands with two fists. After all, it has regulations. Yes, how many arrows can be shot in one minute, so it is natural to build a few more arrow towers to guard against attacks by groups of monsters.

After upgrading the secondary fence and arrow tower, Anron continued to collect stones outside the secondary fence, and then also arranged some higher-level loggers with good defense and health, so there was no need to worry about danger, to clean up the outside of the secondary fence. trees, so as not to be blocked by trees, which is not conducive to the destruction of monsters by the arrow tower.

Now the area within the secondary fence is not small, and a lot of wood and stone can be collected inside. However, Enron naturally started collecting from the outside first, leaving the safe areas within the fence for new lumberjacks and quarryers.

Although there is no novice protective cover now, even being inside the wall does not mean that it is 100% safe. But inside the wall, only flying monsters have a chance to attack. It is better than outside the wall, where not only flying monsters can attack, but also land monsters can attack.

In fact, it does not mean that there are no protective shields for sale. Stores also sell protective shield drawings. As long as players save enough materials, they can also build protective shields.

After the protective shield is built, people within the protection range of the protective shield will be fine.

However, the protective shield requires energy supply. When it is attacked, it will consume energy. If the energy is exhausted, the protective shield will lose its protective effect.

The principle is similar to that of players. Players have health points. If they are attacked and their lives are gone, there will be no play. As long as red pills are provided to replenish health, the players will not die. The energy is the red pills of the protective shield.

It's not that An Ran didn't buy a protective shield. With her financial resources, she could still afford it. However, the protective shield was quite expensive, and energy was even more expensive. There were no energy stones for sale on the market, and even if they were, they would be robbed very quickly. , if she can't get it, she can only buy the more expensive ones in the store.

It's not a good deal.

Since he knew that the original body would be able to survive, An Ran did not plan to build a protective shield.

Speaking of which, the original European Emperor is also related to the energy stone.

The original beast struggled to deal with the second wave of beasts. Just like the first wave of beasts, the city was almost breached by monsters.

As a result, on the last day, her character exploded - when the last wave of monsters attacked the city, she failed to defend the stone wall and allowed the monsters to enter the city and attack her lord's mansion. Fortunately, at the last moment, the lord's mansion There was only a little blood left, but with the cooperation of her, the system soldiers and the arrow tower, the monster was eliminated.

Speaking of which, this was one of the rare moments of tense fighting for her. Normally, unless the system prompts, there are only land monsters in this wave and no flying monsters. Otherwise, she would hide in the lord's mansion. If there are monsters, then Leave it to the arrow tower and system soldiers to take care of, and never fight in person.

Although there is no protective cover, because the lord's mansion has a health bar, as long as the lord's mansion is not breached by monsters and the player hides in the lord's mansion, there will be no danger.

This is how the original body survived.

Normally, she would only run out of the lord's mansion when she needed to repair the wall. When there were flying monsters, she didn't dare to come out to repair the wall.

Then why don't you kill enemies with soldiers and arrow towers on the wall when there are no flying monsters? This can also help the arrow towers and system soldiers to kill the monsters quickly and save the monsters from breaking through the city wall?

It's also very simple, because monsters that can't fly can also attack people on the city wall. Because these monsters are also magical, it's not safe to stand on the city wall, so to protect themselves from danger, they naturally won't go to the top of the wall. Kill monsters and just stay in the lord's mansion.

After the final BOSS fell, she never dared to go out to pick up the fallen body. Now the monsters were all dead inside the wall. Naturally, she would not be stupid enough not to pick it up in front of her.

Then she was lucky enough to pick up an energy stone that had a very low chance of being dropped. Together with other good things dropped by the BOSS, she suddenly became rich. She had money to upgrade her territory and buy good equipment, and her combat power suddenly increased. Just went up.

This upgrade allowed her to survive the third wave of beasts.

I even had extra money to buy the Omniscient Eye, so I found my husband and other relatives and friends, added them as friends, and started to connect with them.

If other people heard about her experience, they would probably be depressed to death. After all, others worked so hard and couldn't make so much money. As for her, she was so lucky that she just touched the corpse and picked up such a good thing.

If the player has lucky points, An Ran feels that the original player's lucky points must be among the best.

Now it's Anron, and Anron can't guarantee whether he will be able to pick up such a good thing.

But it doesn't matter. The money she will make from her third-level tailor shop and third-level blacksmith shop will definitely exceed that energy stone. So when others ask, she can still pretend to have picked up the energy stone. That's why she There is so much money.

The reason why she pretended to have picked up the energy stone instead of directly telling people that she earned it from the third-level tailor shop and the third-level blacksmith shop was because it was difficult for her to explain where she got the money to buy a large amount of the third-level tailor shop. With the materials needed by the third-level blacksmith shop, I made so much equipment or weapons and sold them, making so much money.

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