Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2867 Lord Game 16

You must know that before the beast tide started, he rode the magic eagle and had already figured out where there were powerful BOSSs nearby. It was just that his combat power was too low before and he couldn't fight them. Now that he has good equipment, he can fight them.

An Ran collected the money and asked Fang if he had any materials in the future. She accepted the materials.

Anyway, if you buy it in the market, you will buy it, and you will buy it here in the future. It is 5% cheaper than buying it in the market, so why not?

Fang Weilai said: "It's a coincidence that I haven't had time to sell the materials obtained by the beast tide. What do you need?"

After all, he wanted to take advantage of the time when the beast tide had just passed, when he had leveled up a lot and his combat power had greatly improved, to eliminate some monsters in the wild that he had been unable to defeat before but could defeat now, so that he could pick up better drops and put them on the market. make money on.

As for the materials obtained by the beast tide, the prices have already dropped to the bottom anyway, so there is no need to worry about where they will drop if they are left there. He plans to sell them when he has time, so he has only processed part of them and has not completely finished them.

An Ran heard Fang Weilai's question and quickly reported a list. Fang Weilai said: "I should have all of these, but I'm still outside now. I'll go back and sort them out for you later."

An Ran knew that he must be busy outside during the day, so he didn't take it seriously. The two of them immediately agreed to give it to him at night.

Then Fang Weilai asked An Ran to help him make other equipment, and stopped disturbing An Ran's work.

The day passed quickly. At night, Fang sorted out the materials that Enron needed and sold them to Enron, which saved Enron a lot of money. After all, buying them on the exchange was 5% more expensive, which was not cost-effective.

After the transaction between the two was completed, An Ran built a level three blacksmith shop because she had saved enough wood. Although the blacksmith would not work at night and would not work until tomorrow, she planned to buy the blacksmith NPC to make weapons tomorrow, but The level three blacksmith shop was built tonight.

The reason why she won't build it tomorrow is to have more third-level buildings so that her ranking will look better tomorrow. She is afraid that many people will develop well in their territory today and she will not be able to maintain the top thousand ranking tomorrow.

But she was obviously overthinking it. As the day passed, there were indeed many people - mainly people from the Jin Kingdom - who relied on others to help them accumulate resources and reached the third-level territory, but there were not that many, so An Ran looked at the rankings the next day. , still in the top one thousand, won the silver treasure chest.

The contents of the silver treasure chest were not bad, and she happened to find the materials needed to make the warrior Ziwu, which was exactly what she needed. She immediately handed it over to the blacksmith NPC, who made the warrior Ziwu.

When this thing is made, she can sell it for 200 gold coins.

She now has a lot of gold coins on hand. Seeing that the market prices of those materials have not changed much from yesterday, she stocked up some more. She pondered over these materials. As many people built second-level tailor shops, she would If there is demand, the price of some materials will rise, so she will naturally stock up more.

In other places that An Ran didn't know about, after she upgraded to the third level territory yesterday, Ping An Territory attracted the attention of many people.

This is also normal.

You know, she upgraded to the third level territory yesterday and broke into the top 100, which surprised many people.

The reason why I was surprised was that many of the people in the top 100 were selected by various countries with official resources. People like her who have risen to the third level territory by their own efforts are really rare, so they will be noticed. , naturally it’s normal.

Especially Jin Guo, pay special attention to her, because although almost one-third of the top 100 people are from Jin Guo, most of them are from the government or the military. Very few ordinary people like An Ran are on the list. , since there are few people, it is normal for people to notice it. Many people are asking who the lord of Ping An Territory is and how he was promoted to the third level territory.

An Ran is not afraid of their inquiries. Anyway, since she has used the European Emperor as an excuse to fool Fang Future, if someone else really has the means to find her, she can still use this excuse to continue to fool her in the future. The memory of the emperor can still continue to be the emperor, and he is not worried that others will not believe him.

Not to mention that there are people paying attention to the Ping An territory, but in the following days, An Ran collected stones outside the territory, bought materials, and sold purple and blue equipment or purple weapons and blue weapons. There are very few third-level tailor shops and third-level blacksmith shops in the market. This is a seller's market, so she did the right thing by upgrading her territory and making money by building third-level tailor shops and third-level blacksmith shops.

For a long time, An Ran's territory was in the top one thousand, and she could get a silver treasure chest every day. Although it was not as good as the gold treasure chest, the silver one was pretty good, and she also got a lot of benefits.

The reason why Anron changed from collecting wood to collecting stone is also very simple. The third-level blacksmith shop and so on have been built. Now the demand for wood is not that big. Just let the loggers collect it by themselves, and she has to collect it. Stone is good for upgrading the fence.

The perimeter of the second-level fence is 1,256 meters, requiring 62,800 units of stone; the perimeter of the third-level fence is 3,140 meters, requiring 157,000 units of stone.

Adding the two together, 219,800 units of stone are needed, all of which must be bought from the market. Even if the market price returns to the previous level, it will still cost two to three hundred gold coins. This is not a small amount of money during this period, so Enron is naturally If you can collect it by yourself, then you can collect it yourself. Anyway, you are very lucky. There are stones where you landed. As long as you are willing to collect them, there will be stones for you and you don't need to buy them from the market.

After ten days of this, An Ran upgraded the first-level fence to the second-level fence.

The secondary fence is the same as the secondary territory, with a radius of two hundred meters.

There is an option when upgrading. Players can choose to expand on the existing basis. In that case, they only need 31,400 units of stone, because the previous level one wall still had 31,400 units of stone.

When the wall is expanded and built, the original first-level wall disappears, and there will be an additional wall two hundred meters away from the Lord's Mansion.

You can also choose to build a new second-level fence, which will add a layer of fence directly to the outside. Players can dismantle the previous first-level fence and recycle the stone, or they can keep it as a second line of defense.

Enron chose to build a new secondary fence because it would be safer to have two lines of defense. Unless the stone was needed one day, it would not be too late to demolish it.

The reason why I did this was because I looked at the memory of the original person.

After experiencing a beast wave, the original person also felt that the wooden fence was not enough, so before the second beast wave, he replaced it with a stone wall.

Stone walls are naturally stronger than wooden walls, but the monsters in the second wave of beasts are more powerful. As a result, the second wave of beasts is just like the first wave of beasts, running around repairing the walls everywhere.

It would be better if I have two lines of defense. Once the first line of defense cannot be defended, there will be a second line of defense. Monsters will not be able to break through the two lines of defense. This way, I can relax. When no monsters attack the city at night, You have time to make repairs slowly, so there is no need to panic.

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