Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2862 Lord Game 11

Unlike An Ran, who has been wandering around outside with her soldiers, who have been following her to kill enemies, and who have not gone in because of danger, losing experience in upgrading.

Mainly because of the dual help of Enron and Arrow Tower, the soldiers never really died in danger.

Therefore, both Anron and the soldiers are higher than the original body and the soldiers of the original body. In this way, in terms of comprehensive combat power, Anron is no better than the one who bought a job transfer certificate and a whiteboard staff a long time ago. The original strength is low.

After finishing what she wanted to do, An Ran quickly went to bed. After all, the novice protection period would end tomorrow. From now on, the territory would be in danger at all times, so she naturally had to have a good rest and face the first wave of beasts with full energy.

At seven o'clock the next morning, An Ran got up and went to clean up the monsters outside the territory that were shot by the arrow tower last night.

Among the drops picked up this time, there were equipment that could be used by mages. An Ran did not sell them, but wore them for the time being. After all, he would face the crisis of the beast tide later.

So it was right that she didn't buy any equipment yesterday. No, when she picked it up this morning, she picked up the mage equipment, which made her no longer naked.

As soon as eight o'clock arrives, the system prompts: "The system protection period is over. The beast tide will begin in one hour. Please prepare to fight."

This is also the reason why An Ran didn't eat early in the morning and came to clean up the corpses of monsters outside the territory, because the beast tide started at nine o'clock.

After cleaning up the monster corpses outside the territory, An Ran checked the various resource reserves. Comparing them with the original memory, he found that there were only a lot more. He immediately felt relieved, knowing that this so-called beast tide was not a problem for him. As long as he was there, During this period, just try to make as much money as possible.

An Ran thought well, this wave of beasts was indeed not a problem for her.

In fact, the game arranges a five-year quest line for players, and it is definitely impossible to kill all the players at the beginning. Therefore, those killed initially must be those who have no strength and like to take risks, or those who have no strength and do not take risks but are particularly bad.

The former mostly died from adventures outside the territory, while the latter mostly died from this beast wave.

And there must be a lot of such people in the world, so just killing these people is enough to consume the first wave of the game.

If nothing else, there are so many people in the world who have never read books. Although the game has voices for people who have never read books, these people have not received knowledge education and do not know how to play games and understand the voices. They are definitely better than It is much more inconvenient to read text. As a result, these people must have poorer talents.

It’s not that people who haven’t studied are inferior, but the average level is definitely worse than those who have studied, which will eliminate many people.

Therefore, as long as An Ran's strength is at the average level, he can survive this wave of beasts, just like his original body.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, An Ran saw many monsters emerging from all directions and began to attack the territory. Arrow towers and soldiers began to kill the monsters.

An Ran would occasionally help when she was free, but most of the time, she was checking the condition of the walls and arrow towers. After all, once the stone walls were breached or the arrow towers were damaged, she would have to repair them.

Once the wall is breached, the monster will rush in. At this time, the player will not lose the territory. The player will lose the territory until the monster kills the player or destroys the lord's palace, which is the main building of the territory.

The first wave of monsters were ordinary monsters, with few elite monsters, and their attacks were not very high, and there were no flying monsters, so Anron's territory was intact. After half an hour of attack, the walls and arrow towers of Anron's territory were not seriously damaged.

This wave of monsters lasts for fifteen days. On the first day, ten waves of monsters come every half an hour, and each wave lasts for half an hour. In other words, the player has to persist for ten hours.

Seeing that the attack had stopped, An Ran quickly went out to pick up the fallen bodies. After all, there would be another wave in half an hour. If he didn't pick up the fallen bodies and decompose the corpses quickly, the corpses of the monsters outside would pile up higher and higher. In addition, An Ran also wanted to Get the drops from those monsters so you can equip yourself.

Naturally, the original body did not leave the territory, so it only gained experience and upgrades, but did not obtain anything.

Either she was originally an European emperor and got lucky again, or else, just because she never went out of her territory to fight monsters or pick up the drops, her advantage brought by selling a hundred glasses of water was very small. It will disappear soon.

An Ran was different. She was not afraid of leaving her territory, so she hurried out to pick up the things she had dropped. After all, there were so many things dropped and broken down by monsters in this wave. It would be a pity not to go out. .

In half an hour, the system sent many monsters. It was much better than the usual game system where the system did not actively send monsters and the monsters came on their own and could not defeat many monsters in a day.

An Ran was afraid that her backpack wouldn't be able to hold so many things, so she emptied her backpack before going out.

In this way, after picking up all the drops and decomposing the monster's corpse, An Ran's backpack was filled again, even overloaded. If An Ran hadn't hung up some things to sell in the market, otherwise it wouldn't be able to hold them at all.

On a normal day, she might go back first, put things in the warehouse, and then come back to continue picking up and decomposing monster corpses. After everything is done, she will carefully look at which items are not needed and put on the market for sale. Things are not for sale.

But An Ran was afraid that he would not have enough time, so he did not go back at this time, nor did he look carefully. He only put things on the market that he thought he would not use.

After returning, An Ran quickly repaired the wall and arrow tower, and then saw the second wave of monsters coming again.

This time, An Ran picked it up and found some more equipment. An Ran couldn't help but secretly thought, fortunately, he didn't buy any equipment last night, otherwise it would have been a waste.

Thinking about it, after a few more waves of monsters, she will be fully equipped with equipment. In a few days, she will probably be able to equip herself with green equipment.

Because An Ran has more equipment, even if An Ran has just changed jobs, his personal combat effectiveness is almost the same as his original one.

For the next day, An Ran kept repeating the process of guarding the tower - picking up dropped items - guarding the tower. Thanks to the stone fence being much stronger than the wooden fence, An Ran was not as exhausted as his original self, running around in the territory all the time. Now we have to build a wall here, now we have to build a wall there.

There is no need to go around putting out fires all the time, so An Ran has time to help the arrow tower kill monsters, and as soon as An Ran helps, the monsters will cause less damage to the walls and arrow tower, and this is a virtuous cycle.

And as An Ran kept going out of the territory to pick up dropped items, the equipment on An Ran became better and better, and An Ran's combat effectiveness became stronger and stronger. At the end of the day, not only did he have all the equipment, but he was also lucky enough to have one weapon. Green Warrior is getting stronger and stronger.

And just like in the original memory, the price of lumber on the market began to rise.

Although it was only the first day and the monsters were not powerful, some smart people had already discovered that the loss of wood was very large and began to hoard wood. Some of them were for their own future use, and some, like Enron, discovered business opportunities and wanted to hoard them.

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