Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2861 Lord Game 10

An Ran is still confident that the other party will get the job transfer certificate again in the future, because the drop rate of the job transfer certificate is actually not bad. After all, players have to have a job, so generally monsters with elites or above may drop them, and BOSS is more likely to drop them. It must be dropped.

It's because elites or BOSS are generally difficult for ordinary people to defeat, which leads to very few job transfer certificates in the early stage and high prices.

But as long as you can defeat elite monsters or BOSS, the probability of getting this kind of thing will be greatly increased.

And this matter is obviously not a problem for the high-player Fang Future, so An Ran said this.

When Fang Weilai heard what she said, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you when I get it next time."

An Ran couldn't help but be happy when she heard what Fang Laiwei said. She secretly thought that it would be great if she could buy it from Fang Laiwei. After all, she could save a lot of money with a 15% discount.

At that moment, An Ran said: "I will buy some equipment and weapons from you then."

Private trading is at least 5% cheaper than buying from the exchange. Naturally, Enron can buy privately with others, just buy it privately with others.

Fang Weilai smiled and said, "No problem."

He could tell that An Ran's income should be pretty good. He could tell by looking at the long stone wall of the other party, as well as the soldiers and lumberjacks following him. He couldn't afford to build such a long stone wall or hire people because he didn't have the money. So many NPCs.

And if you can sell things to your neighbors instead of selling them on the market, you can save transaction fees and earn 5% more than on the market, which is naturally good. After all, it is the early stage of the game, and some things may still be profitable, but later on Over time, when everyone is making small profits but quick turnover, 5% more profits will be very powerful.

I met a neighbor and saw that it was getting late, so I was ready to go back.

Although he is very powerful, he does not dare to stay too far outside the territory at night. At most, he only moves around the territory.

Immediately, he summoned something that looked like an eagle but was much larger than an eagle, and rode on the opponent's back, preparing to go back.

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but be envious. She secretly thought that she had a flying mount just a short time after entering the game. This person is so powerful. No wonder he can run hundreds of kilometers. With this thing, it is not a matter of minutes. She If I weren't afraid of the butterfly plot, I would have done it.

Seeing that Fang Weiwei had left, An Ran went back to have lunch.

It’s also good to get to know each other a day earlier and communicate with each other a day earlier. You can save a lot of money by then, which is very important in the early stage.

However, judging from this interview, she felt that Fang Future did not look like the murderer, because the other party was very powerful, and he probably looked down on the original person's wealth.

Of course, this was her first impression. Whether it was true or not would have to be observed later.

Because she ordered the goods from Fang Laiwei, An Ran didn't go to the market to buy the mage transfer certificate for the time being. Anyway, she would use the money she saved to buy some equipment. Even if she bought the mage transfer certificate late, her skill level would not be as good as the original one. His body and overall combat effectiveness will not be worse than hers, that's fine.

And An Ran noticed that the mage transfer certificate, which cost at least 20 gold coins last night, only cost 16 gold coins tonight. Apparently three days have passed, and there are many people like Fang Future who dare to go out to fight monsters. I met a lot of elites or BOSS monsters in the wild, and picked up a lot of drops of job transfer certificates. There were also rewards for the top 1,000 rankings every day, two rankings, a total of 2,000 silver and above treasure chests, and various rewards. There are fewer job transfer certificates, so there are more job transfer certificates on the market, so they are cheaper.

It stands to reason that the supply is still less than the demand, so why will the price drop? This is normal, because the price limit of these things is limited by the purchasing power of players.

Those who have the ability have bought everything they can, and those who can’t buy have gone out and bought it by themselves. The rest are the people who have no ability. These people are not like ordinary online games. They either borrow money from friends to buy together, or they spend money. Recharge to buy, this game can neither earn money nor ask friends to join in. Everyone works alone. How much money can be saved in three days.

Just like the rent is limited by the average wage level in a place, no matter how few houses there are and the supply is less than the demand, it cannot rise to the sky. These job transfer certificates, although the supply is also less than the demand, cannot rise to the sky. , On the contrary, because everyone who can buy it has bought it, and the remaining people cannot afford it, and there are more and more job transfer certificates on the market, the price is still falling rapidly.

On the night of the fourth day, the price of the transfer certificate dropped to twelve gold coins. An Ran thought about it and still didn't buy it. On the night of the fifth day, the price dropped to eight gold coins. An Ran contacted Fang Lailai and asked him if he had a mage transfer certificate. .

Fang Weiwei quickly replied to the letter and said: "You are lucky. You got another copy this afternoon and haven't sold it yet. As we agreed, I will give you 7.6 gold coins."

It can sell 8 gold coins in the market, but there is a 10% transaction fee. In fact, only 7.2 gold coins are obtained. Now selling 7.6 gold coins to Enron, he can earn 0.4 more gold coins, and then Enron can spend 0.4 less gold coins, which is just right.

An Ran said: "Thank you very much!"

The two quickly made the deal.

Originally, An Ran wanted to buy a set of equipment, but he thought that the initial wave of beasts was not very powerful. Killing the first wave of monsters should drop them by then, so he might not need to buy equipment. After all, the equipment would be ready soon. It will become obsolete, and buying it is a complete waste. However, high-quality and above-mentioned equipment will not become obsolete for the time being, but it is expensive. No matter how you look at it, selling equipment is cost-effective now, but buying equipment is not.

So Enron didn’t buy it for the time being.

Anyway, her stone wall is powerful, and monsters can't break through it for a while. In addition, she and her soldiers are higher and more powerful than her original body and her original soldiers, which can make up for her shortcomings of just changing jobs, so she doesn't have to be too strong. Worry.

So Anron still saved money and replaced it all with wood. After all, ten times the income is right in front of him. If you don't make money, you are not a human being. When you make money, what good equipment can't be bought?

The reason why An Ran and An Ran's soldiers are of a higher level than the original body and its soldiers is normal.

An Ran has been collecting wood outside. When she leaves the territory far away - of course still within the defense range of the arrow tower - she can always attract monsters from further away, allowing monsters from further away to attack her. Once they attack her, If she and the soldiers fight back, they will gain experience.

Unlike the original body, he has never left the territory. Although there is food at the entrance of the territory, which can attract certain monsters, monsters that are too far away will not find that there is food here and will not come over. Therefore, the original body attacks through the arrow tower. The number of monsters killed was less than Enron's.

It is to let the soldiers go out to kill monsters and upgrade them, which is right at the door. When the original owner sees that the soldiers are in danger, she will call them in. She is afraid that something will happen to the soldiers, which will waste the money she spent on buying and hiring and training them. After all, once the soldiers die, The money spent before and the hard-earned level upgrades have all been wasted. It is not cost-effective to buy soldier NPCs and train them again.

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