Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2829 Chronicle Control Group 31

So soon, the local police arrested those people who were causing trouble for Li's father, Li's mother, and their second wife. Because they had criminal records such as provocation, extortion, extortion, and extortion, they were afraid that they would be locked up for several years. After all, this place The laws at that time were stricter, unlike later generations, which were getting lighter and lighter.

Li's father, Li's mother and the people in the second house saw that it was indeed useful to find An Ran. Those local gangsters and hooligans were caught. They couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they thought to themselves that it would be great for the children in the family to have a future, otherwise they would be such responsible people. , but I am afraid of being harassed by these locals, hooligans, and hooligans. In that case, this business will not be able to continue.

You know, before looking for An Ran, they saw those people harassing them all day long, and they were actually giving up. Now that the matter has been resolved, they will naturally not go back. After all, setting up a stall is really profitable!

Originally, they sold it at the reduced price that Dafang told them, but seeing that there were too many people buying it, they felt that it could be sold if it was a little more expensive, so they raised the price slightly, but the supply still exceeded demand.

Gradually, the price that Li’s father and Li’s mother sold became almost the same as the real price of the big house.

But naturally they would not be stupid enough to tell Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, so the money handed over to Grandpa Li and Grandma Li was about the same as the big house.

Although it was similar to Dafang, because they raised the price along the way, they didn't know that Dafang was selling it at this price, so they didn't expose Dafang's lies, so Dafang still achieved their goal.

But when Uncle Li saw that those landowners, gangsters, and hooligans had been arrested, and that the second and third bedrooms could continue to set up stalls, he was not scared to go back. He couldn't help but be confused, and then he was also frightened, fearing that those landowners, gangsters, and hooligans would expose him. , and did not dare to continue to look for other places, ruffians, and hooligans to cause trouble for the second and third bedrooms, so that the business of the second and third bedrooms was finally continued.

The second and third bedrooms made money and were very happy, but the eldest bedroom couldn't be happier.

Ever since the gangsters and hooligans were arrested, the family has been on tenterhooks, fearing that if the gangsters, gangsters and hooligans turn them in, they will suffer misfortune.

Especially Li Weiran, she never expected that there would be such a turn of events. The streets were so chaotic before, and the police were unable to control them due to insufficient police force and too many people causing chaos. How could they reach the second- and third-bedroom apartments? Someone is looking for trouble here, why do the police act so quickly?

Could it be that the second- and third-bedroom apartments were lucky and happened to encounter the police operation?

It doesn't always feel like this.

Li Weiran thought of An Ran and thought to himself, could it be that the third uncle complained to An Ran and An Ran was worried about the situation at home, so he took action?

It's really possible!

When he thought that An Ran might have settled the matter, Li Weiran didn't dare to continue to find someone to harass the second and third bedrooms, lest he be caught by the police again and confess himself.

Not to mention the fact that local gangsters and hooligans were caught, Dafang was frightened, but he said that such a thing was true. An Ran said that it would definitely not be the case for her parents, and she was afraid that other people who set up stalls would also encounter it. According to her parents, since the opening of the city, there has been a lot of chaos on the streets, and various phenomena that endanger people's lives and property safety have emerged one after another.

In this case, Enron put forward two suggestions, one is to crack down hard, and the other is to install surveillance to ensure the safety of people's lives and property from both technical and legal aspects.

Monitoring this is not difficult for Enron. Since mobile phones have been spread out, there are base stations and signals, it is naturally not difficult to install monitoring.

If the mobile phone does not appear and there is no base station to provide signals, then even if the technology is available, it will be difficult to do without the network for a while.

So she was right to deploy mobile phones. The Internet is as important to the future society as water is to people. Water is the source of life, and the Internet is also the source of technology in the future society. Without the Internet, many technologies will not be able to play their role.

After An Ran finished doing this, the local police handed over an interrogation statement to the special service personnel. The special service personnel frowned after reading it, and then handed the confession to An Ran and said, "Look for your father, your mother, and your second uncle." The troublesome person for aunt is not found for no reason. Someone instigated it behind the scenes. It was your uncle who found someone to do it. How do you deal with this matter..."

They also did not expect that the people in Dafang would cause trouble for the second and third bedrooms. Although they had investigated the situation of Anran's family since they protected Anran, and knew that Dafang and his family were not a thing, in the past, they were at most in the countryside. When I spread some negative remarks about Enron, I never thought that the other party would do anything illegal or criminal.

Because the matter involved An Ran's relatives, it was difficult for honest officials to deal with family matters, so the special service personnel handed over the matter to An Ran and wanted to hear An Ran's opinions.

An Ran looked at it and said calmly: "Don't mention my name, just let the local police handle the matter in accordance with the law. If I let him go because he is my uncle, he will make more money in the future." If you gain more power, more people will be harmed."

This is not false.

At first, the people in the big house only targeted the second and third bedrooms, but as their power grew, they also dealt with anyone who interfered with them.

As for not letting Uncle Li go, this is normal. One of her tasks is to clean up the big house. As a key figure who has been bullying the second and third houses back then, it is obviously the right thing to do to let Uncle Li go to jail. The reporter said that his actions should have been punished by law.

After hearing this, the special service officer nodded repeatedly and said, "Comrade Xiao Li is right."

If it weren't for Enron's family, they would have been dealt with long ago.

It was just that the two parties involved were a family, and because Enron had made great contributions to the country, the secret service personnel asked Enron for his opinion.

At this time, seeing that An Ran was being dealt with impartially, he naturally continued to explain like this.

So soon, Uncle Li, the person in charge, was invited by the police to drink tea after being frightened for several days.

The eldest aunt heard from the police that those local gangsters and hooligans confessed that what they did was ordered by Uncle Li, so the police wanted to summon him.

Then the eldest aunt also heard from the police that if it was really Uncle Li who did it, he would be sentenced and put in jail.

The eldest aunt was frightened when she heard what the police said. After the police left, she asked her three children what they should do.

Of the three children, only Li Weiran, who provided the idea, knew about it. Li Nian, who had been in love, and brother Li, who had been going out to have fun, did not know about it.

When he heard about it, Li Nian was the first to jump up and cursed unhappily: "Is there something wrong with your brains? Can you do this kind of thing? I have been discovered and my father is in jail. How can I still find a good marriage? Who can Will you marry the daughter of a criminal?! You... you are really pissing me off!"

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