Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2828 Chronology Control Group 30

At this time, although commercial housing is not yet available, some houses with owners can still be bought by the landlord if he wants to sell them.

When he gets rich in the future, Enron will continue to buy a house. After all, there are still some years to wait for the science prize. Even if the world changes, maybe the science prize will be established in advance, but it will take many years, so this method is too time-consuming. Even though she was far away, she still had to find a way to make some money.

Of course, the main reason is that she doesn't know how much money Li Weiran makes from doing business, and she doesn't know whether the value of the house she bought will exceed hers in the future.

Since he didn't know the basics, An Ran could only think that the more he earned, the better. This was the safest way to avoid not earning as much as Li Weiran in the future and failing the mission, which would be bad.

The way to get money... maybe stock trading, the stock trading time should be closer.

But I'm busy experimenting, I don't keep an eye on the stock market, and I'm not a fairy, so don't waste your money by speculating.

An Ran, who didn't think of a more convenient way to make money than buying a house, could only sigh and forget it for the time being, thinking that she would talk about it later when she had the opportunity.

Li Weiran naturally didn't know that when she was planning to buy a house in Xuanshi, Anran already had a courtyard house in Xuanshi.

But when Li Weiran told her parents to rent a house in the city and stay away from the Li family, not only did her parents think it was a good idea, but Li Nian even agreed with it with both hands and feet.

Li Weiran knew why she agreed, because it would be easier for her to find a partner if she lived in the city.

As for the younger brother, he is more willing. He has long wanted to play in the city, and the village is too boring.

Since the opening up, the city has changed rapidly, and with the gradual spread of mobile phones, the city is naturally much more interesting than the countryside, and Brother Li naturally yearns for it.

Since everyone wanted to go to the city, Uncle Li mentioned this matter to Grandpa Li and Grandma Li.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li naturally don't want their eldest son and his family to leave. They are afraid that the other two sons will follow suit. If they all leave then, there will be no one in the family except the old couple. Then their authority will be lost. Where?

They are afraid of losing control of the family and losing their supreme position in the family.

But under the temptation of benefits - Dafang said that they can make more money without having to walk for four hours on the road, and they will be able to share more by then - Grandpa Li and Grandma Li hesitated, but still agreed with them Enter the city.

Thinking that as long as you have money, you should be able to control your family, right?

Originally, I wanted Li Nian or younger brother Li to stay. After all, all the people needed to do things were Li Weiran and his eldest son and his wife. If they didn't do anything, what would they do?

But Li Nian said that he wanted to go to the city to find a partner with better conditions. Brother Li wanted to go out in the city. Grandpa Li and Grandma Li thought it would be good for Li Nian to find someone from the city, but she couldn't control her grandson, so she had to let the two of them do what they wanted. went.

Immediately, he did what he said, and Dafang and his family went to the city and rented a house.

There are very few people renting houses at the moment, so the price is not expensive at all. Anyway, compared with the money they make now, it is just a drop.

After entering the city and staying away from the countryside, Li Weiran felt that the air was much freer. In the Li family, with Grandpa Li and Grandma Li staring at his money every day, Li Weiran really felt depressed.

Of course, Li Weiran didn't like that the people who were looking at his money now were his parents. He immediately thought that if he had the chance, he must leave his family environment so that he could save the money he earned.

Her parents didn't want Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to take advantage of them, so she didn't.

Although her parents were quite generous and allowed her to take one-third of the profits from selling snacks, in her opinion, the snacks were only delicious if she made them herself, and her parents couldn't handle them at all. Even if it is done, it is probably difficult to sell it. I can only help carry the burden and do security work to prevent her from being in danger when setting up a stall outside. This function is completely incomparable with her own skills. After all, as long as she is willing, She hired any reliable person in the village and paid her 20 yuan a month. She picked whatever she wanted. Some people did it, so why should they take two-thirds? Logically, it would be good if she could give them one-third.

She felt that her parents had inherited the greed of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, so she was naturally dissatisfied, so she wanted to leave.

So leaving the country now is just the first step. The next step is for her to leave her parents.

Thinking of this, she planned to find an excuse to take a break for a while, and then start a new business to make pastries and sell them. She also made some small snacks well, and she thought she could sell them for a lot of money.

The shelf life of pastries is longer, and you don’t have to worry about them spoiling if they are not sold on the same day. Making a batch can last for a long time, which is safer.

And because it won’t spoil if it’s not sold that day, she can just not show up, wholesale it to people, and let others sell it. She sits at home and collects the money. This is safe and will not be discovered by her parents.

Fortunately, she can now use mobile phone text messages to transfer and receive money. When the time comes, she will buy a mobile phone and store the money in the mobile phone. She will not take it out to make a bankbook, so as to avoid the inconvenience of her parents or Li Nian and others seeing the bankbook. Then her parents will not I found that she had a lot of money on hand.

When you have almost saved, you will look for opportunities to buy a house in Xuanshi. If it is not convenient to go to Xuanshi, you can also buy a house in the center of the city. Anyway, the house will skyrocket many times in the future, so you will never suffer a loss if you buy it.

In a few years, when it becomes more convenient to go to Xuanshi, she will go to Xuanshi to buy a house, because she is not sure how much the house price in this city will rise in the future, but she knows that the house price in the capital will definitely skyrocket.

Not only did Li Weiran feel comfortable in the city, but her parents, Li Nian, and younger brother Li also felt that the city was good and the family was happy.

Of course, no one knew that under this happy surface, Li Weiran was already planning to go it alone.

But he said that no matter how Dafang tried to stop him, he could not stop the second-fang and third-fang from making snacks to make money. Now he saw that the second-fang and the third-fang really started selling the snacks. The unhappy Dafang followed Li Weiran’s idea and spent the money. Money invited locals, gangsters, and hooligans to prepare for trouble.

In the original world, the second and third houses encountered such a thing and couldn't bear it, and the gangsters and gangsters made trouble one after another. As expected, the business could not continue as Li Weiran expected.

But in this world, An Ran is a top student and a big shot in the eyes of Li's parents, Li's mother, and their second wife. They feel that if they tell An Ran about this matter, maybe An Ran can solve it, so when they encounter such trouble, they I told An Ran.

An Ran had known that when the second and third bedrooms were doing business, they would encounter things that were in his original memory, so he had already made plans. Now that he saw that they had indeed encountered such a thing, he reported it to the special service personnel.

Enron, a scientist, was in trouble at home, so the secret service personnel would naturally help Enron settle the matter so that Comrade Li wouldn't worry about his family and interfere with Comrade Li's research.

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