Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2825 Chronicle Control Group 27

Of course, SMS transfer payment still has its shortcomings compared with QR codes. For example, the transfer speed is slower than QR codes. Not only is it troublesome to edit text messages, but the transfer speed is also slow. After all, SMS has The time arrives immediately, sometimes there is a delay.

But everyone also has a way, that is, during the delay, let the customer show them the text message mailbox to see that the other party has edited the text message and sent it, which is basically enough.

Li Weiran saw the business opportunities and started setting up a stall to sell snacks as she thought.

It was easier to persuade Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to give her the principal than in the original world, because the development of this world was faster than that of the original world. Grandpa Li and Grandma Li often heard about some kid who made money by selling something. I just regretted that there was no one in my family who could do business, so now Li Weiran asked to borrow money to build a food stall. Thinking of Li Weiran’s excellent cooking skills, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li felt that with Li Weiran’s cooking skills, their family could also Being able to make money from this money-making trend, I immediately agreed.

But I also told Li Weiran that if I make money later, I will pay them back with interest.

Li Weiran looked at their greedy looks with disdain, but she agreed, because even if she paid them back with interest, she would still be able to make a lot of money. People from all walks of life would make a lot of money. Bo Man, after all, not many people dare to do it at the moment, and supply is less than demand, so naturally you can make a lot of money.

Just hide your income.

Her parents naturally support this. After all, they are the only ones who take advantage of others. How can they let others take advantage of them?

Because it was dangerous for Li Weiran to run a stall alone as a little girl, her parents helped her do it.

As for Li Nian, who took the college entrance examination again but failed again. Grandpa Li and Grandma Li stopped reading to her. Because she found it hard to set up a stall, she refused to go with him on the grounds that he wanted to date someone.

Li Weiran didn't take it seriously either. She saw that her eldest sister was indolent and indolent. Seeing that her family didn't let her study anymore, she started dating. It's okay to find a good one while you're young to avoid getting older. Okay. All of them were snatched up by others.

When she finds a good partner, she won't be looking for him because of lack of money.

Therefore, she supported Li Nian's lack of work and busy dating. After all, since he couldn't pass the exam, finding a good partner was almost the same as finding a good job.

As for her brother, she didn't let him follow her. Her brother Jingui, if something happened, her parents wouldn't blame her. In addition, someone had to monitor the family to prevent Grandpa Li, Grandma Li or the other two families from causing trouble. The people in their eldest house didn't know about the matter, so it was still necessary for her brother to stay at home.

Li Weiran's food stall, just as she thought, was selling very well.

At a time when not many people dare to do business, it is a seller's market, so she can naturally make a lot of money.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li's eyes widened when they saw that Li Weiran had made as much money in one day as others had worked for a month, excluding costs.

If this continues, they will be able to buy mobile phones in a few days.

You must know that the mobile phone An Ran gave to the family was said to be for Li's father and Li's mother. Grandpa Li and grandma Li could use it, but it was not convenient for them to use it. Even if An Ran later sent a new one and eliminated the old one, it was still given to Grandpa Li and Li. Grandma, finally having too many, gave them the old one.

And they also want new mobile phones. Who wants to use the old one, especially when they see others using new mobile phones, they are envious and want it even more.

But Li Weiran stopped their idea.

"You can't reveal your wealth. Otherwise, do you think we can keep this money? It has to be taken away by grandma. Although Li Anran didn't hand over the money, it doesn't mean we can't hand it over, so we still cut it off at the source. This may be good, but the first thing is that you can’t reveal your wealth.”

In addition to not wanting to show off his wealth and let Grandpa Li and Grandma Li covet the money for their big house, the main reason is that Li Weiran doesn't want his parents to spend the money they earn on buying a mobile phone invented by Li Anran. Two to three hundred yuan, how valuable it is in this era, It’s such a waste to buy a mobile phone that will be obsolete in a few years. Wouldn’t it be nice to save up and buy a house? Nowadays, houses in the city are so cheap that if you save a few more mobile phones, you can buy one.

Wanting to save money to buy a house was the real reason why Li Weiran stopped her parents from buying a mobile phone. She didn't want to spend her hard-earned money on her parents.

Either it was not dangerous for her to do business alone, or else she didn't want to take her parents with her, lest they know how much money she could make.

In the future, when the outside world is less chaotic, she will do business alone and not let her parents know how much money she has, lest they covet her money and take it away, and then her work will be in vain. People are angry?

She has not forgotten that she is not the only child in her family, especially a younger brother. She is afraid that her parents will give all the money she earns to her younger brother.

She will have a lot of money in the future, and she doesn't mind helping her brother, but it won't work if she takes away all the money she earns.

Her parents don't want Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to take advantage of them, and she doesn't want her parents to take advantage of her. It's the same.

She just couldn't let her parents know about this idea, lest they be unhappy.

Aunt Li didn't know what Li Weiran was thinking. After listening to Li Weiran's dissuasion, she couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, yes, you can't tell how much you earn. As for the mobile phone, why buy it? There is a new model anyway. Your cousin will bring it again. Although the one we use is old, we still have it anyway, so we don’t have to spend that money."

Uncle Li also listened to this statement, and the family decided to reduce the money earned to one-tenth. For example, if they made a profit of 20 yuan, they would only say they made 2 yuan.

Even if it's two yuan, sixty yuan a month, it's much higher than the average worker's salary. It's pretty impressive. I believe I can get away with it.

At the same time, Li Weiran also told his parents not to even tell Li Nian and his brother about this matter, lest they talk about the money carelessly.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li also felt that the fewer people knew about this kind of thing, the better, so they agreed immediately.

After the discussion, Uncle Li couldn't help but laugh happily and said: "My daughter is really good, she can make so much money selling snacks! I'm afraid Li Anran can't make so much money, thanks to her invention There are so many things, is it useful? Why not sell snacks?"

Li Weiran couldn't help but smile happily when he heard the compliment he had always wanted to hear.

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