Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2824 Chronology Control Group 26

As for Enron, after the New Year, she was still doing her research and development.

The next goal is to upgrade the single screen to a color screen, and also develop functions such as photography, video recording, and listening to music. However, these require more memory and better battery assistance. Otherwise it is all empty talk.

So Enron has been upgrading memory and battery support recently. Of course, there are also camera and other technologies. Otherwise, how can we take pictures if the camera technology is not good?

However, these technologies are indeed inferior, so Enron plans to launch this earth-shaking mobile phone next year. It takes three years to replace mobile phones, which is not too slow.

As for the past three years, we couldn't do nothing, so Enron made some functional improvements to the single-screen mobile phone, such as longer battery life, a flashlight function, a larger screen, and some poetry and novels - the screen It has become bigger, and you can also read e-books on your mobile phone - wait, it gives people more entertainment enjoyment, and the price has not changed much from the previous single-screen mobile phones.

You don’t have to worry about buying and wasting mobile phones in the past, like the big bricks at the beginning. Although young people don’t like to use them anymore, they don’t throw them away and use them for the elderly at home. After all, the illiteracy rate of the previous generation was too high. I still don’t know how to use a single screen with a menu. It’s most convenient to use a primitive one like Big Brick. After all, you only need to press the buttons. Who can’t do this? So although Big Brick has been on the market for several years, it still gets bigger every year. There is a certain sales volume, just like in the era of large-screen mobile phones, there is still a certain market for elderly phones.

Of course, young people love to buy new mobile phones more. After all, new mobile phones have so many functions, even if they are more expensive, everyone wants them.

However, there are also some who are cautious. They see mobile phones being updated too quickly and have not bought them yet. They want to wait until the functions are more complete before buying them.

These people are right to be cautious, but the mobile phone market is changing rapidly, just like the real world. Even if large-screen mobile phones are not updated much, the average person basically needs to change their mobile phone every two or three years, otherwise they will not say goodbye. Yes, the memory can't keep up.

Of course, for ordinary people, they buy mobile phones more frequently. It is common to change their mobile phones every year or even a few months.

Therefore, most of these cautious people will not be able to bear it anymore and will still buy it. After all, everyone around them uses mobile phones for convenient communication. If you don’t have a mobile phone, it will be inconvenient to communicate with others.

Looking at this rapid development, Li Weiran couldn't help but be speechless. He secretly thought that mobile payment, which was supposed to emerge nearly forty years later, wouldn't be brought forward, right? At this rate, it will only be ten years at most before the emergence of large-screen mobile phones. Once large-screen mobile phones become available, it is estimated that mobile payments, online shopping, and various APPs will also spring up like mushrooms after a rain. After all, ever since the emergence of large-screen mobile phones Later, the development of these things was very fast.

Li Weiran also wishes that these convenient things would arrive in advance. After all, as a person who cannot do without large-screen mobile phones in future generations, who doesn't want large-screen mobile phones to arrive as soon as possible to enrich spiritual life.

——In fact, this was Enron’s original intention to prioritize the development of mobile phones, because she also wanted to quickly enter the era of network convenience.

But Li Weiran never imagined that such conveniences in this world would appear in ten years.

Isn’t this development speed too amazing?

Not to mention anything else, since the emergence of mobile phones, there is now a text message payment function.

Li Weiran is not sure whether there is a text message payment function in her world. She only remembers that at that time, it seemed that at most she could use services such as text message song requesting, right? I remember that at that time, there were often money-making advertisements on TV, guessing riddles, giving you various prizes if you guessed it correctly, asking people to make calls, and deducting one yuan from the phone bill for making a call, etc. It seemed that there were no text messages. The payment function, at least she has never experienced it.

But in this world, there is such a function. Telecom companies have recently opened it. As long as you follow the method of writing text messages provided by the telecom company, you can complete the payment.

For example, if you want to buy a chicken from a certain family, how do you pay for it? As long as you have money in your mobile phone, you can send a certain specified text message to that person's mobile phone number, and the other person's mobile phone number will receive the money.

You can continue to use this money for shopping, or you can withdraw it from the bank.

This function is very popular among young people. Unless they want cash, they usually don't ask for it and continue to use it, just like mobile payment in later generations.

Older people have doubts and are afraid that it will not be reliable, so few people use it temporarily.

Such a development shocked Li Weiran. He once again confirmed that the technology tree of this world must have been wrong. Otherwise, why would variant mobile payments appear before large-screen mobile phones appeared?

In fact, this is an act sanctioned by the state.

Because telecom companies will set up such a transfer payment function, which was proposed by Enron.

It is said that this can reduce theft that is very likely to occur in the future development of the private economy; in addition, it facilitates people's transactions, so that people do not have to carry a large amount of money wherever they go, which is inconvenient and unsafe; and the reduction in the use of banknotes can reduce Bacteria are transmitted through banknotes.

As for criminals forcing others to transfer money, this is impossible. Nowadays, mobile phones implement a real-name system, and there are no multi-level accounts overseas for transferring money and escaping. If someone who robs someone dares to force others to transfer money, they will be caught immediately and will be thrown into jail.

The officials listened to her suggestion and thought this method was good, so they adopted it.

The method is not difficult. The reason why people can withdraw cash from their mobile phones is naturally the advantage of the state. The state only needs banks to cooperate with telecommunications companies. It does not require many additional functions or even writing any programs to update bank machines. To change the generation, it seems that ordinary people withdraw cash from the bank. In fact, the bank is an intermediary, and the money is taken from the account of the telecommunications company. As long as the telecommunications company deposits a sum of money in the bank, the process can be completed.

Soon after adoption, a private economy began to emerge.

At this time, the text message payment function has been developed for a period of time and has been accepted by many people. Therefore, it is much more convenient for people setting up stalls. Safety.

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