Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2819 Chronology Control Group 21

After all, parents like Grandpa Li and Grandma Li are more vicious than capitalists.

Everyone scolds capitalists for being evil, but after all, if you work for a capitalist, they will give you the salary as promised. But if you work for such a family, will they give you money? But no promises are made. No, you still need to please them so that you can get a little bit of money from them. And that money is obviously your own money, but when you use it, you still need to please them and make them like you. , you can get it. If you don't like it, you won't have any hair. If you are noisy, you will be scolded by your parents for being unfilial, wolf-hearted, and so on. They are not more vicious than capitalists, and they have the nerve to say that they are parents.

Such families existed not only in the past but also in modern times, and An Ran had encountered them before.

There was a family with two daughters. They relied on the eldest daughter's honesty and asked the eldest daughter to give them her salary to save. They said they were afraid that the eldest daughter would spend money recklessly, so they helped her save so that when she gets married, she would take the money. give her. ——In modern times, parents generally do not separate the family as in ancient times, but in order to control the family finances and have parental authority, some top parents find such excuses to collect their children's money.

They saved and saved, not to mention paying interest to their eldest daughter. Even the principal was getting smaller and smaller because they misappropriated the money to their younger daughter. The reason was that the younger daughter wanted to buy a house and was financially strapped, and they wanted to support her.

The point is, the eldest daughter’s income is not as much as that of the younger daughter, and she can’t even afford a house. Why don’t they support her? On the contrary, they still suck the blood of their eldest daughter and support their younger daughter who has money to buy a house. This is simply robbing the poor and giving to the rich.

As for the younger daughter, not only does she not pay her salary, she also receives subsidies from her parents from time to time.

It's so miserable when you encounter eccentric parents.

Fortunately, the eldest daughter slowly came to her senses and stopped her losses in time without handing over her salary. Otherwise, she would never have known how long she would have been sucked by such a top-notch parent.

An Ran didn't know that Grandpa Li, Grandma Li and others were saying this about her in the village - she didn't care much about the development of the Li family. Firstly, it was because, now that she had become a scientist and protected by the country, she didn't have to worry about what else the Li family might do to her. Hurt; secondly, she knew that there would be no changes in the Li family before the reopening. That is to say, after the reopening, Li Weiran took the money from Grandpa Li and Grandma Li and started to set up a stall selling snacks, and then opened a restaurant, which made her prosperous. Because she probably knew the future development of the Li family, she didn't use the spirit stone to drive the puppet to monitor the Li family's situation, so naturally she didn't know how Grandpa Li, Grandma Li and others were slandering her in the village.

But even if he knew, An Ran wouldn't care. After all, people can't care about gossips that are thousands of miles away from themselves. Besides, there are many people who like to gossip. Even if An Ran cares about it, he can't care about it. After all, She can't just punish anyone who bites her tongue, right? It is better to guard against others than to guard against rivers. The less people talk about you, the more people will talk about it. She still understands this truth.

So she continued to do research at the institute honestly, calling her parents once a week to check on her situation. Other than that, she didn't care what the villagers thought about her.

Father Li and Mother Li didn't want their daughter to feel sad when they heard that Dafang, Grandpa Li, Grandma Li and others were throwing bad words at her, so they didn't mention these things to her. They only asked An Ran if she was okay and if she wanted them to give her anything to eat. such as.

The phone is convenient. In the past, they could only see their daughter once a month. Now, they can contact them once a week. Even if they don't have the ability to make video calls like mobile phones would in a few decades, they are still satisfied.

Speaking of mobile phones, just as Enron thought, the country soon earned a lot of foreign exchange from this. After all, the mobile phones sold to the people of the country were at preferential prices under the planning system. They only cost 200 yuan, which is almost the cost price. If sold abroad, it won't be so cheap, so the profit will naturally be set high. Anyway, only country L has such mobile phones in the world, and no one else can produce them. Some people buy them, so there is no need to worry about the high price and not being able to sell them.

Enron controls the updating of mobile phones within a certain frequency range.

After all, you can't just make a big brick on the front foot, and then release a new mobile phone with a screen display and send text messages on the back foot. It has to give everyone an adaptation process. Also, the update is too fast, so people who only bought Big Brother, Wouldn’t it make me cry to death? In addition, those mobile phone production lines must adapt before they can put on line better products.

In addition, mobile phones that can send text messages and have menus need to be programmed. Enron also needs to develop this aspect. After all, this is to prepare for future system development.

Because of the need for programming, An Ran began to read programming books to show off, and soon made a program using L Chinese characters. This program will be the blueprint for future mobile phone systems.

By the time Enron came up with a single-color mobile phone with a menu, another two years had passed.

This was deliberately controlled by An Ran, because the college entrance examination will be next year, and she must set aside time for the college entrance examination. In that case, if she doesn't invent anything next year, it will be over. Although she does not need to set aside time for the college entrance examination, she still has to pretend.

It's summer vacation for my sophomore year of high school, which is just right.

Enron's single-screen phone with menus has functions such as address book, text messages, alarm clock, games, and memos.

If it weren't for the poor battery life right now, the flashlight function could also be arranged.

But the next step will be to study the battery and improve the battery life. Otherwise, it will not be able to support the following functions such as photography, flashlight and even video.

This mobile phone, which is about the size of a palm, has so many functions, especially the games on it, which makes people unable to put it down. After all, there are no such electronic games in country L in this era, so when I see it for the first time, I wonder if I can let it go. Do people find it novel and fun? So it quickly became popular. Even if its price is a little more expensive than the previous big brick, everyone is willing to buy it. Who doesn't love a mobile phone with entertainment functions?

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