Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2818 Chronicle Control Group 20

After inventing the mobile phone, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself that it was better now. She would have something to do in the next ten years. After all, with the upgrading of mobile phones and the development of upstream and downstream technology, there were many projects for her to slowly work on. In the next ten years, She didn't need to think about anything more.

Of course, that doesn't mean she doesn't have to think about more things. The main thing is that she has goals. In the next ten years, her main development projects will be protective masks and anti-virus bracelets. To protect personal safety, she starts with herself.

After we get this matter out, we can go back and do the hologram. No matter what, ten or twenty years will pass by.

When she thought that she had everything planned for the next twenty years and no longer had to worry about which projects to pursue in the future, An Ran calmed down and started working on these inventions slowly.

This year was the year of the high school entrance examination. Enron had excellent grades and successfully entered the best high school.

Although Li Nian's grades were far inferior to those in her original world, she continued to study in high school because Grandpa Li and Grandma Li read to her.

Since there is no college entrance examination at the moment, anyone who wants to study in high school can study in it.

But since there is no college entrance examination, there is no benefit of being assigned a job, so most people don’t let their children study.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li had educated Li Nian in high school in her original world. In this world, they would naturally not have stopped educating her. After all, if they had educated her before, now some people in the village were talking about it, saying that they should not educate Li Nian. If they don’t read to Li Nian, then what kind of people have they become? The more others say this about them, the more they want Li Nian to read.

They want people to know that the money is theirs, and whoever they want to read it can read it! No matter how smart Li Anran is, they just don't like her and don't want to read to her, can't they? Really, if she’s smart, they should read it to her? There is no such truth.

——This sounds reasonable, but don’t forget that there is money earned by Li’s father and Li’s mother, so the money is not theirs at all. They have no right to take Li’s father and Li’s mother’s money, claim it as their own, and then decide What the money is for.

Li Nian had been nervous before, fearing that she would not do well in the exam. Grandpa Li and Grandma Li stopped reading to her. Now that Grandpa Li and Grandma Li are willing to read to her, she is really happy. After all, who wants to go back to the countryside to work and do hard work? As for things, no matter how hard studying is, it can't be as hard as working in the countryside.

Although there is no college entrance examination now, and it will be in vain if you study, but you should wait for three years first.

Of course, she must study hard to avoid her grades being too low compared to Li Anran, her parents will scold her, and Grandpa Li and Grandma Li will also be dissatisfied with her.

It's a pity that some things can't be achieved by just thinking about it, especially when Sanwu often heard people in the village praise An Ran for being admitted to a key high school, and after pulling her down for a while, even good-hearted people would have their blood pressure rise. What's more, Li Nian is not the kind of person with a good nature. How can he bear it so much that he can't calm down to study at all? He spends the whole day listening to the villagers' gossip about her and An Ran, and then gets angry. How good are his grades? stand up.

Fortunately, her parents, Grandpa Li, Grandma Li, and even Li Weiran don't like to hear others praise Anron, so they all like to speak ill of Anron outside and analyze the bad aspects of Anron from all aspects. He kept pouring dirty water on her, and he was almost like the entertainment industry haters of later generations.

For example, people envy the Li family for getting free solar lights, solar flashlights, and expensive mobile phones. Li Weiran and others will express with surprise: "Our family is not divided, and the money we earn is given to the public school." , so if Li Anran got those things, is there anything wrong with giving them back to his family?"

Even Li Weiran, who came from a later generation, always felt that Anran should have more than that. After all, Li Anran was so good at inventing, would the superiors not pay her wages and bonuses? The country will not treat scientists badly!

Of course, Li Weiran was a scheming person and would not say it outside to avoid being accused of saying bad things about her sisters. However, she deliberately told her guess to Li Nian, her parents, Grandpa Li, Grandma Li and others. , Li Nian and others felt that what Li Weiran said made sense.

Then when I thought that Li Anran made a lot of money, but because they didn't know it, they didn't hand it over to the public to improve their lives, they couldn't help but get angry. After all, as they usually preach, the money for family work, They were all handed over to the public. Why didn't Li Anran turn over the money he made?

So her parents, Li Nian and others started talking like this outside.

"She works for the country and gets a lot of money every month, but we don't ask her for it. We ask her to hand it over to the public school and just give her something. Isn't this what she should do? Isn't that what our whole family does? Did she do this? Why should she be an exception?"

No matter whether Li Anran is there or not, since Li Anran is not at home, there is no way to refute. As for Li's father and Li's mother, they are at home. If they refute, they will also fight back: The country will not be so stingy. Enron has invented so many things and refused to give them. If you don’t believe me about salary, go do some research and ask.

In fact, Li’s father and Li’s mother also felt in their hearts that An Ran must have a salary, so after the people in the big house, as well as Grandpa Li and Grandma Li said this outside, Li’s father and Li’s mother did not overestimate their ability to come forward to defend themselves, lest An Ran really had a salary. They said they didn't have wages or bonuses. If they were discovered by the villagers one day, the villagers would accuse them of lying and have a bad impression of Anron. Father Li and Mother Li didn't want their daughter to study so much to benefit the country. A good thing for the people, but in the end, people said bad things about it.

Country people tend to follow wind and rain. Although most people still praise An Ran, after listening to the words of the Li family's big house and Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, I feel that Grandpa Li and Grandma Li are right.

Most of these people who agree are the kind of people who don't want to separate the family and keep their children at home to earn money and pay tribute to the public school. They also feel that if their children are like An Ran and don't pay the money to the public school, they will also Can't accept it.

For them, they like the authority of the patriarch. In this way, they naturally want all the money earned by each member of the family to go to the public house - it is said to belong to the public house, but in fact it belongs to them, because it goes to the public house. Later, other members of the family did not have the right to use the money, and the control rights belonged to them, the head of the family. So the money was said to belong to the public, but it actually belonged to them, just to put it in a nice word.

Then, they use their control over the family finances to make their children please them, and they will not give them money to anyone who does not please them.

——This is also the reason why they want their children to hand over their income, because without the family's financial power, how can they manage these children.

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