Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2802 Chronology Control Group 4

An Ran couldn't do what she wanted to do just by reading books by Li Nian and others, because she would still be suspected, so every time her family went to the city and took her with them, she would go to the bookstore to read. After the family has finished errands, I will go to the bookstore to take her with me.

In this way, if she makes something in the future, she can say that she came up with it while reading in a bookstore.

An Ran doesn't plan to stay in the Li family for a long time, because Grandpa Li and Grandma Li are also unfriendly to Dafang. Although she can't solve it for the time being, after all, she can't use force to solve it like in the previous world, but she doesn't want to be dealt with by them all the time. against.

Since he didn't want to stay in the Li family for a long time, An Ran would definitely take action.

But in this world, as a little girl, she had neither materials nor money, so it was impossible for her to make anything powerful.

If you can't do it yourself, you can only create a sensation through your ideas, and then take yourself away from this small mountain village.

But this idea also depends on who you send it to.

If someone accidentally sent a technological invention to a greedy person, and her idea was obscured and turned into his own invention, then she would cry.

Although this is a pure era, no matter how pure it is, there can be no bad people.

However, a person may become ignorant, but what if that person knows that she also wrote to others? Then does he still dare to come down?

Thinking of this, An Ran wrote a letter with his thoughts and sent it to several units.

Among them were leaders and various well-known scientists. To prevent them from wondering why she sent so many copies, An Ran wrote at the beginning that she didn’t know where to send this thing, so she sent one copy to various places. , hoping that someone would see her idea and conduct research to benefit the people.

Now that she has written it and has given this idea to several units, the people who receive it will not be stupid enough to ignore it.

Soon, in the far north, a scientist engaged in electrical energy research received a letter with a somewhat immature handwriting - it was actually written by An Ran in imitation of the original handwriting, for fear of being recognized, and because the original person still had Small, the handwriting is relatively immature.

In this letter with a somewhat immature handwriting, the person writing the letter said that he is a child in a mountain village and likes to read, but there is no electricity at home every night and the kerosene lamp is too dim, so it is very inconvenient to read. It hurts my eyes. It would be better if there was electricity.

She said she had read in a book that in some developed countries, water can be converted into electricity to generate electricity, wind can be converted into electricity to generate electricity, and coal can be converted into electricity to generate electricity. So many things can be converted into electricity so that everyone can use it. Then she thinks , sunlight should also be able to be converted into electrical energy.

Then she mentioned her own idea of ​​using solar energy to generate electricity through reading books.

The following is a bunch of professional terms. People who are not in this field will not understand what is going on.

She also said that there was too much content to finish in the letter, and she could only abbreviate some words, but the general method was this. If you feel that something she wrote is a little unclear, you can ask her.

She also said that using water, electricity and coal to generate electricity requires building a power plant and running wires. The small mountain village is too poor and it would be too troublesome to do this. If her method is effective and she makes solar panels, send her some and she will put them there. On the roof of her house so she can have a TV and read a book.

If you have extra, can you install it for all the villagers so that everyone can have electricity?

Although sending letters in this era was not expensive, An Ran could not send it if he had nothing. It was An Ran who persuaded Li's parents and Li's mother to get some money and sent it.

Although the family's money is all in the hands of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, it is impossible for Father Li and Mother Li not to have a dime in their hands. They still have a little money, which is obtained by doing things for others.

Father Li and Mother Li thought An Ran wanted to buy some snacks, so they gave them to her, and An Ran took them to send letters.

At first, those scientists thought that this child was just whimsical and should not be taken seriously. But after taking a closer look, some professionals in this field discovered that what An Ran said was not whimsical or nonsense, but made sense.

It's just that they didn't understand some of the professional terms and abbreviations, which made them anxious. After all, this thing is so important and they need to be understood immediately. If they can research it, it will definitely benefit the country. It is a good thing for the people, and it allows country L to master a technology that is far superior to others. Can they not be in a hurry to realize it?

Also, this letter has been sent to three units, so you need to contact them quickly to keep it confidential. After all, if the secret service discovers it and spreads it abroad, so that foreign countries also have this technology, it will be a huge loss.

In addition, we must find the little girl quickly and protect her so as not to do anything harmful to her.

So in a place unknown to the small mountain village where he originally lived, some people were busy and turned everything upside down.

An Ran sent the letter and waited patiently without being anxious at all.

According to the speed of sending letters in this era, and the speed of these people finding her, it would take at least ten or twenty days, so naturally she would do whatever she had to do next.

An Ran started with solar energy because she did some research and found that in this era of solar energy, all countries have just started, and their levels are about the same, so it is easy to overtake in corners.

When An Ran sent the letter, it was already April or May. Children usually pass their midterm exams at this time. Li Nian still did well in the exam this time, so when relatives and friends came around, Aunt Li showed off Li Nian as usual to relatives and friends. He also kept praising Li Nian.

While eating, I knew it was Li Weiran who cooked it, and I started praising Li Weiran constantly.

"Oh, you are really blessed. Of the two children, one can read and will eat royal food in the future, and the other can cook. He cooks delicious food for you in different ways every day."

"Yes, my sister-in-law is such a blessing! She is a good daughter and a good son. She is well-behaved and obedient."

The boastful Aunt Li smiled from ear to ear.

Li Weiran on the side couldn't help but curled his lips after hearing this, and said to himself, that's not what you said back then.

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