Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2801 Chronology Control Group 3

An Ran listened to Li Nian's ridicule and said calmly: "Since you are so good, let me give you a question that I know how to do and see if you can do it. It is an elementary school question. You are already in junior high school. I am sure. Yes."

Li Nian had been praised by people around him for a long time and felt that he was very smart. In addition, An Ran said that it was just an elementary school question, and his family members were all watching. He couldn't say no, so he naturally said confidently at the moment. : "Okay, you say."

An Ran said: "Then listen carefully, the question is like this: There are three grasslands, with an area of ​​5, 6, and 8 hectares respectively. The grass on the grasslands is the same thickness and grows equally fast. The first grassland can provide 11 One cow can eat for 10 days, and the second piece of grass can feed 12 cows for 14 days. How many days can the third piece of grass feed 19 cows?"

What An Ran asked was indeed a primary school question, but it was a primary school Mathematical Olympiad question.

First of all, because the college entrance examination has been cancelled, there is no pressure to go to higher schools. Therefore, people in this era generally do not take it as seriously as they did when they were studying in primary school, middle school or high school. The mathematics level of 1 may not be as well understood by senior primary school children decades later. Of course, such difficult Mathematical Olympiad questions are not something that first-year students of this era would do. So Li Nian listened and thought it was simple at first. , she started to calculate, and then she realized that the more she calculated, the more wrong she became. She, a junior high school student, couldn’t figure it out!

Li Nian couldn't think of anything after much thought. Seeing everyone around her staring at her calculations, she couldn't help but become angry and said immediately: "This can't be a primary school question!"

Because she doesn’t know how to do anything in junior high school!

Li Weiran on the other side also echoed: "This is definitely not an elementary school question, and I don't know it either."

She had finished junior high school before time travel. After all, nine-year compulsory education was required, but she didn't know how to do it, so she denied it.

An Ran said: "It's just a question from elementary school. I can solve it using the knowledge I learned in elementary school. If you can't solve it, it proves that you are not as smart as me."

Li Nian didn't like hearing this, and immediately said: "Nonsense! You must have read it in some difficult problem book, know the answer, and used it to embarrass us. How about I give you a question and you do it? See Do you know how!"

An Ran did not object, and nodded immediately, saying: "Okay! I ask you to do the questions, but you can't do it. If you ask me to do the questions, and I can do it, it means that I am the smartest person in our family. When it's time for me to go to junior high school, and you come back to work, will you do it?"

Li Nian couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart after hearing this.

Although she complains all day long about coming home from school and having to work hard, if she really wants to stop studying and come back to do farm work, she will definitely not do it. After all, she only does such a little farm work every day, and she is so tired. How willing to do more!

So I objected without thinking: "Why should I compete with you? It's boring!"

Then he left.

Although she was not very smart, she was not stupid either, and she could see that such a competition would be detrimental to her.

If Li Anran could not do the questions she asked, Li Anran would be laughed at at most. However, if Li Anran did the questions she asked but she did not do the questions Li Anran asked, then she would have to change. If Li Anran goes to study, she will naturally not do it.

Seeing that this competition was not good for him, Li Nian naturally refused to compete.

An Ran saw that she was unwilling to compete, so he didn't force her, because she did this just to interrupt Li Nian's ridicule. If she didn't interrupt, Li Nian would continue to grab her when he saw her reading in the future. He would not let go of this and scolded her all day long.

The reason why the original person stopped reading later was partly because she was always laughed at by Li Nian, so she had to solve the problem of this girl always criticizing her. After all, she didn't like being targeted like this all the time.

Without giving Li Nian some clues, she still wouldn't know how many eyes Lord Ma has.

After Li Nian stopped laughing at her, An Ran continued reading.

As for Grandma Li, Grandpa Li, the eldest family member of the Li family, and others being unhappy because of her reading, An Ran didn't take it to heart at all. Anyway, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li asked her to do things with everyone, and she would just do the things well.

If you treat her differently, see that she does things quickly, and tell her to do different things so that she keeps doing them, then she will just stop doing them.

She doesn't have a gentle personality like her original self and will do things honestly.

Although she will not do nothing, she will not do more than others.

If Grandpa Li and Grandma Li threaten her with food, she is not afraid. First of all, the food in this era is too simple and unpalatable, and she is worried that she can't find an excuse not to eat. If Grandpa Li and Grandma Li don't let her eat, It's just right, since she has enough space to eat anyway; secondly, although Li's father and Li's mother can't do it well with Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, and they don't get the chance for their children to study, they don't have to fight for food for their own children.

In fact, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li also threatened the two of them, saying that if they quarreled again, they would not be able to eat, but they did not dare to do so, because if they did, they would not have to work. After all, there is no food to eat, so why work?

And if Father Li and Mother Li don’t work, it will be a big loss for Grandpa Li and Grandma Li. After all, what Father Li and Ma Li earn far exceeds their food and needs, so Grandpa Li and Grandma Li are also After threatening her, but finding that there was no threat, she could only stop caring about whether An Ran read or not, and just let her do the same thing as everyone else.

They also didn't understand why the fourth granddaughter did the same thing so slowly while other children did it so quickly.

——They naturally don’t know. This is because, firstly, Anran has a plan for doing things, so he can do it much faster than those children who have no plan; secondly, Anran has begun to practice martial arts and is getting stronger and stronger, so It is naturally much easier for her to do things like chopping firewood.

Yes, An Ran was practicing martial arts. On the surface, she was reading books, but in fact, she was practicing martial arts, because the books she read were very simple, and she knew all the knowledge in them, so she didn't need to read them at all.

Books are quite expensive these days. She has no money. If she wants to read books, she will definitely not be able to buy them. Therefore, the books she reads are all books that Li Nian has studied. When she reads the books, Li Nian dare not not give them to her. Yes, because this is not her book, it is a book bought by the family with money. Once bought, it becomes the public property of the family, and every member can read it.

She didn't dare not give it. Of course, even if she didn't give it, An Ran could still take the books from her other brothers who were in school.

In a family that favors sons over daughters, boys can naturally study. Unless they don’t want to read, as long as they are willing to read, they are all studying now.

So there was no need for Li Nian to stop it, because if he did, An Ran would still get the book, so there was no point in stopping it.

Anyway, Li Anran doesn't know anything about it, so just read it.

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