Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2505 Doomsday Waste 9

An Ran discovered that the severe wound he received from the monster bird yesterday had already formed a scar!

You know, in the case of the scratch yesterday, it took less than three to five days for scars to form, but now it has formed scars in less than a day. This speed is too fast, not at all normal.

Seeing this, An Ran secretly thought, could it be that the recovery speed of the original body is much faster than that of ordinary people? It shouldn't be. As far as her medical knowledge is concerned, it is impossible for such a large wound to scar over so quickly. Even if the recovery speed is much faster than that of ordinary people, it will not be so powerful.

It's a pity that the original body has never been injured much - the original body was not injured before the apocalypse, nor was it injured after the apocalypse. Mainly because he returned to his hometown and was not injured at the beginning. He was almost injured on the way to escape, and met the military rescue team. She was not injured, and at the last moment, she was eaten by a monster. She was not injured, so she naturally did not know the situation. Since she did not know the situation and had no memory of this aspect, An Ran naturally did not know her physical condition.

Thinking of this, An Ran decided to take a look at the wound to see when the scab would fall off.

Generally speaking, it takes a while for the scab to fall off. For such a large wound, it will take at least a week for the scab to fall off.

A wound that takes three to five days to scab will scab in less than a day, but a wound that takes about a week to scab off, how long will it take for the scab to fall off and be completely healed?

The answer is: one day.

Because of the scar, An Ran did not wrap it with gauze today. Of course, the main reason was to carefully observe the healing of the wound.

Then the wound grew quickly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. By the afternoon, the surrounding superficial wounds had scabbed off. By bedtime at night, some deeper wounds had also begun to scab off. Wait until the next day. When she woke up in the morning, An Ran raised her hand and saw that all the scabs on her hands had fallen off, revealing the tender flesh. She didn't know when they fell off last night.

At this point, An Ran has determined that the healing speed of injuries in this body is much faster than that of ordinary people. An Ran thinks that it should be affected by the virus. The original body cannot have such a healing speed, because this speed has exceeded the speed of human beings before the end of the world. .

The original body always thought that he had no powers. Could this be the original body's powers? That is to say, injured people heal faster than ordinary people?

But this ability is useless. After all, if you encounter a monster that is too powerful, you can't dodge it and will be eaten directly. No matter how fast you heal, it is useless; if you can dodge the monster, it will take a few more days to recover if it is injured. , at most it can reduce infection mortality, but the effect is not very obvious.

So it is discovered that the original body has superpowers, but in fact he has superpowers, is he still the same as before, is he still a waste?

An Ran felt that her happiness was in vain.

However, since there is a superpower, An Ran still plans to explore more to see if this superpower is really the ability to heal itself quickly.

She analyzed it from a medical perspective.

After being infected by the virus, her self-healing speed became faster. So, if an injured person drinks his own blood, can it speed up his self-healing speed?

——If it was really possible, wouldn’t I want to be like the red pill in the game? Then she must protect this secret so that no one knows about it, otherwise she will be used as a mobile blood pack, and maybe even imprisoned, and her blood will be drawn and sold for money, which is terrible.

Thinking of this, An Ran decided to do some experiments.

Now I bought two living animals, mice, from the system mall.

This thing is everywhere, so it is not valuable in the system mall. Since it does not cost much life points, Enron naturally bought it. It is better than going out to risk catching a small animal and bringing it back.

After getting the mice, An Ran lightly made a small wound on the two mice, and then fed one of them to drink his own blood to observe the wound healing speed.

For such a small wound, if your own blood has the ability to heal, the scab should be healed in less than an hour.

In the end, An Ran discovered that the mice that drank her blood healed at the same speed as the mice that did not drink her blood. It did not happen that one healed faster than the other.

Bodhisattva bless me. Fortunately, I don't have this function. Although the speed of self-healing is a useless power, it is better than the speed of self-healing just by drinking her blood. She doesn't want to have her blood drawn and sold for money.

An Ran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

But if the blood doesn't work, does her superpower really have no other use besides fast self-healing speed?

An Ran was unwilling to give in. After thinking for a while, An Ran remembered the method of using the superpower in the memory of the original body and what she had heard. Now An Ran used that method on one of the injured mice.

There was no feeling in the body, and the mice showed no changes.

Could it be that his superpower really only has the ability to heal himself, and does not have the ability to heal others?

An Ran didn't give up, and immediately put his hand on the mouse, and used the power according to the method.

There is still no feeling in the body, unlike some novels about supernatural powers, which say that when using powers, one can feel a force flowing through his body.

No, I feel nothing.

However, An Ran was surprised to find that the wound on the white mouse quickly became scabbed! The other one who was not treated by her is still the same, which means that she really has superpowers! And it has healing powers! It's just that my body doesn't feel anything, so it's hard to find.

Moreover, unlike other people's powers such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., which can be used remotely, this one can only be used in contact with others. This is probably the reason why the original body should have healing powers, but failed to discover them because it was too hidden. Not only do you need to use the ability like a superpower, but you also need to touch it to heal. It is normal that the original person does not know that he has superpowers. After all, the original person may have secretly operated the superpower according to the operation method of the superpower, but he did not see it. If you get any effect, you will naturally think that you have no superpowers.

——I don’t know if I can use it remotely when I become stronger in the future.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that the power is too weak. There is no feeling when using the power. Once the power is activated, there is a feeling of energy flowing in the body, and the original body will not notice that he has the power.

All in all, using powers is really different from others.

Also, I really have very few abilities now.

After treating one white mouse, An Ran treated another white mouse, and then found that she felt a little tired.

An Ran felt that this should be because he had used up all his powers, otherwise he would not be tired for no reason.

Then this superpower is too little, right? Tired of treating two small wounds? This ability is still pretty useless.

Although it is useless, An Ran has planned to carefully observe and explore this power to see how it can become stronger, and then, how it can be used better.

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