Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2504 Doomsday Waste 8

Thinking of this, An Ran went out and walked up the stairs, planning to go to the rooftop to see the distance between this building and the building next door, and then try to see the possibility of escaping by jumping from this building to another building. .

The elevator has no electricity at this moment. Of course, even if there is electricity, An Ran would not dare to sit in it. After all, if the elevator stops on a certain floor and then a monster rushes in, you will not be able to hide in the small space of the elevator. There was no place to hide, so I could still turn around and run down the stairs.

An Ran held the cultivation defense treasure Maze in his hand, and held a big knife at the same time. Once he couldn't defeat it, he put the Maze in front of him, hoping that this thing could stop the monster.

Although the defense of the maze is good, the strength of the monster is also very powerful, so it may not be impossible to break through the defense of the maze.

I just hope that this baby who has been following me for a long time will not die in this mission.

The whole building was very quiet. I don't know if all the people had left, or the people who hadn't left stayed quietly in the house and made no sound.

Fortunately, I didn't encounter any monsters until I reached the top of the building.

This is an eighteen-story building with a wide view from the rooftop, surrounded by eighteen-story buildings like this.

From a distance, the buildings seem to be not far apart, but standing on the rooftop, you can see that there is still a long way between the two buildings.

She can't fly through it with Qinggong, especially her current Qinggong.

The Cultivation Flying Talisman can fly over, but it requires spiritual power from the body to activate the flying talisman, which is obviously not possible.

Then you can only buy high-tech products and fly there.

Products that are ahead of their time are expensive, but they are safe and foolproof, so Enron plans to come here if this building is in danger of being torn down, buy a high-tech product, and fly away from here.

Of course, you must try it first, and you can't wait until the time comes before using it hastily. Thinking of this, An Ran spent some health points from the system store to buy an air skateboard and prepared to fly over.

This is the cheapest and safest thing. Personal aircraft like that are always expensive.

Fortunately, although this thing is expensive, as long as it is not broken and can be used in the future, it is still worth it. It is better than those disposable things.

In addition, this thing is not much more high-tech than this era, because aerial skateboards have already appeared in this world, but they have not yet been used by civilians. In addition, the effect and safety are not as good as this one.

But no matter what, things always come out. In this way, if she buys it and uses it, it will be used in this world in the future. After all, everyone has seen someone experimenting with an aerial skateboard on the Internet. As for how she got it As for the air skateboard in this experiment, let everyone guess. Anyway, if you have this thing, you can use it. There is no need to worry about being thought to be from the future or that she is acting suspiciously.

An Ran bought the things, tied them to his feet, started the energy, and soon he was flying.

The air skateboard has something like a game controller, which can be held in the hand to control the direction.

An Ran took this thing and quickly controlled himself to fly to the top floor of the next building, and then flew back again.

The effect is very good, but if someone is afraid of heights, this thing is not very friendly. It is suspended in the air, and when you look at your feet, it feels like you are about to fall. It is too scary, and people who are afraid of heights may not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, flying with a sword is common in the world of cultivation, so she is not afraid.

Just as she put away the air skateboard and was about to go downstairs, a strong gust of wind hit her from behind.

An Ran reacted very quickly and rolled on the spot to avoid the attack.

When he turned around to look, he saw a huge monster bird rushing toward him again.

Even if she practiced some martial arts, she couldn't beat such a big monster bird. After all, she had only practiced for a short time and didn't have much internal strength.

Thinking of this, An Ran stopped fighting and walked into the corridor. Fortunately, An Ran had planned to go downstairs just now and was already at the entrance of the corridor. Otherwise, the distance was too far and there would be no time to go in.

But even so, she was fast, and the monster bird was even faster, chasing after her.

Of course, An Ran couldn't let it enter the corridor. If the opponent flew down the stairs, he would definitely not be able to escape. As soon as he entered the corridor, he closed the rooftop door.

After a step too late, the monster bird had already caught up with him and was about to come in. An Ran poured his inner strength into the handle of the knife and slashed the opponent away for a step or two before reluctantly closing the door.

But even so, the monster bird's claw just scratched Anran's hand, causing her to feel burning pain.

Fortunately, the door to the rooftop can be closed with a "snap", and not the kind that requires a latch. Otherwise, if the latch is not latch for a long time, the monster bird will bump into it again and push the door open.

After closing the door, An Ran locked the door again, and then ran downstairs quickly, because she didn't know how long the door could last.

But as long as she ran away from the sight of the monster bird and hid in her room, the monster bird would not be able to find her, and she would be safe. Anyway, although the monster bird had become bigger, she could not defeat a person without powers, but Without the ability to knock down a building, she didn't have to worry too much.

An Ran ran very fast, which was due to the use of Qinggong.

As soon as he ran home, An Ran heard a "bang" from above. Apparently, the door should have been opened by the monster bird, and the monster bird came in.

An Ran quickly entered the door and blocked the door.

Then listen.

She now has some inner strength, and can pour her inner strength into her ears to improve their hearing.

At this moment, An Ran heard that the monster bird was on who knows how many floors upstairs. It kept turning around. After it didn't find her, it stopped moving. She didn't know if it was gone or hiding somewhere.

In short, An Ran didn't dare to go out for the time being. She just hoped that no monster would hit the building where she was in these few days. Otherwise, if there were monsters outside and monsters in the building, she would really be doomed.

After a few days, the monster bird in the building should be gone. After all, whether it is a mutation or an evolved creature, its appetite has increased. If it doesn't eat for a few days, it will starve to death, so even if it doesn't exist now, If you leave, you won't stay in the corridor for long.

After realizing that it was no longer dangerous, An Ran quickly treated the wound.

The anti-virus bracelet did not alarm as usual. It seemed that the monster bird did not infect itself.

Although he didn't infect himself, he had to deal with such a big wound on his hand, otherwise it would become inflamed, which would be bad.

After An Ran sterilized the wound, she tied it with gauze. She secretly prayed that the wound would heal quickly and that the monster would not attack the building. Then the monster bird in the building left.

The night passed, and it was still safe. There was no sound of monster birds in the building, and there were no monsters fighting near my building outside, causing harm to my building.

An Ran ate breakfast and prepared to change the gauze for the wound.

At this time, An Ran discovered a strange situation.

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