Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2502 Doomsday Waste 6

Although the monster was eliminated yesterday, everyone's mood has calmed down a bit.

But today, there are more and more news on the Internet, and everyone's emotions are getting tense again.

Moreover, a lot of news has gradually spread locally, and people have taken a lot of videos or pictures, showing that there are strange things somewhere.

Fortunately, they are not as powerful as yesterday. Most of them are enlarged birds, or enlarged mice or ants. The mutated ones are not particularly powerful and can be killed by humans, so they do not cause too much fear in everyone for the time being.

Of course, this is temporary. As more and more things mutate, everyone will definitely become more and more afraid.

Of course, there is also good news. Someone posted a video of himself having superpowers. Although the abilities may be strong or weak, it must be exciting news for everyone. At least it shows that there are many people who mutate in a good direction. Since Humans can also have superpowers and still maintain their sanity. They are not like the man yesterday who lost his mind and became a monster. In the future, there is no need to be afraid of those monsters. There will always be powerful people who can destroy them.

People at this moment don't know how many people have turned into aliens, and they cannot be eliminated easily.

An Ran continued to practice martial arts at home. He had no plans to go to any desert for the time being. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, but the place was too far away and he couldn't go there for a while. And if he was delayed for too long on the road, something unexpected might happen. After all, her current strength level is not high and she doesn't dare to go anywhere.

In fact, An Ran in the desert feels unreliable. Firstly, the natural conditions of the desert are not a place for people to stay. If you are fucked by nature before you are fucked by the alien, it is better not to go; secondly, after the apocalypse, The desert is not necessarily safe, because many birds or animals are highly adaptable and it is not difficult to go to the desert after mutating. They may find and attack you one day.

Although An Ran did not leave, many people in the community had left. Many people asked where they were going. Those people said that they were going to the countryside to hide. At least there would be fewer people in the countryside. And this city is not a mountain city, the countryside is just There are not so many animals and plants in the plains. There is no need to worry about too many animals and plants like some mountain villages, which have too many animals and plants.

Many people were tempted after hearing their answers. In the next two days, many people left. Obviously, everyone wanted to leave this place before the city became completely chaotic.

In the original memory, it was at this time that he left the city and returned to his home in the suburbs.

In the beginning, it was indeed what many people in the community thought, because there were fewer people in the countryside, and there were not a lot of animal and plant mutations, so it was indeed much safer than the densely populated city.

But not long after, after the food in the city was almost exhausted, the aliens in the city spread to the suburbs, and the suburbs began to suffer.

The world has mutated, where is the pure land?

In the original world, the original person returned to the suburbs. At first, her parents didn't say much about her, but when they found out that she had not evolved, and then she ate less and less supplies, her hard life came. Who let her have a younger brother at home? I have to eat with my brother first.

So he started to treat her badly.

Then the aliens in the city spread to the suburbs, and their home was no longer safe, so they prepared to go to a base built by the nearby military.

Then on the way to escape, he thought Yuan She had no powers and was afraid that she would harm them, so he left her behind and the family of three fled alone.

If she hadn't met a kind-hearted military rescue team later and rescued her into the base, otherwise, the original body might have disappeared not long after the end of the world began.

An Ran saw many people leaving but did not follow them.

Mainly because she didn't know where to go.

There is no need to go back to my original family, lest I lose my powers in the future and be despised and insulted by them like my original self.

You can go to Sister Zhang’s house, but Sister Zhang has been brainwashed. If her parents’ family has no food, she will not only give them her own food, but also ask for her own contribution. What should I do? If she doesn't have superpowers yet, but she has to hand over the food, then she won't dare to go out to collect supplies. When all the food contribution is gone, there will be no more food, and she will be forced to collect supplies, isn't it? Following the same old path as his original self, this is obviously not what An Ran wants to see.

So although Sister Zhang is pretty good to her original self, she is not a place to go.

And it is not practical to rent a house without going to my family or my sister's house.

Because in the countryside, there are usually people in every house. Because she has too many secrets and a lot of supplies, she doesn’t want to go to a house with people and ask for a room share, so as not to live with others and cause a lot of trouble. People who don’t have people usually work outside, and you can’t find them. The owner rents a house, so if she doesn't go to her parents' house or her sister's house, she really can't find a place to go, so she can only stay in the city.

An Ran planned to stay until the military rescue team arrived.

After a period of time, the military will dispatch a rescue team to rescue people and go to the base built by the military. At that time, she can go directly to the military base and save some trouble.

An Ran didn't plan to leave, but Liu Feng was ready to leave. Now, Liu Feng called her and asked her to go with him.

Liu Feng's family, like his original family, is also in the suburbs, and he also plans to return to his hometown.

An Ran said: "I don't plan to leave. It's very dangerous outside now, and I don't have any powers, so I don't dare to leave."

In fact, this is only one of the reasons. The main reason is naturally that he does not want to go back with Liu Feng, so as not to make himself sick.

Liu Feng didn't have any superpowers at the moment. Hearing what An Ran said, he couldn't help but remain silent. Obviously, he was also worried about whether it was safe on the road. After all, netizens from the same city had been posting various news on the Internet recently, saying where he was. I encountered another monster somewhere, which made me very worried. I would encounter it on the way back and lose my life.

In the original world, the original person naturally agreed to go back with Liu Feng.

Not long after he returned, Liu Feng said that he had special powers, and then kept asking the original person if he had special powers. After asking again and again, he was disappointed, especially because everyone around him had special powers, but the original person still didn't. After gaining the supernatural power, Liu Feng gradually stopped contacting her. When the original person asked him what was going on, Liu Feng said that they were not on the same road and wanted to break up with her.

This was also the reason why the aliens later spread to the suburbs and when the original person fled, he was not with Liu Feng, but with his family, because by that time, the original person had broken up with Liu Feng.

In other words, if the military had not saved her, she would have died prematurely because her boyfriend and family abandoned her, and no one could help her.

Although Liu Feng was silent because of An Ran's answer yesterday, he still planned to go back early the next morning. He said that the city was becoming more and more unsafe and he did not dare to stay. There happened to be a large convoy preparing to leave, and he planned to follow it. The convoy should go together. It should be safer if there are more people. Let An Ran prepare and go together.

An Ran naturally refused, saying that she was afraid of death and did not intend to leave.

Liu Feng saw that he had repeatedly tried to persuade An Ran, but An Ran refused to leave, so he stopped forcing him. He just asked An Ran to hide at home, and then followed the convoy back.

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