Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2501 Doomsday Waste 5

The alien's skin was very thick, and the firepower of the heavy machine gun warehouse did not seem to cause much damage to it, but it should still be very painful. He immediately became angry, and when he saw that it was coming from a military chess, he quickly ran to the military chess.

The people in the army obviously realized that if it got close, something would happen to them, so while they were evacuating, someone fired a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

There is no way, I heard that an alien was found here. In order to save people, ordinary military vehicles came, not tanks with heavy firepower, because tanks cannot run as fast as military vehicles.

Because it is not a tank, its firepower is naturally not as powerful as that of a tank. The vehicle is not equipped with artillery, only a heavy wooden cabin. The weapon with stronger firepower is a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

Judging from the information passed down from above, some monsters can be killed by heavy machine guns, but some require rocket launchers.

The one in front of me seems to have strengthened skin. The heavy machine gun can't be killed, so it needs a rocket launcher.

Although he knew that he should be able to kill this monster with a rocket launcher, facing the monster's fast speed, even if the warrior who did it was very accurate in normal training, he was faced with the monster's fast speed and the nervousness of contacting such a monster for the first time. , but his rocket launcher deflected and missed the monster.

As soon as the hit failed, the situation immediately became tense, because the monster was very fast. Even if the military car had been driven to its maximum power, there were monsters on the road from time to time. The driver was eaten by the monster, so no one drove. The cars were blocking the way, and some owners were running away in a hurry. They bumped into each other, and a car accident occurred. The cars crowded on the road were blocking the way, which affected the army's evacuation speed, and they were soon overtaken by the monster.

Just when An Ran and the people around him who saw this scene were worried about the condition of the military vehicle, suddenly, someone else stood up from the military vehicle. The man waved his hands, and a vine emerged from his hand. It emerged from above and headed towards the monster's feet.

Soon the vines entangled the monster's feet, and then the vines dug into the road, locking the monster to the ground like a chain, and the monster could not run.

It turned out to be a wood-type superpower.

The onlookers in the surrounding buildings couldn't help but cheer. Obviously, people were happy when they saw someone helping to turn the tide. In addition, when they saw that the other party had powers like those in some videos posted online, they found it strange, so it was normal for them to cheer.

But that person was obviously not as powerful as everyone thought. As soon as he trapped the alien, he shouted: "Fight quickly, I can't hold on for a few seconds!"

Obviously, this wood-type superpower must have just evolved, and his abilities are not very strong yet.

At this moment, the soldier who fired the rocket launcher quickly fired another rocket launcher.

This time the monster was pinned to the ground and did not run away, so naturally he succeeded.

The rocket launcher was aimed at the monster's head.

The firepower of the rocket launcher was much more powerful than that of the machine gun. It exploded the monster's head and the monster stopped struggling.

Afraid that the monster was not completely dead, the man fired another shot at the monster's head. This time it was blown to pieces and he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Seeing that the monster was taken care of, An Ran and the people around him couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Soon a military truck came and took away the alien body.

It must have been contacted by someone from the military truck, indicating that the crisis here was over, and the truck waiting in the distance came over and picked up the body, probably intending to take it back for study.

After the military people left, everyone gathered together to discuss what had just happened.

Of course, in fact, after the monster was eliminated, some brave people came down and stood nearby to watch - this is normal, no matter what time, there are bold people who eat melons.

And An Ran looked at the fighting power of this early alien and secretly thought, given the opponent's speed and strength, how far must he practice martial arts to defeat him? How deep does one's inner strength have to be in order to be stronger than the opponent? How high must one's lightness skills be in order to be able to outrun the opponent?

My head feels numb just thinking about it, so the key is to find out how to create superpowers, otherwise I will not be able to live this life, because whether it is an alien or an evolved person, the abilities will become stronger and stronger, and this is still the early stage. , so she is not very powerful yet. When she becomes stronger in the future, no matter how high her martial arts training is, she will not be able to defeat her.

Although the monster was eliminated by the military, everyone was still frightened. An Ran successfully used this reason to take another leave from the company.

In fact, many people in the company were frightened and did not come.

Even the company's top executives are preparing to hoard supplies, preparing to close the company if the situation is not right. After all, if things like today happen every day, why should they open a company and find a safe place to stay?

For example, some desert areas are very good. There are very few animals and plants in those places, and there are few mutations. Living in such places should not be life-threatening.

As for the problem that the desert itself is not easy to survive... The difficulties of nature can always be overcome, but the problems of these monsters are much more terrifying than nature.

Soon, Sister Zhang called and asked if she was okay.

"Safe, are you okay too?"

An Ran certainly knew from her original memory that Sister Zhang's family all had special abilities later on, so they definitely didn't have anything to do with this incident, but she still asked.

Sister Zhang said: "We are okay. It seems that what you said two days ago about stocking up on supplies is true. I have to take advantage of the chaos outside to buy something quickly."

"Well, go quickly. I'm afraid you won't be able to grab it if it's late."

This is no lie. After everyone saw this situation with their own eyes, more and more people ran to the supermarket to grab supplies. If you slow down, you will definitely not be able to buy them.

Sister Zhang called, but Zhang's father and Zhang's mother didn't call at all. It was probably because An Ran took away 100,000 yuan two days ago, and they were angry and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

That's okay, it's best to ignore it.

Then Liu Feng also called and asked about her situation.

There are not all people with super powers yet, only An Ran is left without super powers, and Liu Feng does not intend to continue with her, so as a boyfriend with a stable relationship, if this kind of thing happens, he will definitely not even call her, unless The two of them had no feelings at all, so it was normal for Liu Feng to call and care about her.

Then some friends asked about her situation, and An Ran responded to them one by one.

After talking to relatives and friends, An Ran continued to practice.

Although martial arts may not be enough in this era, if you don't have superpowers, you can only continue to practice martial arts. You can't just stay the same as before. Then you are really waiting for death.

An Ran didn't ask for leave from the company the next day. As expected, the company didn't call her to ask why she didn't come. It was probably because many people in the company didn't come. After all, it was getting more and more chaotic outside. Who dared to go to work? Woolen cloth.

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