Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2458 The maid who can’t help herself 63

Under the new system, it is closer to an elite republic. There is no way. Even if we want to be a republic for the whole world, due to the transportation and people's literacy level in this era, we can only have an elite republic for the time being. A better way is to wait for the people's literacy rate. Come up, and then transportation and communications will be more developed.

Although it is an elite republic, it is better than any one force in power. Now power is relatively dispersed, and it is not easy for any powerful official to dominate the sky with one hand.

As soon as An Ran's move came out, it became more convenient for Si Yan to handle court affairs, so he was full of praise.

However, he did not know that this was arranged by An Ran, so he was not wary of An Ran. Otherwise, if he knew that An Ran could influence the court in this way, no matter how much he liked An Ran, from the perspective of a superior, he would still have to be wary. Yes, after all, there have been female emperors in history, and Si Yan also has to worry about An Ran seizing power.

After settling the affairs in the court, An Ran now has the time and energy to settle down the affairs of Grandma Wang and his wife.

An Ran didn't intend to use the method of scaring directly. After all, Grandma Wang and his wife had been frightened enough for a period of time. No matter how scared they were, it would only be to that extent. Besides, if she wanted to scare them personally, people outside might even say something about her. You are already a queen, why are you so small-minded? You are still thinking about what happened in the past, relying on yourself to become a queen, and want to cause trouble for them.

An Ran naturally didn't want others to think that she was bullying others, so she only planned to deal with the two of them through formal means.

It might not have been possible before, but now, she has many ministers under her control, and dealing with these two people is not a matter of words.

Soon, the Marquis of Chengen was impeached for cases such as soliciting lawsuits, expropriating huge profits, and occupying people's land. After investigation, Si Yan withdrew his title from the Marquis of Chengen and ransacked his house. However, these matters were mainly attributed to Mrs. Wang. What the couple did - after all, the Cheng'en Palace was quite prosperous at that time, so they could do these things. Now that the Cheng'en Palace is in decline, who will ask them to take over the lawsuit? I didn't dare to do it anymore, so I think Mr. Wang and his wife escaped the disaster. Otherwise, if they were to be as prosperous as before, they took over the business of running the family. They may not do such a thing. After all, they can Here comes the money, who would think it is too little? Now that Mr. Wang is dead and Mrs. Wang is old, plus Si Yan, because of some kinship, he did not sentence them to exile or jail, but only seized the title and ransacked their homes. .

Although they were not exiled or imprisoned, young master Wang and grandma Wang were dumbfounded just by seizing titles and ransacking their homes.

At that moment, Young Master Wang had no choice but to ask to see Si Yan. After all, the two of them had known each other in the past and had always been in love with each other. He wanted to beg him to let him go. For example, he could seize the title, but don't ransack the house, otherwise he would drink. The northwest wind is blowing, how can we survive?

But Si Yan didn't see him at all, and Young Master Wang had nothing to do.

In fact, in the case of Duke Cheng'en, if Si Yan really took the family relationship into account, he might only seize the title and not confiscate the house. But isn't this because Si Yan thought about An Ran being beaten by his wife back then? So how could he not confiscate the house? Exile is fine.

Seeing that Si Yan didn't see him, Young Master Wang really had no choice but to take his whole family out of Cheng'en Palace. He had no place to go and had no choice but to return to his hometown. At least there was still some family land in his hometown to live on.

Grandma Wang thought she would be able to live a good life after surviving Young Master Wang, but she didn’t know that in the end she still couldn’t keep her title, and even the property she had earned so hard over the years was taken away by the wolf-like official officials, leaving Wang The eldest grandma couldn't bear the stimulation and almost fainted.

After he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but complain to Young Master Wang: "It's all my fault, mother and others. If they hadn't done what they did, we wouldn't have had our house confiscated and our title taken away from us."

For some time now, she has been being picked on by Mrs. Wang and Young Master Wang, so now that she saw such a thing, she said this to Mrs. Wang in front of her husband, hoping that the mother and son would quarrel with each other, so that nothing could happen. A bad breath.

Young Master Wang was really moved by her words. He couldn't help but nodded and said bitterly: "You are right. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be in this situation."

But he had forgotten that since the death of the Queen Mother, Duke Cheng'en's palace has been declining day by day, and life has become more and more difficult. In order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, in order for him, the young master, to continue to maintain a luxurious life, Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang have to If he can do this, he can continue to maintain a luxurious life for more than ten years because of Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang's doing this. Otherwise, how can he maintain the dignity of a noble son by relying on his salary?

Young Master Wang didn't think about this and just blamed his parents for causing him harm. He couldn't help but run to Mrs. Wang and say this to her.

Mrs. Wang was already feeling uncomfortable when her family title was lost and her family was confiscated. Now that her son was blaming her like this, she couldn't help but feel even more uncomfortable. She couldn't help but defend herself, saying: "It's all to maintain this family." , otherwise with just that salary, how could you have lived such a prosperous life these years?"

Young Master Wang saw that his mother not only did not blame herself, but also found excuses and even pushed the responsibility onto him. He couldn't help but get angry and said, "I wish I had known you did this earlier. I would rather live a miserable life than you will." The title is gone, now it’s better, even the salary of the title is gone, how can we live our lives? Isn’t it worse than that?”

This is purely an afterthought for Mr. Wang. If he didn't know that he would be convicted for this in the future, would he really stop Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang from doing those things? Only a ghost can believe it, after all, who wants to live in poverty?

It was only now that he no longer had the title that he said this.

Grandma Wang on the side also echoed Young Master Wang's words. Seeing how Mrs. Wang was scolded, she couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. Although it was bad to confiscate the house and remove the nobles, at least she could take this opportunity to retaliate severely. For some time now, Mrs. Wang has been seeking revenge for her troubles, which is pretty good.

Mrs. Wang saw that the two of them were blaming her, and she couldn't help but get angry, and said: "If you hadn't beaten Queen Sun back then, I don't think what happened today would be like this. Queen Sun must have had a grudge. His Majesty is avenging her, so he would deal with us like this. Otherwise, which family in Beijing doesn't do this, why is our family being impeached and punished? It's obviously you who have brought trouble to the family, but you still blame me and your father?"

In fact, Mrs. Wang really told the truth, and Mrs. Wang and Young Master Wang also thought that this might be the case.

However, who wants to hear someone say that he is a sinner, so Young Master Wang naturally denied it at the moment, and still insisted, saying: "Those are all your conjectures, such as soliciting lawsuits, etc., but the imperial court clearly stated it in black and white, that is What you committed."

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