Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2457 The maid who can’t help herself 62

But at that moment, An Ran listened to Si Yan's compliment and said with a smile: "It's good if I can share your Majesty's worries. It's also my duty as a wife to help my husband share his worries."

When Si Yan heard what An Ran said, he felt worried, thinking that An Ran was so powerful and still relied on him in everything, where could he find such a good wife? Nature is getting better and better for Enron.

Although the money matter has been solved and there is no need to worry about money now, Si Yan doesn't want the money from the previous internal funds to fall into the hands of Princess Zhou Gui so easily.

Not only could he not stand it, but his mother, Queen Mother Zhou, could not accept it either.

I had no mood or energy to deal with this matter before, but now that I have money, I have the mood and energy. When Si Yan thinks of this problem, he naturally wants to solve it. Of course, it needs to be solved perfectly, that is, he can use the money Once he gets it, the public won't say that he bullied orphans and widowed mothers.

"My father gave the tenth emperor's brother thirty thousand acres of official estate, plus the prince's salary, so much is not enough. It is really too much to give her such money from internal funds. If I don't get it back, I will This makes me feel uncomfortable.”

After listening to Si Yan's complaint, An Ran advised him not to grab it directly.

"Although the late emperor raised her status in order to give her a high status, high salary, and a better life after the late emperor's death, when the late emperor was still alive, she was not just relying on that little status to live her life. , and the reward from the late emperor. Now that the emperor has passed away, her reward has gone, and her living standard has dropped immediately. Furthermore, there are a lot of things in the palace. The people below see her in despair, and the supplies sent to her must be It will not meet the standard. Besides, what kind of life did she live when the late emperor was here? What kind of life is she living now? Her salary has been reduced and the materials are not up to standard. She will definitely not be able to bear it. After all, it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. What should she do if she can't bear it? , with so much money on hand, she will definitely not be able to help spending money to maintain her previous life. At that time, I will replace all the people around her with your people, and let your people fool her into buying more things, buy low and sell high. , Your Majesty will earn some price difference from it, and soon all the money will be lost, and then most of the money will return to your Majesty's hands. It is better than grabbing it directly, and outsiders will say that you are not loyal."

After Si Yan heard this, he couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing: "Zi Tong's idea is great. Okay, just do what Zi Tong said."

Si Yan also thought of something more, that is, his tenth brother was young, and the annual official village and salary income was also in the hands of Concubine Zhou Gui. In order to maintain a better life, she would have to spend it. It was in his hands. In this way, it was said that his father gave Lao Shi so many official houses and salaries, but for the time being, these things actually fell into his hands. This made him resent his father for giving Lao Shi a title so early, and still After giving so much, he suffered heavy losses every year, but he could accept it a little. After all, although the things were given to Lao Shi, he got them in the end, which was okay.

As for the tenth old man, when he reaches adulthood, things will no longer fall into his hands. He will have to spend so much money every year, plus the expenses of other brothers, his family will be emptied. That will be more than ten years later. Well, I don’t know what the situation will be then. Just like An Ran said, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Let’s talk about it then.

An Ran's guess is good. Concubine Zhou Gui really had a hard time transitioning from extravagance to frugality. After the death of the late emperor, she moved to Ci'en Palace and lived with Empress Dowager Zhou and other concubines of the late emperor. The courtyard became smaller and the treatment became worse, which really made her suffer. No.

What was even more unbearable was that Queen Mother Zhou asked her to come over to say hello every day and tortured her every day.

——In fact, it was because Si Yan was too lazy to pay attention to Queen Mother Zhou's suggestions. Otherwise, Queen Mother Zhou pulled out a bunch of concubines in the palace that she didn't like, and asked Si Yan to withdraw his titles and put them in the cold palace. Si Yan Yan felt that this was his father's concubine. If he did this, he would be criticized and ignored. Otherwise, Princess Zhou Gui would not only have a hard time, but also lose her title and stay in the cold palace. It would be even worse. .

Under such circumstances, it is strange that Concubine Zhou Gui could bear it. After all, she had been favored since she entered the palace, but she had never suffered such a hardship.

It didn't matter if she suffered mentally, she couldn't resist anyway, but she didn't want to endure the hardships materially, so under the deception of Si Yan's people and because she also wanted to improve her life, she gave her the money that the late emperor had given her. Take out the money and ask the eunuch and maid to go to the House of Internal Affairs to buy something.

Si Yan couldn't help but be happy to see that Concubine Zhou Gui really started spending money as An Ran said, and then the money came into his own hands through buying low and selling high.

He said that he would not cause trouble to Lao Shi, but he also did not want to give him anything beyond the regulations. He could give him as much salary and estate as the prince had, but beyond that, he wanted to surpass the other brothers and get more. That's impossible, after all, they don't have that kind of friendship.

After dealing with Concubine Zhou Gui, Si Yan had nothing to do. After all, he had money and the court was maintained by ministers. All he had to do was approve the order and it would be easy.

The emperors of other dynasties were very hardworking, but the emperor of this dynasty was not hardworking. The reason is also very simple. The emperors of the previous generations were quite diligent, but in recent generations, the emperors were lazier than the last. Lazy people have a way to do their best, and that is to do all the important things in government affairs. Entrusting power to the cabinet means delegating power. Unlike other dynasties, the emperor centralized power too much and wished he could do everything personally. However, because many emperors did not understand the people's sentiments, they did not necessarily achieve good results by doing it themselves. After all, you His abilities are not necessarily better than those of the ministers.

But there are also disadvantages to delegating power, that is, there will be powerful ministers like Wang Shoufu.

Although it was not enough to cover the sky with one hand, it also caused the emperor's power to be emptied out. No matter what he did, as long as the ministers opposed it, he could not proceed. For example, the late emperor originally wanted to make Zhou Huang's concubine the queen, or he wanted to make some money from the treasury. There is no way to use the money, so the emperor feels aggrieved when he takes this responsibility.

In fact, An Ran thinks this is good. It has a bit of a constitutional monarchy. The only thing is that there was a problem with the selection of ministers in the previous dynasty. Some ministers only wanted to make money and seek benefits and did not care about the people of the world. This was also the matter of the court after the cabinet became popular. Solved, but the reason for the deepening of conflicts among the people is because these high-ranking officials are spokespersons for the interests of all parties, but they cannot represent the people. They only think of ways to squeeze the people harder and obtain more for their own interests. benefit.

As long as this matter is resolved, it's okay for Si Yan to be an idler who only criticizes major issues.

Fortunately, Enron has been deeply involved in the imperial court for many years, so this matter is not too difficult to solve. Soon, with Enron's authorization, the system of official selection was reformed, closer to the state of a constitutional monarchy. Of course, given the backwardness of this era, it must be There are some modifications, but it’s not a big problem. At least it’s better than the original cabinet selection system.

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