Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2455 The maid who can’t help herself 60

But can Queen Mother Zhou take care of Si Yan? There used to be an emperor, and when the Zhou Emperor's concubine was still favored, she had no control over Si Yan. Now that the emperor has passed away, she has to rely on Si Yan to be filial to her in order to live a good life in the palace, and her protests are even more useless. .

Si Yan told her directly: "If you want to live a dignified life in the palace, don't talk nonsense, otherwise even your own mother will have trouble doing it."

These words immediately choked Empress Dowager Zhou, and she did not dare to continue arguing.

Of course, Empress Dowager Zhou could also use the hat of filial piety to suppress Si Yan, but she and Si Yan were really at loggerheads. At that time, Si Yan maintained his etiquette towards her on the surface, but ignored her at all in private, and even approached her or even her. What should I do about my parents’ troubles?

In that case, without Si Yan saying anything to her, her mother-in-law would jump out and scold her severely and tell her to be more honest - she could use the filial hat to suppress Si Yan, and her parents could also use the filial hat to suppress her. .

Even if she becomes the Queen Mother, her parents will still kowtow when they see her, but in addition to the national rites, there are also family rites. If she disobeys her parents, if word spreads, she will be the Queen Mother, and others will say that she is not, so it depends on Si When Yan said this to her, she could only be honest and didn't dare to do anything.

An Ran became the queen, and the Sun family, as the queen's natal family, instantly sealed the Yong'an Marquis Mansion and became a new rich man in the capital.

It is also a strange story that someone who was born a slave and became a queen because of his daughter was promoted to a marquis. There was a lot of discussion among the people for a while, but most of them were small people. They liked to hear such counterattack plots, so no one thought it was bad. On the contrary, They all thought the plot was too enjoyable and told everyone about it.

The Sun family, who was born in the Chengen Palace, has now become a Hou family. What about their main family, the Chengen Palace?

Mr. Wang passed away last year, and Mrs. Wang's husband, Mr. Wang, took over the title.

The Duke Chengen's Mansion has gone through three generations of demotions. Now Young Master Wang only inherits the title of Duke Chengen. Fortunately, although Mrs. Wang has passed away, Mrs. Wang is still there, so the Duke Chengen's Mansion can still have the title of Marquis Chengen. If Mrs. Wang passed away, the plaque of Chengenhou Mansion would be replaced by Chengenbo Mansion.

In other words, the head of the Sun family, the former Duke Cheng'en, is now worse than the slaves from his own family. What's even more unpleasant is that as long as Queen Sun and the eldest prince continue to be favored, the eldest prince will succeed to the throne in the future. As the mother-in-law of the Queen Mother, the Sun family could also be promoted to the Duke's Palace. This made Grandma Wang feel more and more uncomfortable. She thought about how she, a time-traveling woman, could not be as good as a native, and she was a native of the lowest origin. Is this acceptable to her?

Not only was it unpleasant, but it was also a bit scary.

Grandma Wang thought that it would be very uncomfortable for her to be worse than a concubine, but she didn't expect that it could be even worse - the concubine actually became a queen. When she thought about how she beat her half to death, Grandma Wang My heart can't help but feel cold.

If someone had done that to her back then, she would definitely have retaliated against her. Grandma Wang didn't think An Ran would let her go. In this case, could she not be afraid?

She also did not expect that the Sun family, who was not even liked by Young Master Wang, could be so liked by the third prince, and had been liked for many years. Now she even became the queen, which is unreasonable. She had known that she could become the queen. , how could she hit her back then? No, not only would he not hit her, but he would also flatter her, so maybe he could get a good deal at this time.

——In fact, it’s strange. If she knew that An Ran could become the queen, she would definitely rush to be the queen herself. If she didn’t, she would kill An Ran to avoid making her jealous. So she said this now out of fear. Just an afterthought.

It's okay now. She and her husband had bullied her back then. She was really worried about how she would deal with them.

Not only was she worried, Young Master Wang, who had been worried about Si Yan since he became the crown prince, and now Uncle Cheng En, after hearing that Si Yan really succeeded in becoming emperor and named Sun the queen, he was even more scared than she was. .

This is normal. He is Queen Sun's ex-husband. Even though the third prince came to Cheng'en Palace in recent years and saw Young Master Wang, he did not feel uncomfortable because Young Master Wang had a relationship with Sun. Be calm and composed.

But that was before. He had no power and couldn't do anything to Young Master Wang. Maybe he actually cared about it in his heart? Now that he is the emperor and has power, he might be worried about it. In addition, Young Master Wang has bullied the Sun family before and wants to deal with Young Master Wang. Thinking of this, how can Young Master Wang not be afraid?

As soon as he was scared, he ran over and slapped Grandma Wang twice, and said angrily: "It's all because of you, a poisonous woman! If you hadn't framed her back then, I would have ordered someone to beat her?! Are you Wang family really this? The whole family is in mourning. It doesn’t count that they harmed the fifth prince, but now they harm me! Damn it!”

In fact, Young Master Wang was expressing his anger, but he was full of fear and wanted to find someone to vent to, so he approached Grandma Wang. Anyway, it was indeed Grandma Wang who caused this matter, and it was absolutely right to beat her.

Grandma Wang was stunned by the two slaps from Young Master Wang, but she didn't dare to fight back. She was afraid that if she did, Young Master Wang would abandon his soldiers to protect the commander. Don't divorce her to show his goodwill to Empress Sun. Then But it's about to get worse.

So no matter how angry she was, Grandma Wang could only endure it, thinking that after Master Wang died and her son became the master of the family, she would be able to stand out.

She is not afraid of Young Master Wang's death. Over the years, she has often ordered the kitchen to prepare dishes that are heavy in oil and salty for Young Master Wang. Now that she is the master of the house, she still has the power to tell the kitchen what kind of dishes to cook. - She also painstakingly recalled how to make modern cakes and other desserts, and made them in different ways to give to Young Master Wang. Because Young Master Wang had never eaten these things before, and they tasted delicious, they were really attractive to Young Master Wang. appetite, eat it regularly.

If it weren't for carbonated drinks, she really couldn't make them, or else she would even make carbonated drinks and make Young Master Wang drink Fat House Happy Water every day.

Then he stuffed a lot of beauties into the room for Young Master Wang to indulge in pleasure.

Young Master Wang saw her stuffing beauties to him and making desserts for him. He thought she was scared, so he bought beauties and made desserts to please him, so he smiled and accepted them. Little did he know that Grandma Wang wanted to give them to her as soon as possible. He went to the west.

Over the years, under the influence of heavy oil, salt, and sweetness, Young Master Wang has become fatter and fatter. Coupled with being surrounded by beauties every day, Young Master Wang is in very bad health. From time to time, he says he feels dizzy. Grandma Wang knows that it is not High blood pressure, which is coronary heart disease, is always bad for your health.

Under this situation, Grandma Wang felt that Young Master Wang might die one day, and she would be free then.

So when Young Master Wang was beaten, Grandma Wang thought that he might not be able to survive for a few years, but she could bear it.

What she fears most now is not that Young Master Wang will hit her, but that Sun Anran will cause trouble for her.

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