Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2454 The maid who can’t help herself 59

Now Si Yan still associates with them and does not want to associate with other people in the Zhou family, which is exactly what they want. After all, if those people in the Zhou family who favored Concubine Zhou and her son and once flattered their family would now flatter Si Yan, Si Yan would Yan didn't mind, still interacted with them, and would benefit them in the future, so they were so angry that they vomited blood.

Since they felt happy that Si Yan ignored those people in the Zhou family who supported Zhou Concubine and her son, how could they still speak for them?

Seeing their flattery, he said coldly, "Don't they like to flatter Concubine Zhou and her son? Let's continue to flatter them. What else can we do with them?"

The people who were attached to Concubine Zhou and her son couldn't help but feel embarrassed and unhappy, but there was nothing they could do, because Si Yan had become the prince, what else could they do?

We can only hope that the emperor's health will get better, and then curse Si Yan to be unable to be the crown prince. By then, Concubine Zhou and her son will still have a chance, and they will also have a chance.

Grandma Wang from Cheng'en Palace was shocked when she heard that Si Yan had been granted the title of crown prince.

This was what she was most afraid of, but she didn't expect it to happen.

Grandma Wang secretly thought that if she had known that the final winner would be Si Yan, if she were a reborn person, she would definitely choose to marry the third prince as the princess, so that she could be the queen in the future, instead of being stuck in a miserable state now. Forget it about the Duke's office. In the future, I'm afraid that Sun Anran will incite the third prince to take revenge because he beat Sun Anran.

——She probably forgot that she was the daughter of the Wang family. It was impossible for her to marry the third prince because Wang Chief Fu didn't want to side with the third prince.

Grandma Wang, who was helpless about this situation, could only do what the Zhou family did, hoping that the emperor's health would get better, then depose Si Yan's crown prince and choose someone else as the crown prince.

No matter who he chooses, it is better than Si Yan being the prince and the emperor in the future.

This is not impossible, because since ancient times, there have been countless deposed princes.

However, those who hoped that the emperor's health would improve and then Prince Si Yan would not be able to become the crown prince, obviously could not realize their wish.

Because soon, the emperor's body could no longer bear it.

Seeing that the emperor's body could no longer bear it, Concubine Zhou couldn't help but worry. She cried and begged the emperor to save their mother and son, saying that she was afraid that after the emperor's death, their mother and son would be liquidated by Zhou Emperor's concubine and his son.

The emperor couldn't bear the pitiful concubine's young son, so he immediately issued an order to make the tenth prince a prince, concubine Zhou as a noble concubine, and concubine Zhou's mother-in-law as an earl.

Because after the death of Wang Shoufu, there were no new powerful ministers in the court yet, and the emperor was about to die, so everyone wanted to give him face, so these previous dynasties passed.

Of course, the emperor didn't want his sons to say he was partial, so he not only granted the title of king to the tenth prince, but also granted the title of prince to all other princes except the fifth prince. Among them, the second prince made a mistake and was only granted the title of county prince. Others were made princes.

This was not only to show that he was not partial, but also because he was afraid that Si Yan would find out what other princes had committed in the future and would not grant them the title of prince, or even convict them and depose them to common people.

Although he loved the tenth prince the most, he naturally didn't want to see his other sons not only lose the throne, but also lose glory and wealth, so he did this, regardless of how many princes he would give Si Yan. What a burden.

Even if Si Yan was granted the title of king in this way, if he found out that they had committed something wrong after he came to the throne, he could still seize their throne, but it would still be better than not granting the title of king. Si Yan simply refused to grant them the title of powerful one, because everyone had already made the queen. , Si Yan may have let them go without settling the scores for the sake of being crowned king himself.

Of course, on the surface, he said he was not partial, but he himself was inherently partial. Therefore, in addition to the prince's rated amount, the emperor gave an additional 20,000 acres to the official village of the tenth prince, reaching an astonishing 30,000 acres. A lot of money was withdrawn from the internal funds and given to the tenth prince, so that when the tenth prince reaches adulthood, he can go to the palace and have countless money to use.

And because the tenth prince is not yet of age, all this money is in the hands of Concubine Zhou.

Concubine Zhou felt uneasy when she saw the emperor helping her like this, because no matter how much the emperor gave her, as long as Si Yan turned against him after the emperor's death, she could still get it back. But what could she do? The emperor was about to die, and she had nothing to do. .

Alas, it's the emperor's fault that he didn't carry it. He was about to die so soon. If he could carry her for another ten years, the person who would be the emperor would be her son. That would be different.

In fact, not only Concubine Zhou is afraid, but other concubines are also afraid. Over the years, countless people have had conflicts with Concubine Zhou. In this case, who is not afraid that Si Yan will come to power and Concubine Zhou will cause trouble for them when she becomes the Queen Mother? Woolen cloth?

Not to mention the worries of everyone in the palace, Si Yan was very angry after what the emperor did.

This is also normal.

The dynasty has existed for more than a hundred years. Now there are many clans and the annual expenses are huge. His father also granted so many princes at once, and also emptied the internal funds to give to his tenth brother, and gave his tenth brother so many officials. Zhuang, won’t he inherit an empty internal fund in the future?

Can Si Yan not be angry when he thinks that all the money from the internal funds has been spent by his father, and it has all gone to his tenth brother and other brothers. He will have no money at all, and it will be difficult for him to succeed to the throne.

An Ran comforted him and said, "Don't worry, there will be a way for the car to reach the mountain."

She still has many corrupt officials in her hands. As long as she kills a few of them, the internal funds will be enough.

Si Yan couldn't help but sigh and said helplessly: "It's useless to be angry now."

Because it was visible to the naked eye that his father was dying.

He was about to die, and he was really embarrassed to argue with him about this matter. He could only wait until the emperor died.

The emperor was indeed going to die soon, just as Si Yan thought.

After his death, Si Yan replaced the sun with the moon. Twenty-seven days later, he ascended the throne as emperor.

After ascending the throne, the first thing Si Yan did was to establish An Ran as his queen.

It is true that it is not allowed to take a concubine as a wife, but when the emperor ascends the throne, he is not subject to this rule. In all dynasties, it was mostly a matter of the emperor to appoint his former concubine as his queen. Even if there is a queen, there is also an emperor. There are many things that can be done by abolishing the original queen and letting any concubine in the harem be the queen.

Therefore, it is a folk rule not to take a concubine as a wife, and it has no control over the emperor.

Si Yan made a concubine who had been a servant and a maid as his queen. No one objected to this - mainly because many people were from An Ran, and An Ran would naturally not send his own people to oppose this matter; not himself. Naturally, they are not Si Yan's people. At this moment, they are in a quail state because they support other princes. They are afraid that Si Yan will liquidate them, so they naturally dare not say anything, for fear that Si Yan will take advantage of the situation and use this matter as an excuse to punish them. , at most the Imperial Concubine Zhou, who is now the Queen Mother Zhou, protested a few times.

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