Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2391 Substitute Marriage 51

After An Ran entered the palace, he saw that the palace was in a mess, and the blood and water had not been wiped off in some places. He couldn't help but frown, secretly thinking that it looked like it was really messy just now.

When he saw the sad and lost King Qi, he instantly understood the reason why he asked him to enter the palace.

Now someone needs to take charge of the overall situation, but King Qi is too sad because of the death of his eldest brother and cannot take charge of the overall situation properly, so he needs to deal with this mess by himself.

At that moment, An Ran comforted King Qi for a few words, then listened to his words and began to deal with the chaos in the palace.

Fortunately, she had already deployed people in the palace, so she handled the matter in an orderly manner without panicking.

First, he ordered people to clean up the palace, and then began to organize the palace affairs.

The people she placed include both low-level palace maids and eunuchs, as well as middle- and high-level palace maids and eunuchs, so it is very convenient to use.

Except for those people who knew that they were spies, others did not know how An Ran used people so smoothly. They only thought that An Ran often came to the palace to talk to Queen Su, so he knew these people and allowed them to do things.

By the time King Qi ascended the throne at the urging of his ministers, An Ran had almost settled the affairs in the palace.

It took the King of Qi almost two or three months to recover from his excessive sadness and begin to deal with major political affairs.

In terms of personnel arrangements, the King of Qi basically continued the personnel arrangements of the late emperor. Except for those who participated in the palace coup that night, no one else, whether they were his own people or not, did not demote anyone. He only promoted some generals who participated in King Qin that day.

The title will all be promoted to one level, and those who are already Dukes will be given more official and village salaries, etc.

The other thing is to make An Ran the queen.

Since Su Jia was the Marquis of Cheng'en before, there will be no additional titles at this time. However, because Aunt Li is An Ran's biological mother, she will naturally be granted the title, from a fifth-grade Yiren to a third-grade Shuren.

In fact, the King of Qi could of course grant a higher title, but considering the difference between concubines and concubines, and Mrs. Su being pretty good to An Ran and not being able to slap her in the face, he only granted Aunt Li the title of a third-grade lady, which is higher than that of Mrs. Su. A second-grade wife is a lower class.

The Su family had to hear the news and quickly took Aunt Li out of the temple. After all, it was outrageous to let a third-grade lady, the mother of the queen, live in the temple.

Although Mrs. Su was very unhappy with An Ran and Prince Qi for not helping Su Xinran, after Su Xinran and her grandson were killed by the eldest prince, she became even more resentful of Prince Qi and An Ran. After all, in her opinion, if not for An Ran and her If the King of Qi doesn't help her daughter and grandson, her daughter and grandson will not fall into that situation.

However, no matter how much she hated An Ran and Prince Qi, she could not resist the determination of her son, daughter-in-law, and others to curry favor with Prince Qi and his wife.

Master Su's sons and daughters-in-law have nothing to do with An Ran. Although Su Xinran is dead now, Su Anran has gone up again, and the Su family can continue to enjoy prosperity and wealth. In this way, how can they offend An Ran and his wife? Just thinking about getting benefits from this brother-sister relationship, how could she hate An Ran and King Qi like Mrs. Su did.

So sometimes they heard Mrs. Su complaining about An Ran and his wife because she was sad about the death of her daughter and grandson. They quickly interrupted and ordered their servants to prevent anyone from spreading the news. The new Mrs. Chengenhou, her daughter-in-law, even ordered people to watch. Keep her tight and don't let her run around, lest she go crazy and slander the Queen and his wife outside, so as not to bring disaster to her family.

In fact, the new Mrs. Chengenhou has a better relationship with An Ran than with Su Xinran.

Su Xinran was the sister-in-law of Mrs. Chengenhou, and she was also the queen at the time. Naturally, she had no respect for this sister-in-law. After all, in her opinion, her family relied on her for prosperity and wealth. Even the family was like this, so what about this brother? His wife is even more insignificant, so naturally she won't notice it. She can say whatever she wants and discipline her if she wants. Mrs. Chengenhou really doesn't like Su Xinran. After all, who would like someone who is arrogant to her? What about the people?

But Enron is different.

An Ran is not a biological sister-in-law, she is a concubine. An Ran will not care about her, will not be as arrogant as Su Xinran, will not discipline her, and she will not care about An Ran, so the relationship can be good.

So Su Xinran was gone and An Ran came to power. Not only was she not as sad and unhappy as Mrs. Su, on the contrary, she was very happy. She felt that it was good that Su Xinran was dead, so that she would not have to dominate her head all the time. Now, although this Queen Su is separated from me by one layer, she will not cause trouble for her, and she will still have the glory. Isn't this good?

Of course, she couldn't show it. After all, Mrs. Su had just died of her daughter and grandson, which was the saddest time. If she looked happy at this time, Mrs. Su would definitely be unhappy, so she could only secretly Cool.

——Even my sister-in-law wants Su Xinran to die, which shows how unpopular Su Xinran is.

Mrs. Su is indeed very sad now.

That night, the palace was blazing with flames and the sound of fighting was loud. She stayed awake at that time, worried about her daughter and grandson.

It's a pity that her husband is dead and there is no reliable person who can inquire about the situation - her son doesn't dare to inquire at all. She sent someone to inquire on her own, but they came back halfway and said that there were soldiers everywhere ahead and she didn't dare After passing, he also said that there were soldiers everywhere on the street now, so he had to quickly close the door of the house and send servants to guard it. After all, the Su family was the Queen's natal family and had to guard against attacks.

The servant's words shocked everyone in the Su family. They didn't dare to send anyone out to inquire after that, but quickly closed the door tightly.

Fortunately, the eldest prince's people were all busy going into the palace to cause trouble, and there were no extra manpower to cause trouble outside. Therefore, although the Su family was frightened all night, nothing happened.

When the death knell came from the palace later, they were shocked. When the bell rang again to signify the death of the queen, the Su family began to be unable to accept it. At first, they thought it was the Su family's defeat and let everyone The prince's man has ascended the throne.

But soon someone from the palace came out to announce the news, saying that the eldest prince had forced the palace to kill the princes and made the emperor angry. He had been executed and the emperor succeeded to the throne with the help of King Qi.

As soon as the news came out, except Mrs. Su who fainted after hearing that her daughter and grandson had passed away, everyone else could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In any case, it is better for King Qi to succeed to the throne than to succeed the eldest prince.

King Qi succeeded to the throne, and Princess Qi was still the daughter of the Su family. The glory of the Su family could continue, which naturally made them feel relieved.

If the eldest prince succeeds to the throne, the former empress's natal family will definitely be the target of attack. Then they will be punished by the eldest prince for some reason. So now that the eldest prince has failed and King Qi has become the emperor, they will naturally relax. He breathed a sigh of relief, even a little happy.

Except Mrs. Su.

Naturally, she couldn't be happy that her daughter and grandson were dead.

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