Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2390 Substitute Marriage 50

The emperor is not stupid. Who knows that the reason why the eldest prince is not afraid of being defeated and arrested is because he thinks that he is the only prince and he does not dare to kill him?

But is the emperor the kind of person who can be threatened? impossible! No one could do this to him before, and no one can do this now.

The eldest prince didn't expect that the emperor would hate him so much. He would rather have the son born to Prince Qi than himself. Now he was finally scared and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Father, for the sake of me being your only son, don't kill me……"

While begging for mercy, the eldest prince thought that he should first go to Prince Qi's Mansion and kill all Prince Qi's family. In this way, none of his father's close relatives would really be gone, and he would be the only one left. In that case, he would not dare to stand up. Become a prince yourself?

The eldest prince was regretting this, but he didn't expect that the eldest prince didn't mention his "only son", but when he mentioned it, the emperor became angry and vomited blood.

"Don't let me hear the words "only son" again! How did you become the only son? How dare you talk to me! Come on! Come on! Push this unscrupulous beast out of the Meridian Gate and behead him immediately ! It’s true that like mother, like son, they are equally vicious! When what your mother did happened, I should have killed you too, so that things like this wouldn’t have happened!”

The people around saw that the emperor was very angry and they didn't dare to let the eldest prince continue to yell. Someone immediately took the eldest prince away, even if the eldest prince shouted "Father" all the way, it was useless.

After the eldest prince went down, it was obvious that the emperor's energy was no longer good.

In fact, he was already dead. He was just holding on for a breath, not wanting to see the eldest prince really succeed in doing something and die with his eyes open.

At this time, seeing that the eldest prince had been dealt with, he lost his temper and couldn't survive. He immediately waved to King Qi and said: "Young man, come here."

King Qi saw that the emperor's face was dejected and knew that he was about to die. His nose felt sore and he burst into tears on the spot. He said, "Brother, please stop talking. I'll ask Dr. Sun to come."

Before they were emperors, the two brothers talked like this. However, after becoming emperors, the King of Qi wanted to call him the emperor and his brother, and he had to be humble and his ministers. The emperor most of the time called the king of Qi and his brother. But now, both of them I no longer used that distant title and started calling her the same way I used to.

The emperor shook his head and said: "I understand my own body. Don't look for it. I can't survive it. Come here and I will explain the funeral arrangements."

King Qi saw that the emperor was taking in too much air but not letting out too much. He didn't dare to disobey him any more, so he had to step forward, kneel down in front of him, and said, "Brother, what do you say?"

The emperor said: "After I die, you can take over the throne. Just promise me to adopt a child under my roof and let this child succeed you in the future."

King Qi refused: "The boss should not be beheaded yet. Let him stay as a queen and make his child the king. It will not be too late to kill him."

The emperor said: "Don't mention that evil beast to me again, just listen to me. In fact, I should have figured it out a long time ago. You are more suitable to take over this position. Those children of mine are all useless. It's just that this You are selfish. I know you are the most capable, but you just want to leave the seat to your own son. In fact, what is the difference between your son and mine, especially since you married Empress Su’s sister and gave birth to her? The child, with such a close blood relationship, is no different from the one born between me and Empress Su. It is completely possible for him to be adopted by me at that time. It’s just that I couldn’t figure it out before and always wanted to pass the throne to my own child. Now, When a person is about to die, I have figured out everything. I know that you are the most suitable person in the country. Youngest brother, please don’t live up to my expectations. Don’t be like some dynasties, where the person who takes over is not good enough and will die within a few generations. If the dynasty changes, then I will die in peace even if I get under the Nine Springs."

King Qi cried and said: "I know, I listen to my brother. My brother's country will last for thousands of generations, and all nations will pay tribute."

"That's good, I can trust you, that's good..." The emperor took King Qi's hand and murmured, then his eyes slowly lost their light and his hand dropped.

"Brother!..." King Qi burst into tears.

The soldiers, guards, eunuchs, and maids on one side fell to their knees one after another.

The bells symbolizing the emperor's great visit rang.

At the same time, the bell symbolizing the queen's death also rang.

Yes, when the eldest prince rebelled before, he not only killed the prince, but also killed many concubines who tried to stop him, including Su Xinran.

She was talking to her son at the time. The first person the eldest prince wanted to kill was his legitimate son, so after entering the palace, the first place he went to was the queen's side.

And when Su Xinran saw the eldest prince's men breaking in and trying to kill her son, she naturally couldn't let him kill him, so she wanted to rob him. At that time, she was killed by the eldest prince's men with a knife.

The speed was so fast that she probably never thought that she would die so quickly and end up like this.

Not only did Su Xinran not expect this, this was also something An Ran didn't expect.

She knew that Su Xinran would get into trouble due to political struggles, but she never thought that she would lose her life like this.

She also thought that at most something would happen to her son, like being assassinated, and she would be fine.

After all, as long as she has no son and the new emperor ascends the throne, she will be a queen mother that no one respects, just like a decoration, not terrible. In this way, no one will care about her.

Little did she know that this was not an ordinary political fight, but a palace coup. The eldest prince would actually launch a palace coup, which was completely beyond her imagination.

It is estimated that Emperor Qi and others did not receive this news, otherwise they would not have been caught off guard by the eldest prince.

The forces on the side of the eldest prince are quite tight-lipped about concealing their actions, but it is a pity that their subordinates were incompetent and collapsed halfway. Otherwise, if he had the capable people in Li Shimin's Tiance Mansion, this matter would really have happened. Let him succeed.

Soon the leaders of King Qi's soldiers came to take An Ran into the palace.

"The prince said that there are many things in the palace now that he cannot handle alone and needs help from the queen." The leader of the soldiers said.

My wife is a capable person, and the leader of the personal soldiers naturally knows it. After all, he was sent by the prince to follow his mother-in-law, and then followed her. So he also respects An Ran very much, not the ordinary princess. respect, but out of respect for the strong.

So King Qi said that he would bring the princess to deal with the chaos in the palace. The leader of the soldiers did not doubt that the prince was mentally ill, and actually asked the princess to come and deal with it together, because he knew that his princess could really handle it. So he quickly brought people to invite An Ran.

He couldn't do it without bringing someone over to protect him. He was afraid that there would be trouble outside at this time, and someone who was unwilling to fail would cause trouble for Prince Qi's Mansion.

After hearing what King Qi's soldiers said, An Ran immediately said: "Okay, hurry up and enter the palace."

Immediately, he took the children and others, left Prince Qi's Mansion, and went to the palace.

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