Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2357 Substitute Marriage 17

As for this person, An Ran felt that it would be best if the emperor saw it with his own eyes; even if the emperor didn't see it with his own eyes, if many big shots saw it, the Wang family would not be able to hide from it.

Autumn hunting was just around the corner, and An Ran felt that this was a good time, because Mr. Wang's village was not far from the paddock.

This is normal. The scenery of the paddock is beautiful. Many people have their own houses around it. They can occasionally go hunting around the paddock, which is very interesting.

The reason why she chose the emperor was because, as the queen's sister and the future Princess Qi, she should have the opportunity to go together. With a little guidance, she would be able to discover this Zhuangzi.

Even if it can't be done, Enron will make it possible.

Soon the autumn hunt will come.

Just as An Ran guessed, An Ran was on the list for the autumn hunt.

Although Master Su and Mrs. Su were not in the mood to accompany them, since it was the emperor's arrangement, they naturally did not dare to refuse anything, so they immediately set off with An Ran.

The autumn hunting team is very large, and almost all the famous families in Beijing are dispatched, so the team is naturally very long.

But Mr. Wang didn't go.

The reason is very simple. Scenes like hunting, especially scenes where blood is seen, will arouse Mr. Wang's violent temper. The Wang family is afraid that his true character will be exposed during the autumn hunting, so naturally they will not let him follow him, even if this is the case. It was the first autumn hunt after the emperor ascended the throne. The scene was huge, and the Wang family did not ask Mr. Wang to come. When others asked about Wang Shangshu's wife, Mrs. Wang always said that Mr. Wang had been unwell recently, so she did not come.

But in fact, Mr. Wang had already arrived.

But he said that Mr. Wang also wanted to participate in the autumn hunting, but because his family refused to let him, he felt unhappy, so he came to his village early in the morning and beat people for fun.

This was something An Ran developed and reported to her.

An Ran didn't expect Mr. Wang to cooperate with her actions today, and couldn't help but be happy. She originally thought that Mr. Wang didn't dare to come to Zhuangzi when she heard that the emperor was hunting nearby. Even if he came, it would take a few days. She really couldn't bear to come again. By then, the emperor might have finished his autumn hunt and returned to the palace.

I didn't expect that he was very brave and dared to come today. It was better to catch him directly.

Moreover, if the matter were exposed today, and the emperor came to the hunting ground on his first day, and he had not had a good time hunting, he would definitely be very angry if he encountered such a thing, and he would definitely be angry with Mr. Wang, and the punishment would be even heavier. The Wang family will be able to escape punishment.

Then it would be better to expose it earlier, so that those girls would suffer less and Mr. Wang would kill less people. In addition, many girls in that village are dying and need to be treated quickly.

An Ran followed the absent-minded Mrs. Su and Mr. Su - since Su Xinran's love letter was exposed, these two people looked absent-minded at all times - and talked with other ladies and ladies.

At this moment, King Qi came over and invited her, "How about we hunt together?"

In normal times, An Ran might have to think about it, but today she had a mission, so she planned to agree.

At that moment, An Ran asked Mrs. Su and Master Su for instructions. Firstly, they didn't care about her affairs. Secondly, they didn't dare to refuse the invitation from King Qi, so they didn't stop them and left with Anran and King Qi.

After he was far away from everyone, King Qi smiled and said, "Can you hunt?"

An Ran nodded and said, "When a woman disguised herself as a man and sneaked out, I learned from others."

Now that King Qi knows that she has been out, An Ran can give herself some personality. As long as the original person does not have it, she has it. She will say that she learned it from others when she sneaked out, and there will be no flaws. of.

After hearing this, King Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "I just thought that when you went out disguised as a man, you might learn something that girls don't know, but I didn't expect that you actually did."

An Ran said: "Of course. After finally going out, you still have to pick something you like and learn it."

King Qi was curious and said, "Then what do you know?"

"Those were troubled times. I was young, and I longed for the stories about rangers and green forest heroes in story books. I wanted to be a ranger or a green forest hero. In addition, in order to protect myself in troubled times, I paid some warriors to teach me. Things, so I know a little bit about martial arts, bows and arrows, etc.”

King Qi couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and said: "I didn't expect you to want to be a ranger."

This is really an ambition that ordinary girls would never think about. It is estimated that only Su Anran has such an idea.

An Ran said: "Yes! You didn't understand me before and asked the emperor to grant me a marriage. Now that you understand, do you regret it? If you feel regretful, you can cancel the engagement. I won't blame you. After all, Not everyone can accept a woman like me.”

When King Qi heard what An Ran said, he quickly took advantage of this opportunity to explain, saying: "I didn't ask the emperor to give me the marriage, but the emperor gave me the marriage himself."

Afraid that An Ran would misunderstand that he was dissatisfied with her and had to accept the marriage because of the emperor's offer, he rushed before An Ran could speak and continued: "Of course, I do like you, but even if I want to marry you, I can't. I will definitely ask your opinion first. It is impossible for the emperor to grant me a marriage without asking. In fact, before the emperor granted me a marriage, I wanted to ask you if you would like to marry me."

An Ran listened and secretly thought that this was the case. Then she was wrong when she thought that this was King Qi's request for marriage from the emperor. That's right. King Qi was a figure like a holy mother. How could he disrespect his wishes like this.

King Qi hesitated for a while and said: "Fourth girl, then...are you willing to marry me?"

Of course An Ran can't say that you are a holy mother. If I don't want to marry you, after all, it's done. What else can she do? It's useless to say it. Even if it works, King Qi ran to tell the emperor that he canceled the marriage. The final outcome , it’s nothing more than the emperor being dissatisfied with the Su family. Something might happen to the Su family, which would not only affect the mission, but also hurt King Qi. If something happened to the Su family, it would just affect the mission. An Ran couldn’t bear to hurt a virgin, so Now that the deal is done, no matter how much she talks, it won't help. She doesn't intend to add any extraneous details. She just says: "Yes, of course I am willing. If my experience is left to other men, they may not be comfortable or even disgusted with me. You actually He still likes me after knowing that I often go out disguised as a man. Such a good husband is hard to find, how could I not want to?"

These words are also An Ran's true words, and they are indeed true.

Although she didn't want to marry the Virgin, she didn't hate King Qi himself. After all, who would hate someone with good character?

King Qi couldn't help but be happy when he heard what An Ran said. At that moment, the two of them got together, talking and laughing.

This scene was seen by Su Xinran not far away.

Su Xinran felt as if a piece of her heart had been cut out when she saw An Ran talking and laughing with King Qi.

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