Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2356 Substitute Marriage 16

The original person thought that although Su Xinran was his legitimate daughter, she still had a good relationship with him, so he told Su Xinran about this and asked her for help.

But Su Xinran's reaction made her desperate.

Su Xinran said that she was dealing with an unkind person, and there was nothing she could do. She could not let her reconcile with Mr. Wang. She would rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage. If she did that, wouldn't the people outside think so? Do you want to say that she is too domineering?

As for asking her to reprimand the Wang family, it is impossible, because this is the Wang family's business. How can she have that position? If she cares about the Wang family's affairs, wouldn't she be said to have stretched her hands too far?

No matter how high-sounding Su Xinran said, she could not hide her unwillingness to save the original body. After all, the original body was beaten like that. As a sister and a queen, she did not say a word to help her, but stood in front of her. From the family's standpoint, it really doesn't make sense.

So the original person soon discovered that Su Xinran had some inexplicable malice towards him and seemed to not want to see him live a good life.

After discovering this phenomenon, the original person never asked Su Xinran for help again, and after careful observation, he found that his discovery was correct, and Su Xinran did have malicious intentions towards him.

Although Mr. Wang was restrained by his family, so he did not beat the original body to death in a few times, but how long could the original body survive in that kind of environment? In addition, looking at Su Xinran, a person who is full of inexplicable malice towards him, not only He didn't suffer retribution, but he got better and better. He became the Queen Mother as he wished, and his son also killed the regent and became a real emperor. The original man felt that God's law was unfair, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. In addition, he was beaten severely from time to time, and he became more and more depressed. He grew weaker and died.

The original person who fell into such an end didn't know why at first. After all, she had never offended Su Xinran, so why was she treated like this by Su Xinran? It wasn't until she came to the mission world and spent money to understand that she realized that Su Xinran was The reborn person hated her sister for marrying her in her previous life, which she did not want. She was living a good life, and felt that her sister had robbed her of her life, so she took revenge on her sister and their family.

This naturally made the original person full of resentment, so he had the current mission.

The original mission is to hope that she will not be cannon fodder. At the same time, it would be better if she could take revenge on the person who harmed her.

Although Su Xinran was the culprit, after all, if she had not married the original person to Mr. Wang, the original person would not have suffered so much in the future, but this Mr. Wang was the direct murderer of the original person, and An Ran would not let him go. Pass him.

Thinking that after getting married, he would have to take care of the house, and he would also have to worry about King Qi not being cannon fodder. He would not have the extra time and energy to take care of this matter. In addition, this young master has not yet married a wife - although he has already married. Many maids died and had sex with each other - exposing him sooner would also prevent him from killing more girls. An Ran wanted to deal with this man named Wang before getting married.

It is not an easy task to deal with this man named Wang. Although Mr. Wang himself has no skills, his uncle, who is the six ministers, is somewhat capable. He knows that Mr. Wang's hobby should not be known to others. If he knows, he will only I'm afraid that he won't be able to become a minister. After all, the emperor has just ascended the throne and the atmosphere in the court is at its best. How can he tolerate his nephew who is a minister of six departments and has killed so many people.

Knowing this, Wang Shangshu was very strict with the servants in his family, and no one could hear anything from outside.

The reason why he indulged this nephew was because Wang Shangshu himself had no son, and his second wife only had this son. Because the Wang family had few heirs in this generation, he could only tolerate this nephew. If it weren't for this reason, he would probably not be so indulgent. , but asked the family to give him a hard beating.

This is where Su Xinran planned to marry her to Wang Shangshu's nephew so that she could use Wang Shangshu's energy, because he was said to be a nephew, but in fact, to Wang Shangshu, he was no different from his son.

Since the Wang family is in a tight situation, it will be difficult to get something out of the Wang family.

But it doesn't matter, she is a person who has the memory of her original body and has foresight.

As far as the original person knew, the Wang family was very strict with Mr. Wang, which made him unhappy with beatings at home, so he set up a village outside and specially bought some poor women to torture him. I don't know how many people he beat to death.

Although the original person did not know where Mr. Wang’s Zhuangzi was, after all, she could not follow Mr. Wang to his Zhuangzi, so how could she know where Mr. Wang’s Zhuangzi was.

But the original body doesn't know, An Ran can know.

An Ran's martial arts was getting better and better at this time. It was not a big problem to follow the unprepared Mr. Wang. Also, this guy was very violent and would hit someone every few days, so An Ran wanted to find the whereabouts of Zhuangzi. It was easy. After all, Mr. Wang didn't know that someone knew about his hobby and was ready to expose him. He was not prepared. It was not difficult to follow him.

Sure enough, just as An Ran thought, she quickly tracked the Zhuangzi, and then discovered that there were indeed many poor girls locked up inside. Many of them had been tortured to the point of being either human or ghost, and some were even crazy. Some of them were dead. Know how many.

Seeing the terrifying looks of those women, An Ran couldn't help but become more angry. She almost couldn't help it and wanted to execute this disgusting Mr. Wang on the spot.

But An Ran naturally couldn't do this. After all, he directly killed Mr. Wang, and the Wang family was still alive and well. However, in the process of Mr. Wang becoming violent, the Wang family was a helper. After all, not only did they fail to restrain this madman, , and allowed him to kill people at will, and tightened his tone to prevent others from speaking out. What else could it be if he didn't help others?

In the original world, the way the original person was beaten had a lot to do with the Wang family not locking up this lunatic.

Such people who help the evildoers should naturally get the retribution they deserve. How can they be allowed to live well, otherwise the dead souls will die in peace.

Not to mention that they had disciplined Mr. Wang, but he couldn't control him and had no choice. Their discipline, which was neither painful nor itchy, and didn't even spank him, could restrain a madman? When a violent person like this attacks for the first time and wants to beat someone to death, if the Wang family is a good-character family, they should understand that such a person cannot be released to cause harm to others. He should be locked up instead of letting him go. He keeps killing people.

Since the Wang family allowed him to keep killing people, they should be punished.

After An Ran's visit, he began to arrange the exposure.

It is impossible to rescue this girl from Zhuangzi and then let them go to the government office to sue Mr. Wang. After all, the Wang family has connections and may be suppressed by Mr. Wang, and An Ran cannot stand at the front desk and help them directly. , these few poor girls who have never seen any big people or big events are no match for the dignified Shangshu. I am afraid that if Wang Shangshu raises his name, he will scare them to death.

Therefore, An Ran felt that if he arranged for people to be exposed, he would have to arrange some people who Wang Shangshu could not suppress in order to expose this matter.

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