Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2282 The divorced woman 34

The main reason why An Ran was afraid of Han Feng becoming an imperial merchant and selling goods to the palace was because if Han Feng became an imperial merchant, not only would no one dare to cause trouble to him, but also, if his things became tributes, he would be able to It is more expensive to sell outside and make more money. In addition, if it is sold to the palace, the palace will drive the popularity, and the effect will be effective, and more people will buy Han Feng's things among the people. In this way, the money Han Feng earns will be It's time to make money every day.

Unlike now, although Han Feng makes money, because he is not an imperial businessman, Han Feng's reputation is not very big. In addition, this world is not like modern times, with the Internet, and news spreads quickly. Although his things are good, they are not as popular as before. In the capital, there are still not many people who know about it, so the income is limited. If there is a palace as a spokesperson, he can be sold all over the world under the reputation of tribute. You can imagine how much money he can make.

Although Han Feng is not an imperial merchant now, many concubines in the palace still use Han Feng's things through their natal family. However, it is not a tribute, so the concubines use it privately and do not dare to publicize it. Han Feng also He couldn't take advantage of the concubines using his things for publicity.

Although Han Feng was prevented from becoming an imperial merchant this time, such good things will still become tributes sooner or later, but it is not certain whose property they will become - after Li Miao takes the throne, Queen Zhang does not have to worry Someone might take those two things from Han Feng and let the Zhang family produce them to supply the palace.

The reason An Ran had this guess was because the more the Zhang family investigated and learned about Han Feng, and the more they knew how much money he made from these things, the more greedy many people in the Zhang family became. However, Li Feng has not yet They just didn't dare to take action when Li Miao came to power. The Zhang family would definitely take action when Li Miao came to power.

Enron was aware of these situations and did not intervene.

The Zhang family will seize Han Feng's things in the future, which is not a bad thing for her - not only can she take care of Han Feng with someone else's help, but it will also provide a basis for taking care of the Zhang family in the future.

Yes, An Ran is already planning to deal with the Zhang family in the future.

Of course, if Empress Zhang is a good person and not ambitious, An Ran will always only plan, but not act. After all, she is not the kind of person who cannot tolerate sharing wealth with her comrades.

However, if Empress Zhang and the Zhang family plan to control the government and make Li Miao a puppet in the future, she will take action because she cannot let the influence of her relatives ruin the dynasty.

Of course Empress Zhang didn't know that An Ran was taking one step at a time, but before the big thing was accomplished, she had already planned how to deal with their affairs in the future. She was satisfied just to see her family cut off Li He's money bag.

And because he didn't have as much financial support as Han Feng remembered in his original memory, although Li He was still strong in the palace, he was much worse than in the original world.

Of course, because there was no comparison, Li He didn't know. He just thought that Han Feng's support was still very strong. After all, if something happened, Han Feng could always solve it by sending money.

What he didn't know was that in his original world, Han Feng had more money. Not only did he help him deal with many enemies, he also used money to open roads and help him win over many people.

In this world, Han Feng didn't have enough money, so he only helped him fight off many enemies with money, but failed to win over too many people. As a result, his power was not as unique as in his original world. There were still people. Similar status to him.

In this way, Li He has no absolute advantage. If he competes with others without an absolute advantage, he will easily be beaten. Unlike in his original world, he has an absolute advantage, so he competes with others. When the time comes, you can crush your opponent and fight easily.

In this world, it was not so easy for him to fight with others. Although he barely won the fight, the forces that supported him were also suppressed by the other party, and their vitality was severely damaged.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, other people saw that his vitality was severely damaged, so they rushed up and wanted to take advantage of his vitality to gnaw a piece of flesh off his body.

Being besieged, Li He soon couldn't hold on.

He was originally a person with mediocre abilities. He relied on Han Feng to spend money to solve a lot of troubles. In fact, he is a person with no ability. Now he is in too much trouble. Han Feng can't solve it by throwing money. His weakness It was revealed - he couldn't hold on.

Although Li He was defeated in the fight, Han Feng was a little disappointed, but he was not completely desperate. After all, he would not give up until the last moment. After all, it didn't matter if he lost among these people, as long as the old emperor didn't hate Li He. The river is fine. Maybe the old emperor still doesn’t like those with outstanding abilities. After all, it has been written in many movies and TV dramas that some emperors are most afraid of those princes with outstanding abilities, so naturally he will not give up until the last moment. hopefully.

However, his mediocre ability is not only his weakness, but also that of others.

So after fighting Li He down, although other people stood out for a while, no one could always maintain the first place. They were often beaten down by others as soon as they stood up.

Everyone was fighting back and forth like this, and time passed quickly.

In less than two years, it’s time for the triennial draft again.

Although Wang Guifei failed to give birth to a prince again, the old emperor still refused to give up and continued to abuse the little girl and select concubines to enter the palace to see if the newcomer could help him give birth to a prince.

Soon there was a new person in the palace.

This year, Enron was still Si Zhen Si Zhen and did not go any further.

Of course, if she is willing, she can go further, because she can ask Queen Zhang to help her pave the way. In fact, Queen Zhang also proposed this aspect, but An Ran rejected it.

An Ran didn't want to stand out too much. Being the head of a department was already good. If he rose further, he would definitely become a thorn in the eyes of many people. After all, sitting in the highest position, he had no chance of promotion and could only be demoted. What's the point of that? So An Ran doesn't plan to go any further for the time being. Anyway, her current status, plus Queen Zhang cooperating with her behind the scenes, is enough for her, and she doesn't need to continue to go up and cause trouble for herself.

Although many new people came into the palace, the old emperor, apart from being sick and having frequent bad luck, making his health worse, did not spread the good news like before - no one was pregnant.

In fact, this is normal. The old emperor had so many women, and for the sake of the prince, he spent a lot of time in the harem. If this made it easier for people to get pregnant, more people would have been pregnant, but this did not happen. An Ran had There are reasons to believe that the old emperor may have weak sperm, otherwise it would be impossible for so many years and so many years of hard work to sow seeds, and only a few people have become pregnant.

Because the newcomer came in and was still not pregnant, the old emperor's energy became worse and worse. An Ran thought that he would die in two years like his original world, and nothing would change.

Since the old emperor will die in less than two years, the matter of establishing a crown prince must be put on the agenda.

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