Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2281 The divorced woman 33

Although Empress Zhang had decided to support Li Miao, just as An Ran thought, Empress Zhang also planned to stand still and let other people who liked the limelight fight first.

Empress Zhang stood still, and An Ran naturally also stood still. Therefore, although several people reached an agreement and prepared to help Li Miao, they did not take any action, so outsiders did not notice that a major event had happened.

On An Ran's side, Han Feng began to send people to contact Shang Gong Bureau again, hoping to take orders from the palace.

At this time, Han Feng also heard that the wife of the original owner who he had driven away had now entered the palace and became a female official.

However, Han Feng did not take An Ran seriously, because as far as he knew, there were not many capable female court officials in history, and few had great power. However, there were quite a few powerful eunuchs. So he wanted to take the order from the palace, but did not contact An Ran. He was afraid that his ex-wife would hate him and would not help him. He was also afraid that even if the other party did not hold a grudge, she would not have enough energy, so he did not find her, but the eunuch. , the celebrities around the emperor are planning to get the title of Royal Merchant from them. Once you have the title of Imperial Merchant, are you still afraid that the palace will not accept your things?

It would be nice to wait for the palace to buy its own things. The things sold to the palace can always be more expensive. This should make a lot of money. Then use the money earned to help the brother-in-law rise to power. In disguise, it is equivalent to being the palace. He helped his brother-in-law rise to the top, so he felt very happy no matter how he thought about it.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Han Feng's strategy. If no one stops him, it will basically succeed, just like in the original world.

But... that is without anyone obstructing it. If An Ran obstructs it, Han Feng's idea may not be realized. Even if An Ran's ability is limited, what if Empress Zhang is also involved? Whether Han Feng can still succeed is not certain.

An Ran had been paying attention to the development of Han Feng. When he heard that Han Feng was in contact with several powerful eunuchs in the palace, he immediately told Aunt Zhang about it. The important point is that Han Feng is Li He's My brother-in-law is the financial supporter of Lihe Group. If he gets the title of Royal Merchant and earns more money, Lihe Group will be rich and easy to do things, which will be detrimental to our side. She is weak and weak. We can only inquire about this situation, but we can't stop Han Feng. We can only rely on the Queen's methods.

Empress Zhang positions her as a spy. Others don't know An Ran's identity, so it's convenient for An Ran to inquire about the information she wants to get. After all, everyone knows her identity and others. Sometimes when they inquire about the information they want to know, others Be wary of the people on your side and don't let anyone know, so it's easier for you to inquire.

When I saw such an important piece of news, I couldn't help but secretly nod my head, thinking that this Fang Anran might be of some use, and I found out all this.

It’s not surprising that Empress Zhang praised him, because Han Feng was afraid that others might trip him up before things came to fruition. After all, the competition among royal merchants was fierce, and there were always some business rivals who wanted to trip him up, so he acted secretly when he contacted those eunuchs. If An Ran hadn't been paying attention to them, he wouldn't have known about it right away.

"I heard that this Han Feng is Fang Anran's ex-husband?" Queen Zhang asked.

She naturally did research on Enron before she prepared to activate Enron, so she naturally knew this.

Although Aunt Zhao is devoted to her master, she has a good relationship with An Ran, so she sometimes helps An Ran to speak. When Queen Zhang asked this question, she was afraid that Queen Zhang thought An Ran was avenging her private revenge, so she said: "Although it is convenient." An Ran's ex-husband, Fang Anran may be doing this in a public and private manner, but what she said is also true, and it does not affect the empress's arrangements. Besides, since she wants to take revenge on Han Feng, she will naturally do her best when helping the empress. "

Queen Zhang said: "Of course I know."

Immediately, any doubts were dispelled.

Therefore, it is beneficial to make friends with others. Otherwise, without the words of Aunt Zhao, even though Empress Zhang thought so in her heart, she always felt that An Ran was using her to attack her ex-husband, and every suggestion she made to An Ran , you will inevitably think too much and feel a little uncomfortable at the same time.

But when Aunt Zhao said this, Empress Zhang would think that the two of them had the same interests, and Fang Anran would indeed do his best to help her with things as Aunt Zhao said, so she felt relieved and even felt , it is better to have the same interests as Fang Pingran.

So Empress Zhang immediately sent a message to her parents' family, asking them to find a way to prevent Han Feng from becoming an imperial merchant, lest Han Feng make more and more money, which would be detrimental to them.

The Zhang family had long known that Queen Zhang had someone to support, so after listening to the instructions, they naturally started to move up and down.

Empress Zhang's natal family was a large family in Beijing and had extensive connections. The eunuchs Han Feng contacted could not compete with her. Soon, Han Feng received a request from a powerful eunuch in the palace who told him that this matter seemed difficult. Done.

He even reminded him that the profits from his soap and mirror business were too high. Seeing that he was getting richer and richer, many aristocratic families were eyeing him, and asked him to be careful, lest someone take action to take away his soap and mirror making. Mirror recipe.

In fact, no one really plans to seize Han Feng's prescription, at least not right now. After all, Li He is still in the palace, and there are still people betting on Li He. In this way, no one will take action against Han Feng for the time being, just in case. Li He has come to power. If they treat his brother-in-law like this, they will be settled by Li Heqiu. Therefore, the Zhang family and Queen Zhang sent people to spread these words to Han Feng, so that Han Feng could find something to do and stop going. The palace exerted its strength.

Although Han Feng has made a lot of money over the years, he has relied on some modern novel formulas and sold a lot of things that were not available in ancient times. Therefore, the money he earned was actually average to me, so when he heard the news, he suddenly He took it seriously and didn't notice that others were setting him up.

At the moment, as Empress Zhang expected, Han Feng had no intention of fighting for the imperial business. In order to protect his own industry, he began to make more plans, for fear that someone would rob him of his money-making machine.

At the same time, I hated this era and thought that if we were modern and had patent protection, who would dare to steal his formula! ——As for modern times, he did not invent these things at all. He could not apply for a patent at all, and there was no way to protect them. Otherwise, he would have made a fortune by using these things in modern times, and he would not be an ordinary person in modern times. Having made a fortune, Han Feng chose to ignore it.

An Ran was naturally paying attention to Han Feng's movements. Seeing that he no longer engaged in the imperial business affairs, but went back to build a more rigorous production base to prevent anyone from stealing his formula, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that Queen Zhang would solve this matter. .

Now that Han Feng no longer wants to work as an imperial merchant and no longer sells soaps and mirrors to the palace, his income is expected to decrease a lot, so An Ran feels relieved.

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