Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2218 A prosperous woman 6

After listening to Shao Yang's straightforward words, An Ran further confirmed one thing, that is, Shao Yang was indeed in a hurry. It seemed that he wanted to grow his company soon.

At that moment, An Ran nodded and said: "As long as the negotiation is completed, there is no problem. However, after all, it is a marriage certificate, not a child's play. There are several issues that we still need to make clear. Here, I would like to express my position: First, this is a fake marriage, which means that unless you are willing to do so after marriage, you cannot force the other party to perform their marital obligations. Does Mr. Shao have any objection to this? "

Shao Yang nodded and said, "No objection."

Of course he would not do anything to force Ji Anran.

If Ji Anran had Wangfu's physique and he dared to force her, it would be only because he didn't want to.

If Ji Anran doesn't have the physique of a prosperous husband and is just an ordinary woman, then... Ji Anran's appearance and age are not within the scope of his pursuit of beauty. Men always like young and beautiful sisters who are twenty years old.

"Second, the time of fake marriage. Let's sign once a year. Do you think that's okay? In other words, you can sign for one year first. If you feel you want to continue to cooperate next year, you can continue to sign. If you don't want to continue to cooperate, just go and get married. Divorce certificate.”

She also needs to look at the situation. If the original person really has the physique of a prosperous husband, the reward she will receive in the second year will not be 1%, but will be increased, or a bidding system will be introduced to allow some people who want it to raise their own prices. .

So she won't sign a long-term contract.

Shao Yang continued to nod and said, "No problem."

Although these contracts have no validity, they just need to know about them.

"Third, is it okay to receive a remuneration of 1% of the new market value per year?"

This is what she cares about most. If the other party disagrees, she will definitely pass on the spot.

Shao Yang smiled and said: "No problem. In fact, after our cooperation is over, the market value will increase much, and I will give you 1% of the shares."

The price of one percent of the shares is naturally different from the one percent increase in compensation.

However, Enron only wanted safe money, not any shares. After all, everyone in the business world has a dark heart. If he had a good impression of her, he would be willing to give her 1% of the shares, but if he didn't like her, he would not be sure. They will find ways to dilute the shares and make her trade at a loss, so it is better for her to ask for the money directly. I believe that the original person also has such a character and will choose a safer method.

Of course, she has to change herself. After getting the reward, as long as she manages it well, manages money, or invests, she can quickly double it. But because she may not have the ability, she will not do it like this. When she gets the reward, she will choose a new one. Deposit in a reliable bank for a fixed term and live on the interest, lest she rely on her ability to double the money several times but the original person is not satisfied, that would be bad.

So An Ran smiled and said: "No need, just pay me directly."

She didn't say that she couldn't believe Shaoyang's words, she just said this.

Shao Yang was a shrewd man and could not distinguish the foreign tone of her words. However, since the other party could not trust him, Shao Yang did not force it.

He agreed immediately and said, "Everything depends on Miss Ji."

"Well, that's about it. If Mr. Shao has any opinions, you can put them forward." An Ran said.

Shao Yang said: "I basically have no requirements. I just hope that after the cooperation with Miss Ji ends, Miss Ji will no longer cooperate with my opponent."

Maybe An Ran doesn't have Wang Fu's physique, but what if she does? If she wants to cooperate with his opponent, won't he suffer?

An Ran smiled and said: "As long as we cooperate happily, there is no problem, but if you go back on your word and refuse to pay after the cooperation is over, or you falsify the accounts in an attempt to pay less, this violates our agreement, then I will take care of this." Maybe I won’t agree.”

Shao Yang hurriedly promised: "Of course I won't do such a thing."

If Ji Anran didn't have Wangfu's physique, forget it, then his assets wouldn't have increased much, and he wouldn't have to pay her any compensation. If he had, how dare he treat Ji Anran like this? Naturally, I want to marry someone better than her, and maybe I want to renew the contract.

An Ran said: "In that case, OK, I will go back and check the information given by Mr. Shao. If it is true, then there will be no problem in cooperating with you."

When they arrived just now, the two exchanged basic information with each other.

Although An Ran has briefly investigated Shaoyang's situation through IT technology, this is why she is willing to chat with him today, because from a rough understanding, there is nothing wrong with Shaoyang - An Ran is not worried about using IT technology to investigate. In Shaoyang's case, the original person would think that she did not have the ability and felt that it was not possible because she only used IT technology to investigate for a simple reason. In fact, she could also spend a sum of money to hire a professional detective agency to investigate, and I believe she could also find out. , so this is a small matter and has no impact.

But it’s good to look at his information and check the two aspects, and you can also learn from it whether this person likes to lie.

If there is no problem, as she said, there is no problem in cooperating with him.

As for others, you can make reservations for next year.

She was not worried about whether she would alert the officials and bring herself any trouble if she really had the physique of a prosperous husband.

Now, she has not shown this ability; when others really know that she is prosperous, there will be many people competing, and there is no need to worry about whether the officials will catch her and slice her up, because the original body will really be a koi carp walking in the world. , then if anyone really dares to touch her, if she hugs each other and gets married, and makes the other person the boss, who else will dare to touch her?

Of course, it is estimated that the officials will not arrest and slice themselves for such a trivial matter. After all, there are many women in the history of Wangfu, because Wangfu will arrest and slice themselves, and they are not so free.

What I really have to worry about is that after the matter of my prosperous husband is confirmed, some powerful and ambitious people will try to rob me.

So before that, she had to be prepared to face this kind of thing.

Of course, there's no need to worry about it yet. At least you won't have to worry about it until you have prospered two or three people and your reputation has spread.

After the two settled the matter, they went back with each other's information.

For Shao Yang, there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, it will be confirmed when the time comes. Ji Anran did not achieve the expected goal, and he has nothing to lose.

There is no need to worry about failing to achieve the predetermined goal. When the cooperation with Ji Anran ends, the other party will divide the joint property of the husband and wife, because when they signed the remuneration contract, it was actually a disguised agreement on how to distribute the joint property of the husband and wife. According to the Marriage Law, In the absence of an agreement, it is assumed that the money earned by both spouses is the joint property of the husband and wife. However, if there is an agreement, the joint property of the husband and wife will be handled according to the agreement.

So he didn't have to worry about Enron getting a share of his money.

However, An Ran wanted to know more about the other party's situation.

Especially in terms of character.

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