Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2217 A prosperous woman 5

Shaoyang first pointed out that he was engaged in logistics. Obviously, he wanted to have a higher chance of being selected, because it was very simple. The third husband he married was engaged in logistics.

Xiping Logistics is now one of the major logistics companies in the market, with a market value of 50 to 60 billion.

Sunshine Logistics, which is run by Shaoyang, is one of the major logistics companies, but its market value is currently slightly lower than that of Xiping Logistics, only 20 to 30 billion.

In other words, the volume of Xiping Logistics is twice that of Sunshine Logistics.

With the development of the online shopping industry, there are now many logistics companies vying for this huge piece of cake.

Fierce competition has made it impossible for various logistics companies to expand their scale as quickly as when logistics companies first developed. Therefore, if Sunshine Logistics wants to surpass Xiping Logistics, it must either have a genius boss or find other ways.

Obviously, Shaoyang wants to take a shortcut and try to see if he can really get angry by being with An Ran.

Although this will also take risks, it is like not being able to take action. On the contrary, because he is with An Ran, it arouses the vigilance of Wang Cheng, Liu Feng, and Ding Xiping. If they join forces to deal with him, then he will be in trouble.

But what can you do without risk? If marrying Ji Anran can really make him prosperous, it will still be a good deal.

So Shaoyang tried his best to get An Ran's contact information and contacted An Ran.

An Ran saw that the first person who came was Ding Xiping's opponent, so he didn't refuse. Anyway, those three scumbags had to be dealt with, so it didn't matter which opponent came.

Besides, this guy surnamed Ding has only been rich for three or four years, and he has just tasted the benefits, so they trampled him down and beat him back to his original shape. It was quite good.

Especially when he thought of Ding Xiping's mother and daughter, who joined forces to bully the original person, An Ran felt that it would be a good idea to avenge the original person now.

That dead old woman and the little girl who had evil thoughts at a young age should live a life of poverty, lest they become arrogant and yell at others (original body) if they live a little better.

Not only are you shouting and yelling, but you also despise and look down on the original person, thinking that the original person is not worthy of their family, and don't think about it. A few years ago, weren't you also ordinary people? You are all ordinary people, and you still look down on ordinary people. What the hell.

Okay, it's disgusting, right? Once she proves it, Ding Xiping is indeed prosperous in his original form. Now that his original form is gone, he can be brought back to his original form. Whoever despises whom or looks down on will make them regret it for the rest of their lives.

So An Ran didn't bother to leave Shao Yang alone to show that he was not in a hurry. When he saw that he had sent a text message and said that he wanted to discuss it in detail, he agreed and said that the time and place would be arranged by him.

Shaoyang quickly sent the time and location.

Not to mention the location, the time is tomorrow.

An Ran looked at the time and secretly thought that Shaoyang seemed to be in a hurry.

That's right, there is no need to rush. If someone else gets there first, this opportunity that may allow him to catch up with Xiping Logistics and other logistics will disappear.

In fact, Shaoyang was really anxious. Soon someone else contacted Anran and asked for a meeting to discuss in detail. Anran made appointments one by one. Of course, it would not be possible tomorrow.

The next day, An Ran and Shao Yang met in a coffee shop.

Before departure, An Ran checked Shaoyang's photos on the Internet to avoid being deceived.

In fact, it was Shaoyang who was dating him.

Shao Yang is a man in his thirties. He founded a logistics company with a market value of 20 to 30 billion from scratch. He is considered young and promising.

And what's rare is that although he can't be called extraordinary handsome, he can still be considered to have good facial features, coupled with his great confidence in his career success, he has the temperament of a successful person. Coupled with the fact that he wears a decent suit, he is not ugly.

But An Ran wasn't here for a blind date, she was here to discuss things, so she didn't care what the other person looked like.

Of course, it would be better if he is not ugly. After all, if you have reached an agreement with him and are really ready to prove it, then naturally you will be better-looking, and it will be more pleasant to get along with him in the future.

Even if they get married in a fake way, it would be better if they look good.

——Yes, this Shaoyang is not married yet.

This is also normal, because men and women are getting married later and later, and Shaoyang started to make a fortune a few years ago. In this way, Shaoyang, who has become a successful man, naturally does not have to worry about not being able to marry the wife he wants when he gets older. So I'm not married yet, and I don't have an officially recognized girlfriend.

This is also the reason why An Ran is willing to meet with the other party.

There were many people who sent her text messages, but after her investigation, some of them were either married or had girlfriends. She rejected all of them.

She has mentioned in her scarf that she only accepts invitations from unmarried people without girlfriends. People who are married or have girlfriends should not waste time contacting her because she will not meet them.

An Ran is satisfied with the other party, and Shaoyang is also satisfied with An Ran.

Shao Yang looked her up and down and said with a smile, "Miss Ji is more beautiful than she appears in the photo."

Since Shao Yang investigated her, he naturally has her photos.

An Ran in the photo is indeed as ugly and old as Tang Jiaojiao said.

At that time, Shaoyang was still hesitant about meeting her. After all, if the other party was too ugly and too old, and he actually married her, he would become the laughing stock of the people in the circle - those people would laugh at him for doing whatever it takes to get rich.

But now it seems that An Ran is not what he looks like in the photos. In fact, the image is not bad. Shaoyang quickly breathed a sigh of relief and felt that if he married An Ran like this, he would not have any pressure, and people in the circle would also I won’t laugh at him anymore, because Enron is not bad.

After hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but secretly thought, if she was as poor, old and ugly as Tang Jiaojiao said when she first arrived, Shaoyang would probably not say this.

The good looks now are the result of Enron's long period of conditioning.

She was actually not ugly, she had a delicate appearance, but she had been neglected for a long time. In addition, three divorces made her lose confidence. She had a deep sense of twilight, lacked vitality, and looked old.

Now that An Ran is here, her whole temperament has quickly changed. An Ran's strong self-confidence has made her look radiant and energetic. After conditioning, her skin has improved, and a little makeup has made her originally just delicate. The original body looks like a little beauty.

Women, there are no ugly women in this world, only lazy women.

An Ran couldn't help but smile after hearing this and said: "It seems that we are quite satisfied with each other. Then, next, let's talk about the issues that you are more concerned about?"

Shao Yang saw that she didn't talk nonsense and was not as flattering as other women who wanted to make money from him. Instead, she was generous and went straight to the point. His impression of An Ran was much better. He immediately smiled and said: "Miss Ji is refreshing. OK, let’s talk about the issues we all care about.”

After a pause, Shao Yang thought about it and said, "If possible, I hope to get married to Miss Ji soon."

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