Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2134 Wasteland World 16

The First Base in City A did not want to kill everyone in the Supreme Base, so after the base leader ran away and other ordinary people surrendered, the First Base in City A sent people to take over the Supreme Base and changed its name to City A. Base is divided into bases.

After the Supreme Base was swept away, the first base in City A was safer, and the people were naturally happy.

However, the top brass of the base were not happy at all, because many people died in this battle, and because those who joined the army were young people and good guys, they were the ones who died. Naturally, the top brass of the base did not want these bloody young men to be good. The man died like this, so he was naturally in a bad mood. He hated the leader of the Supreme Base who provoked the war. He added him to the blacklist and informed him that he had committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. He would not encounter him in the future. , shoot without mercy.

I felt that the first base in City A was really good, so An Ran applied to join, and was not planning to go to the Sihai Base in Rongkai. Anran had thought about going to the Sihai Base in Rongkai before. After all, Rongkai was quite enthusiastic, but Now that the inspection found that the first base in City A is quite good, Enron naturally stayed here.

And just like Xiao Zhou said, with her good medical skills, her application to join was quickly approved.

After joining the First Base in City A, An Ran stayed there for a while. Just when An Ran was thinking about finding a chance to visit the base where she had stayed before, the base officials were planning to go out to exchange supplies and needed a doctor to accompany them. When An Ran heard that the place where the other party planned to go was the base where he had stayed before, he was overjoyed and immediately signed up.

Although civilians in the base often have convoys that go to various bases to trade goods, the private convoys are naturally not as guaranteed as the official convoys. Originally, if the official convoys did not go for a while, An Ran was prepared to find a time to set off with the private convoys for the mission, but now the official convoys Since the team was going to the base she wanted to go to, she naturally chose the more reliable official team.

The first base in City A would go to the base where the original person had stayed to exchange supplies, which is normal, because the original person was picked up at the base, and it would definitely not be a base that was very far away, and he would not dare to run around in a base that was too far away. So since it is a base nearby, it is normal for the first base in City A to go there to exchange supplies. After all, there is no special need. Everyone exchanges supplies with nearby bases. No. Will travel long distances to far away places, lest the road is too long and prone to accidents.

An Ran's medical skills are very good, so as soon as she signed up, she passed quickly.

Soon, the team was assembled and the group set off.

This is a large convoy with hundreds of people. In addition, there are armored vehicles in the convoy, which have considerable firepower. If they carry supplies, but the firepower is not strong, they are fat sheep, so it is natural to use armored vehicles to escort them. So it is very important. Safety.

Of course, this only looks safe, but in fact it is not safe at all, because generally the more firepower the convoy consists of, the more it tells others that I have a lot of things, and there will always be some desperadoes. , want to rob or rob such a convoy in an attempt to obtain the convoy's supplies.

Therefore, even if the bases are basically at peace now, no one dares to travel far. This is the reason.

Fortunately, the place where the First Base in City A goes is not far from the First Base in City A, so there is no need to worry about encountering any danger. It is such a short road, and if danger occurs, they do not get there in time and contact City A. City A will immediately send people to understand the situation. Once they know who committed the robbery or robbery, the team will not have to live.

An Ran was right. Because of the short distance and the powerful firepower of the convoy, they went smoothly. No one attacked or robbed them. This made An Ran, the priest, useless, and they successfully arrived at the base where the original body was sheltered and harmed. base.

In fact, the Storm Base was not a very bad base at the beginning. Although it was a private base, it was similar to an official base. The common people could live a fairly decent life there. It was a base built by a business boss before the war.

But later, one of the forces in the Storm Base picked up the original body. With the help of the priest, the original body, they quickly grew and grew, seizing the power of the original base director and driving him away.

After the enemy of the original body became the base commander of the Storm Base, the Storm Base began to gradually expand its ambitions because it felt that it had a priest in hand. While they coaxed the original body to help them attack other bases, they secretly studied how to take away the original body. system.

Of course, when they beat someone, they always lied to the original person, saying that they were beaten and wanted to take revenge. The original person didn't know and thought they were good people. It was normal for them to take revenge after being beaten. Every time Everyone helped, so without the original person knowing, she helped the enemy and helped the enemy develop better and better, until in the end, the Storm Base became one of the largest bases.

And because it has become one of the largest bases, it can naturally invite powerful researchers, and finally figured out how to seize the original system.

It can be said that when the original body died, she actually killed herself. After all, if she hadn't helped that force grow, how could the other party have become one of the top bases, find powerful researchers, and finally figure out a way to seize the system? Didn't he hand the knife to the enemy and kill himself?

After being sold and still helping to count the money, I'm talking about the original person.

But there is no need to worry about this now, because An Ran did not defect to that force like his original self, so although the Storm Base is now crowded with forces, the base commander is still the same boss who did business before the war, and has not fallen into the hands of his original enemy. .

The founder of Storm Base is named Zhao Lecheng. He was the boss of a construction company before the war. For this reason, he built this underground base after the war. Because he had experience in construction and manpower, it was built quickly, and it was faster than ever. Other private bases are better built. After all, he is a construction professional, so he can naturally build underground bases very well.

Zhao Lecheng is quite welcome to trade in City A, because such official transactions are usually large in volume, and the two parties have communicated about each other's surplus and lack of things before, so the things brought by the base in City A are all What he urgently needs, and what he is about to trade, is what City A needs.

Naturally, he was worried that such a large amount of transactions would only be handed over to the people below, so he personally welcomed them. Unlike other bases that usually came to trade privately, he usually did not come forward. After all, as the base commander of a large base, his identity It's impossible to receive everyone there.

An Ran is just a medical officer, so she naturally does not need to participate in this kind of meeting between the two parties' senior executives. Therefore, as soon as she arrives at the location, she can move around freely. She just waits for the two parties' senior executives to complete the transaction and call her back, so At that moment, Anran walked around the base, preparing to remember the place she had stayed in and familiarize herself with it.

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