Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2133 Wasteland World 15

An Ran couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

This private base, from the name of the base to the leader's style, is really like the style of ancient romance novels. The name is full of pretentiousness; for the sake of women, he is always willing to go to the extreme cold and the king is defeated, and he is mentally retarded. The appearance of the male protagonist.

"Maybe he wasn't really ambitious, but just because he was unhappy with someone trying to steal his girlfriend?" An Ran said, thinking about the plots of ancient romance novels.

The acquaintance's eyes widened and he said: "Unless that person has a bad mind, the leader of the Tangtang base will attack another person just because someone stole his girlfriend, without considering the gains and losses, or how many people will die in the war." base?"

An Ran said: "Who knows."

If it is really the routine of ancient romance novels, then I really can't say for sure. It is really possible that this is the case. They only get the pleasure of whatever they do. People die when they die. How many people will they care about?

I don’t know if An Ran was right. This supreme base not only has a novel-like name, but also has a male-like behavior as its leader. Even his strength is very male-like. The base in City A soon suffered heavy casualties during the counterattack, as if The leader of the supreme base is like the son of luck in this world. He has the aura of a male protagonist and cannot be killed no matter how hard he is beaten. The unlucky ones will only be others.

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, the world that the original body traveled through was not an ordinary world, but some kind of novel world, right?

An Ran naturally didn't want the people in City A's First Base to suffer heavy casualties. After all, from the news she had received so far, City A's First Base was pretty good and regular in this troubled world. Everyone was living and working in peace and contentment, just because of the Supreme Being. The base director of the base, just to teach the person who stole his girlfriend a lesson, had so many people die in vain. Naturally, this was not what An Ran wanted to see.

Immediately, An Ran signed up as a temporary military medical officer and went to the front line to provide support.

Naturally, she went to the front line to provide support, not only to treat the wounded soldiers, but also to play the role that a priest should have, such as adding health and shields to the people on her side. If she saw the base commander of the Supreme Base, She doesn't mind giving him a negative status either.

No wonder she wanted to do this. The base director of this supreme base was good at killing, and so many people died. An Ran felt that such a person did not deserve to live.

Just like some knowledgeable people said, if you are so capable, why don't you defeat the foreigners who bully the people of N country?

An Ran felt that if one of these careerists or lunatics who liked their own people to kill their own people could be eliminated, they would all be gone. At least the people of Country N would be able to live a peaceful life.

However, the identity of the base commander will naturally not be exposed to the outside world, so although An Ran went to the front line, he failed to find the opponent's leader and gave the opponent's leader a negative status.

However, although she failed to give the enemy leader a negative status, she did everything else.

So after An Ran arrived, the people at the base in City A miraculously discovered that their luck seemed to have improved a lot.

If you are hit by a bullet, as long as it does not hit the heart or head, you can recover - if the heart or head is hit by a vital part, from the perspective of the game system, it is a critical hit and an instant kill. Even if Enron increases his health, he cannot recover.

Then the armored vehicles on our side seemed to be more resistant. Sometimes they were unlucky and were hit by an enemy shell, but they were still fine without much damage. An Ran couldn't put a shield on people for fear of being hit. People find it, so it is usually added to the body of the armored vehicle. If the armored vehicle is not exploded, it is considered that the armored vehicle is lucky and blocked, so that it is less easy to be discovered.

At the same time, the enemy's luck seemed to be much worse.

For example, the enemy used a drone to attack them. It was flying high and it was difficult for them to hit it. But before they could hit it, the enemy's drone seemed to be hit by something and fell down.

——In fact, it was attacked by Enron.

Then the enemy's armored vehicles are easier to hit. Not to mention the artillery shells, even the heavy machine guns can sometimes break the enemy's armored vehicles - Anron used the skill to weaken the armored vehicle's defense against the enemy.

Luck fluctuated like this, and soon, the Supreme Base, which had a lot of casualties just like the First Base in City A, had more casualties than the First Base in City A.

The first base in City A became easier and smoother to play, and soon it became the first base in City A overpowering the Supreme Base.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leader at the Supreme Base quickly ceased the war and left with his brothers.

While running, I was thinking, what's going on? Wasn't it true that I couldn't beat myself a few days ago? How can you survive the fight now?

It was just a calculation that he should be able to defeat the first base in city A with the troops he had on hand - although the first base in city A has many people and supplies, but, because it is an official base, it has the entire official backing behind it. , no one dares to mess with them, so they haven't fought much, and their combat effectiveness and fighting will are much worse than the troops he has that often fight. If they really fight, he can fight - so he fights, Firstly, it was to teach the person who coveted his girlfriend a lesson, and secondly, it was to take advantage of the situation to invade the first base in City A.

That base is much larger than my own. It even has an arsenal and various supplies. If this is defeated, my power will be further developed. It just so happens that the son of the other base commander has fallen in love with his girlfriend. , which gave him an excuse to send troops, so he fought.

Others dare not attack the official base, but he dares to fight. In his opinion, the official base is full of fish belly and looks big, but because he has not fought many battles, in fact, his strength is not very good at all, so he is not afraid of it. .

Everything was going smoothly. He estimated that it would not be long before the other party captured the first base in City A, and by then his territory would be doubled.

As a result, he has now suffered heavy casualties. What happened?

After that, people from the Supreme Base came to fight several times, but each time because An Ran was accompanying them, the number of casualties at the base in City A was much better than that at the Supreme Base.

After doing this several times, the people in the Supreme Base did not dare to fight. After all, their numbers were not as large as the First Base in City A, and they could not afford such consumption.

However, the people at the Supreme Base feel that if they don’t want to fight, they won’t fight. Is this possible?

Oh, you started a war, but in the end you couldn't fight it, so you didn't want to fight it. How can there be such a good thing?

At present, the First Base in City A feels that the Supreme Base has been restless and has been attacking the First Base in City A for a long time. It can no longer tolerate it and decided to remove the private base of the Supreme Base to provide a safe environment for the people of this base.

Because An Ran followed and escorted them, the first base in city A successfully counterattacked the supreme base.

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