Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1993 Spiritual Energy Recovery 7

Then there is the fact that when the flying boat is flying, it is obviously open and the speed is very fast. Logically speaking, you should feel the strong wind blowing on your face, but in fact, you can't feel it at all. Obviously, the flying boat has a protective cover. Such things cover people so that they cannot feel the strong wind.

Because it was right at the foot of Zongmen Mountain, and the flying boat was very fast, we arrived at Zongmen very quickly, the flying boat landed, and everyone got off the flying boat.

Forget about the others, the three national team members couldn't help but be surprised when they saw that the Taixuan Sect was actually on this mountain. They couldn't help but open the satellite phone map and look through it. They found that they couldn't see anything on it. What they could see was still there. It was a vast forest, and I immediately understood that this sect must have been protected in some way. Satellites couldn't see it, and probably ordinary people couldn't see it either.

No wonder ordinary people have never known that there is cultivation in this world. They deliberately conceal their traces, so how can they know?

I don’t know how to hide such traces. If I knew it and used it in the military, wouldn’t I be able to touch the enemy’s side in the future without the enemy knowing about it?

Thinking of this, several future monks of the national team couldn't help but feel excited, thinking that they must establish a good relationship with Taixuanzong to see if they can get their help.

The reaction of ordinary people is much more ordinary. When they see the cultivation sect for the first time, one or two of them are very curious and find everything interesting.

Soon, one of the "NPC" disciples bought by An Ran came out. When he saw An Ran leading a group of people in, he smiled and said, "Junior sister, are these your new junior brothers and sisters?"

An Ran nodded and said: "Yes, your burden will be heavier in the future, and they will be handed over to you in the future."

The "NPC" smiled and said, "It depends on the leader's allocation."

After the man left, a young man named Li, one of the members of the national team and the temporary captain of the national team, asked: "I wonder what the name of this senior is? What kind of cultivation is he?"

An Ran said: "You can just call him Senior Brother Zhao. He is at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. Regardless of the Qi Refining Stage, his spiritual energy was exhausted before. He can cultivate to the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage at such a young age. He is also a genius." He’s a genius, but if you’re not talented enough, you won’t be able to cultivate to such a high level.”

Captain Li asked curiously: "I wonder what senior sister Izumo's cultivation level is."

An Ran smiled and said: "I am at the sixth level of Qi refining stage."

In fact, of course An Ran is not at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage yet, but it doesn't matter. According to his original talent, he will soon be able to reach the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage. It's okay to tell him in advance, and no one will find anything wrong.

Captain Li secretly thought, I don’t know who is older or younger than Senior Brother Zhao just now. After all, cultivators cannot tell their true age. If Senior Sister Izumo is about the same age as Senior Brother Zhao, or even younger, then , That senior brother Zhao is a genius among geniuses, isn't the talent of this senior sister Izumo also a genius among geniuses?

Without waiting for Captain Li and others to think about this problem, An Ran said: "Here we are, here we are asking about the spirit stones. You can test your specific talents to see how many spiritual roots you have, and the level of your talent. The higher the talent, the faster you will practice, and the spiritual root. The fewer, the faster the cultivation, but at the same level, people with more spiritual roots have stronger attack power."

This is normal. You only have one spiritual root and a single attack method. If you have several spiritual roots, no matter what tricks the enemy uses, you basically have the spiritual root to restrain them, so your attack power will naturally be stronger.

After listening to An Ran's words, twenty people ran up one or two to test. Basically, the distribution of spiritual roots was balanced, and there would be no single rare spiritual root. Many people had five spiritual roots. However, since the distribution It is balanced. Four spiritual roots, three spiritual roots, and two spiritual roots will have different arrangements and combinations. In this way, it will appear that there are fewer single spiritual roots. But in fact, from the data point of view, the final statistics of these categories The data is pretty much average.

Only talent is not average. The better the talent, the rarer it is.

There are ten levels of talent, with level ten being the worst and level one being the best. If we compare it to the previous interstellar spiritual potential, level one is almost SSS level potential, and level ten is G level potential, which is almost useless.

Like the original body, it is a first-level talent, a genius among geniuses, a good talent that is rare to find in a century. This is probably the reason why the Creator system chose the original body as the host.

Soon everyone had tested their spiritual roots and talents. Among the twenty people, the one with the best talent was almost level 4, which is equivalent to the A-level potential of the interstellar. Many people had level 7 or 8 talents, just shy of it. Those who are at level nine are not talented at level ten, and this is normal. In the previous online test, An Ran was admitted on a merit-based basis. In this way, it is normal that those with poor talent were not selected.

Although no one has a level 10 useless talent, there are good and bad ones, which still makes everyone happy and sad. People with good talent are happy, while people with poor talent are worried that they cannot break through the Qi refining period, so they naturally feel sad.

After testing the spiritual roots and talents, An Ran took everyone to a main hall and said: "After testing the spiritual roots and talents, you all know what you are doing. Let's have some food first. After eating, we will bring You go and become a disciple."

The sect canteen does not need to buy NPCs with advanced skills, so An Ran bought ordinary NPCs. These ordinary people's external identities are the relatives and friends of those NPCs with advanced skills.

An Ran took each of them to receive a meal, pointed to the fruit in the meal and said: "This fruit is a spiritual fruit. You must eat it. It is good for your body. The rest of the meals are ordinary food, but the spiritual energy will recover in the future." Slowly, we will be able to grow spiritual rice and spiritual vegetables. It is estimated that before long, everyone will be able to eat a full-spirit feast instead of just eating one spiritual fruit."

When everyone heard this, they looked at the sliced ​​apple. From the appearance alone, it was not clear that it was a spiritual fruit. However, someone picked it up and took a bite and found that it had a delicious taste that was not found in mortal apples. They couldn't help but secretly think, no wonder. It's a spiritual fruit, and the taste is really different.

After eating, An Ran said he would take them to become a disciple, and then took them to another main hall where there were several monks.

An Ran said: "These uncles are all in the foundation building stage. They have sword cultivation, body cultivation, talisman cultivation, alchemy cultivation, etc. What the various monks do, they will introduce it to you then. , you decide what you like when the time comes and choose Master."

Captain Li asked: "Senior Sister Izumo, what kind of cultivation are you?"

An Ran smiled and said: "I am Fu Xiu."

In this way, if she has to use non-wood spells in the future, it will be normal, because she is a talisman cultivator and can draw a lot of talismans. If she attacks with other talisman papers, she will display non-wood spells. It's also normal.

After everyone got the answer, they immediately stepped forward to salute the monks in the foundation building stage.

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